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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Quite substantial... but I share the frag with another bro, so the damage is only 50% It's one of the more rare species... but I heard maintaining the colour is a challenge
  2. Damn it... look at the size of the polyp... all 7 polyps are about the same size (with the other Zoos) when I bought it 2 weeks ago... almost double in diameter Probably Giant Red Ruby Zoos I got here
  3. Emm... a CR... interesting... that way I can make good use of the Aquatronica computer
  4. Just finish a weekly 5% water change. My latest parameters: Specific Gravity: 1.023 pH: 7.9 – 8.2 KH: 9.6 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 10 Phosphate: 0 Calcium: 430 Magnesium: 1110 Nitrate is a tad high... already added Tunze Calcium Hydroxide into the dispenser hoping to bring Ca up to 450... Magnesium is the real challenge... will continue to do water change and dosing to bring it up to 1300.
  5. I know... i know... but I'll let other guess first... actually there are more than 1 equipment lor...
  6. It doesn't affect my Zoos at all... you know me so well
  7. Can someone help ID this hitchiker? It looks like a form of brown Xenia to me And they're growing steaadily off my common Zoos
  8. Yes 1.022 is ok... the task now is to maintain to that level all the time...
  9. I've already decom my 24G Nano Cube. The dimensions for my old tank is roughly 36" by 36" by 34" The Reefpack 500 fits a standard 2ft tank better
  10. Haiz... everybody is going for ATI nowadays... it's like the recent Zoos craze
  11. Yeah a hood will make ur tank looks much neater and also minimize evaporation (a little)... and also stop lizards and croaches to jump into the tank :lol
  12. Dear diary, Remember to feed Orange Plate tomorrow
  13. Very sharp eyes... I am not worried about the Zoos... as for the Gonios... this pix was taken with only the left MH on, once the right MH on... the illumination will be a lot better... the Bubble looks happy there too.
  14. New toy will only arrive next week... but I've seen and tested the Aquatronica at the LFS... so I am confident it's gonna be a heck-of-a-piece-of-high-tech-equipment
  15. I like the Eagle eye look-alike... perhaps we can trade some frags next time
  16. Yupe... but real estate in my tank is extremely prime... must choose my coming corals with great care Probably will only go for rare/uncommon specimens
  17. Hammers and Frogspawns moved to the left corner above my Zoos Garden... I like my new scaping
  18. To lower PH, you need to do water change... do it slowly
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