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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yes... the 6 tubes version comes with 3 fans... noise is somehow inevitable especially when you have 3 of them running at the same time. However, the speed of the fan is adjustable (5 to 6 different speeds) so if not an especially hot day, I will not go full blast! This piece of information was provided to me: The ATI Powermodul's fans sucks air into the casing, the air will not get direct contact with the light tubes hence greatly increasing its lifespan... the air will be separated from the tubes by the reflectors. The air is used to cool the E ballasts... then sip through the side of the reflectors... flowing through the surface between the tubes and the plexi-glass protector... then directed to one end of the fixture with vents... sounds quite convincing to me
  2. Finally!!! There's hope for my 3-legged Sand Sifting Star
  3. It's a mixture of a few factors: 1) My water is always crystal clear (thanks to Reef-fresh System) 2) My glass is German black glass, not green so distortion of colour is minimized 3) Lighting plays a part and getting better and better 4) Camera also not too bad 5) Yes, photo editing skills (I am a designer) 6) I usually take 3 to 5 shots of the same subject... then select the best one Hope this answers your question
  4. Lucky I am quite smart... See... my Leather becomes more hairy than before
  5. I think my fishes can also tell the difference... how often do you see an entire fleet of Anthias hide inside a cave?
  6. Wah bro... setting a trap for me ah... if I say yes, I will "kena" shoot upside-down... inside-out... there are a lot of very successful MH users out there leh... nevertheless what we can see with our eyes can be very deceiving... I shall let my corals speak for itself... For comparison sake: Old: Solite Type 03 (3ft) - sit on top of my tank approx. 8cm from water surface 2 x 150W MH BLV Nepturion 14000ºK + 2 x DD Aquablue Plus HO T5 39W New: ATI Powermodul (3ft) - hang on top of my tank approx. 10cm from water surface 4 x ATI Aquablue Spezial 39W + 2 x ATI Blue Plus 39W
  7. Found this pix from ATI website (German version ) Now I know why the main wire is positioned in that manner... actually it looks so good hanging together with the wire lor... emm... maybe I see how I can make mine work
  8. The ballast is in-built. Electonics but I have not open the fixture to check the brand... I got a confirmation that the ballast is definitely German made But too bad I can't see inside, they construct the fixture in a way the reflectors (in a single sheet) is actually covering all the internal parts.
  9. I sure do hope so... one thing very funny... I think the lights are so bright... the entire fleet sometimes hide inside a cave Well at the same time "car wash" lor
  10. Unfortunately not yet... I will buy some Live Brine Shrimp this weekend to entice them a bit... here's another pix taken under my new light fixture... in case I don't see them anymore Come to think of it... I was extremely bold yesterday to have the courage to net 10 Dispar Anthias!!!
  11. I dunno how to best describe the sudden expansion of my Bubble... from a Healthy specimen to a Giant specimen... It is way too unbelievable actually... here's a pix (taken 8.52pm just now - 3 hours of ATI)... the Bubble grow so huge (at least 20% larger than normal) evading into my Ferrari Red Mushrooms space... at the time of posting... my Mushrooms are already under stress... I need to act now It's wonderful but at the same time annoying!!! Coz Giant corals = less room for new corals
  12. Bro... very impressive... you are a REAL PRO now... how often do we get Chromis laying eggs on glass panels!!! Do keep on posting... I am extremely curious and hopeful that one day my fishies will lay eggs too
  13. Em... with this kinda bloom... PO4 definitely above 0.03 one... perhaps you wanna consider investing in another "stocking bag" of PO4 control media just in case the seller sorta remembered wrongly But again, algae bloom is common in new tanks... so just let it happen but you must be careful with some corals for example, your Bubble must not allow algae to grow on its skeleton... or else... gone liao
  14. Ok time to reveal something really UNCOOL about this fixture... one that sorta turn me off (a little)... it's a nice idea to have a single thick wire out instead of 3... but a thick cheap-looking grey wire is quite a bad choice. The location of the outlet is also quite unstrategic so now I have a wire hanging out from the left side of my tank
  15. My Pink Gonio (one of my favourites) was not opening for the last 4 days... I did a rescaping and it dropped that night to the sand bed facing down... the pix below was taken yesterday 7.54 (3 hours of MH)... I thought it was not gonna make it This pix was taken 10.34pm just now (4 hours of ATI)... it's just too amazing lor... but I've not done any water change/dosing/coral feeding today... so the improvements must be light driven. Note: All timing is accurate coz my iPhoto will record/display time taken by my Sony digicam.
  16. Oh Man!!! How could that be possible!!! Take more photos... this is going to be very educational to all bros and sis And congratz!!!
  17. Bro so sad to see the TBT... 3 months already... so we bought our TBT around the same time... perhaps you need to do something about your overflow box coz if BT can get in... a lot of other fishes also can Algae bloom is normal... what's your PO4 level? And what r u using to control it? I know you running a FR now, but what's the content? Coz I tried the Aquapharm SORB-4 with quite good results Don't worry bro... they will go away... eventually
  18. Do I sound like I'm advertising for someone... emm... perhaps... but guys do rest assured I will do this review as I am experiencing it... so if there's anything that "sucks" with this product I will definitely reveal Ok here's my first featured coral... my stressed Red Gonio... was stressed by my moving RBTA last weekend... not opening well for the past few days (see pix below) Here's how it looks like after 4 hours of ATI I've not done any dosing/feeding/water change whatsoever today... so I am quite confident that the sudden improvement is light driven.
  19. Not only the corals... my fishes are so much more colourful now!!! Considering the whole fixture is made in Germany... it's considered cheap compared to a German made MH fixture (which I can't afford for the time being)
  20. Wow! Bro Dazza you been in the hobby for ages... "old kaki" Here's how my tank looks like now The PowerModule is very neatly hung from the ceiling... using 2 very ###### looking stainless steel wire... very elegant and the drilling of my concrete ceiling is definitely worth the efforts... err the installers' efforts Oh look at the size of that Bubble!!! Previously I only have 1 giant Hammer... now another giant!!! Emm... I didn't know LPS enjoys T5 as much as MH... if not better You may find my next few postings very disturbing... coz after running the ATI tubes for less than 4 hours... the difference is so so obvious... I will start posting before and after effects Definitely not for the faint hearted
  21. I'm a designer and my life is all about making myself happy and right now, reefing and SRC really help me destress and stay passionate about life I'm considered lucky coz a lot of people out there live life without passion
  22. Err... becoz I have a job and I have $0.00 in my bank?
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