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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Approx. 1 hour running the WHITEs (together with the BLUEs)... this pix has not gone through any colour correction (whatsoever)
  2. Nothing concrete yet... but it will be quite grand in terms of scale and equipments line-up... Depending on how much my company makes last year, this year and next I try not to rush into it coz I am still learning everyday... perhaps I can do a better tank design when I reach to a more expert level To be frank with you... I didn't keep count how much I spent on this tank... perhaps I should keep counting
  3. Bro thanks for the compliment... nah my setup haven't reach the 5-digit mark yet... a new larger tank already in the drawing board... probably next year or something
  4. 1 hour of BLUEs... I am quite amazed by the corals reacting to the new tubes... normally they will not open so fully under blue light... considering only 1 hour of exposure and very little sunlight from my heavily curtained window. This pix has not gone through any photo editing for colour enhancement (whatsoever)... with my previous MH, I always have to tweak my photos coz they usually turn out greenish... another plus point of this so-called downgrading... so that I can spend lesser time on photo editing software... more time reefing and SRCing
  5. jervismun


    I've recently upgraded from Sicce Multi 2500 to Aquabee 3000. I am extremely happy with it... despite the high cost. IMO, both Eheim and Aquabee are very good and reliable pump. In the end, it's up to you to choose a more exclusive brand (Aquabee) or a more mass market brand (Eheim) coz Eheim also produces low-end products.
  6. What veggie u serving? I have great success with Local Lettuce
  7. This is my new lighting schedule: 2.30pm to 4.30pm (2 hours) - Blue x 2 4.30pm to 11.30pm (7 hours) - White x 4 + Blue x 2 11.30pm to 12.30am (1 hour) - Blue x 2 The 3 in-built fans will on/off together with my Blue tubes
  8. Oh yeah... and start all over again? I think it's good to show some "before" pix so that the readers there can be inspired by your setup... and do mention the name "Atlantis" coz I'm sure a lot of Atlantis tanks out there needed major revamping and you shall be their successful case study
  9. Pix usually helps... that's how I manage to sell most of my used TOYS... we are all visual people
  10. Nah most of the time, they won't. Since it is still inside the betta box... you wanna try move some small frag of Zoos, mushies... something inside the box... see if it nips
  11. I think I've dominated the forum bad enough... another top readership thread? Emm... leave some readership to you lah! lol
  12. I am no "old bird" but here's my try: 1) It's a process called molting... if the shells irritate you, remove them. They usually dissolves after a few days (in a big tank) 2) Not all fishes allow cleaner shrimps to touch them... a good anemone can help keep Nemo healthy and happy... but i am not suggesting you get one coz the "Hiroshima" effect can easily wipe out your entire tank including the bacterias!!! 3) Listen to the "guru" (Altantis)... he is right. Do continue to add Nitrifying Bacteria (according to the bottle instructions)... and slow down in stocking. When all the Nitrite is to be converted to Nitrate (a less harmful form)... you will have to find ways to get rid of them. Let me add something... Your method: Less efficient skimming = more nutrients to be broken down by N.Bacts = end product Nitrate will still be left in your tank to be dealth with. Unfortunately, Nitrate will not disperse into the air or something. My method: Sufficient skimming (coz I am not using some super efficient skimmer, yet) = nutrients to be broken down by N.Bacts (due to heavy stocking) = end product Nitrate will be reduced and controlled using my Nitratreductor 1000. The anaerobic bacteria inside the NR1000 will convert Nitrate into Nitrogen... so upon returning to the main tank (in drips) the Nitrogen will escape into the air... hence a bit of bad-egg smell. Better method (for certain/demandind circumstances): Highly effective skimming = low nutrients to be broken down by N.Bacts = not much end product Nitrate to be taken care of later... coz most of the nutrients were extracted out in the very beginning. But this could mean low nutrient water for some nutrient loving corals esp. some LPS.
  13. Wah I didn't know Sxxxhxx giving out huge bonus packages!!! And I didn't know you hv a son!!!
  14. Very intense red indeed... gonna be a fine specimen... is it eating yet? And you sure knows how to balance the colour of your LS... BT, YT and Flame Angel is a proven combination!!!
  15. I don't think there's a lot of interested readers... look at the no. of readers... well I pass the updating to you... go start a very nice gallery since you have plenty of pix right now... don't tell me you went out and get a MAC to do nice nice picture!!!
  16. I was led to very interesting thread this morning... just wanna share with you guys... hopefully I can also learn more about this hobby and start to get rid of some of my equipments... to be frank with you... I would very much like to get rid of my chiller... I hate (and love) this piece of equipment the day I bought it http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=49272&st=0 Enjoy the reading (and a bit of flaming) But to me... this is healthy
  17. Thanks bro for leading me to that thread... I will add a link to that thread on my side too... it's very interesting to know people from the other extreme... I still think that I wouldn't come so far if not becoz of $$$... that is my personal view (of course)
  18. Hey bro after looking at your Hammer pix for a while, I think I know why it's now extending well... you bought the short tentacle type... I also have 1 colony exactly the same in terms of tentacle thickness and colouration... and it is not extending also
  19. Bro Maxstar Just for you... my Xenia is splitting... I guess this specimen is very happy with its current possition, high up, high current, high lighting
  20. Try not to be humble bro... once you added a Tunze wavemaker that costs 4-digit... you are already considered semi-hightech... And your tank inhibitants are already showing good signs... so be bold enough to claim your status!!!
  21. Bro yeah the Xenia looks happy and the nice thing is, they co-exist quite well with my Leather Coral as they are extremely close to each other... yeah I also hope my DA will eat soon... my fav fish? No lah... didn't buy lah... still considering... no harlequin shrimps... the star lost 2 of its arms 3 weeks ago... but can see they are growing back now
  22. Hi Lyz, I think they should do fine... a lot of bros keep them under T5 with success... however I will still keep a close eye on them for the coming days... luckily they've been on the sand bed for more than a week now, so the transition is actually not too shocking to them (I hope)... I can always move them upwards if they seem unhappy
  23. 2 separate power plugs... 1 for White... 1 for Blue Configurations are as follow (Left to right): White • Blue • White • White • Blue • White Another power plug is for the fan with built-in speed controller
  24. Hehe... very innovative indeed... Here's my last pix of the day... will update more tomorrow
  25. Actually I have the following people to thank: 1) Bro Qxnviolet - His Solite T5 fixture was the first 4 tubes T5 I've seen on a 3ft tank and I was amazed by the brightness... that was when I started toying with the idea of downgrading 2) Bro Hammy - For sharing with me how satisfied he is with his 2ft T5... and encouraging me getting a 6 tubes fixture... we also had many conversations on T5 vs. MH and ATI vs. other brands 3) Bro Altantis - For upgrading all his tubes to ATI as soon as the stocks arrived... although have not seen his tank after the upgrading... his pix and corals show so much improvements 4) AM - For bringing in such an amazing product... I've shop around and I've considered a few brands... nothing comes close... AM if you are reading this... bring in more tubes... no point of distributing such a great product and the supply doesn't meets the demand for all of you... I am very happy today
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