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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yeah... came to realize... it's a very decent pump for that price range
  2. Disaster!!! My Red Dragon 6,5m3 return pump DIED yesterday... again Luckily i have another Aquabee 2000 running as a backup return I've decided not to fix the pump anymore! I've given it a chance before and it'd let me down again So I called Steve and within hours... a replacement pump is ready for my collection With the correct valve connectors installed... literally within hours I brought the Aquabee 7000 back... and my return is back in action in less than 5 minutes AM for their quick response
  3. I will update tomorrow... really like bro uyopong's avatar http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h172/lalat73/Snizz-1.gif
  4. Time to introduce my recent acquisitions from AM... let's start with my first Yellow Turbinaria Cup Coral, Turbinaria The polyps extended only on the 3rd day
  5. Using ME since the beginning... lovin' it!!! Here's my latest FTS btw
  6. Bro do you have a separate pump for return? The Eheim 1250 doesn't seem too strong for me considering the height and distance the water gotto travel Is there a way to elevate your Teco chiller by 2.5ft? That will save you 5ft worth of distance and reduce the overall height significantly
  7. Stop poisoning me bro... I am beginning to see some fruits of my hard labour and now you wan me to start all over again?
  8. Correction from a bro... it's a Purple Sameonsis
  9. Err... beginning to look a bit "bushy" The Purple Sarmentosa (center) from Walt Smith is quite demanding... hopefully the colour will improve further in this new location
  10. Can see a few new pieces in this partial tank shot Really proud of my PBT... first attempt... very fat
  11. Hi bro! Really? Which one is you? Luckily I blurred the faces Nice meeting ya... although the situation a bit tensed
  12. Bought 9 pieces... will post tomorrow as they were a little stressed out after all the travelling and gluing
  13. Welcome to the club... I personally think you should have some kinda feature to your scaping i.e. cave, overhang, mountain, lagoon... having 2 separate piles of rocks can be nice too with a valley in between
  14. Another shot... here you can see my bg fat GoldFlake Angel
  15. Will share with you guys my BATTLE CHEST later Let's start off with a FTS
  16. Was at Aqua Marin Katong this afternoon... definitely worth the effort
  17. Preparing myself for 2pm SPS shipment AM Katong
  18. SPS shipment at Aquamarin Katong, 2pm!!! Don't miss the fun guys I will be there
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