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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. My advice... bring it back as quick as possible... if the LFS refuse to exchange it... then do let us know of such bad bad LFS
  2. Oh man... if ever happens in my tank... I would probably treat it as some dirt and wipe it off with my magnet cleaner... hahaha!!!
  3. Yes there are a few brands... your can try Rowaphos (market leader) or Aquapharm SORB-4 (cheaper alternative)
  4. Not that I intended to... perhaps I sound too excited... too bad I can't conduct an open house as I am not staying alone... you can drop by a certain LFS to see their 2ft show tank... installed with 2ft 6 tubes Powermodul Let your eyes judge for themselves
  5. My DA hanging around the unidentified plate-looking coral... the GSP is looking nice and healthy
  6. My Dispar Anthias are eating... I can't be sure all of the 10 specimens but almost all of them are taking the frozen Brine Shrimps
  7. Here's how the entire set of wires/cables/adaptors look like. The black box on top (quite sleek actually) is the "splitter" (I can't figure out the right term to describe it)... from a single thick wire connecting to the fixture to 3 individual wires (this is a very smart feature as my old Solite has 3 separate cables running straight into the fixture). The German plug on the right... although very inconvenient... it's somehow reassuring whenever I receive equipments with German plugs
  8. Since we touched on the fans... here's how the adaptor looks like... em... kinda ugly looking actually... very similar to my Tunze Osmolator... chunky and bulky. It's a normal 2-pin and the fans speed controller is on the right side... currently I set the fans to highest speed. I actually expect this adaptor to be a bit more refined looking And of course when it comes to safety... they have the CE... blah blah blah... I always believe that products fit for sale in Europe (especially Germany, UK and France) will feature the highest safety standards. The safety assurance is very very important to me coz most of the equipments (such as powerheads and pumps) run almost 24/7... and I don't have a maid at home to help look after the tank while I'm away for work or travel
  9. Here's a pix of my Orange Plate... I've not seen so many tentacles coming out from its skeleton before... must be the new ATI... now can someone tell me if this is a good sign or a bad sign?
  10. Wanna share with you guys one of my weekly maintenance... toping up of water into the Tunze air tight container (7 US gal) using filtered water (not RO/DI) plus Seachem Prime. I will also dose in 1 1/2 tea spoon of Calcium Hydroxide (aka Limewater aka Kalkwasser) into the Tunze Calcium Dispenser. So when the Osmolator top up the water... the water will pass through the Kalkwasser and into my main tank. A low-tech solution but works quite well for me (so far) in keeping Calcium level 420 to 450 constantly. My tank tops up 5 to 7 US gal of freshwater weekly... I really can't imagine not having this great piece of equipment
  11. Hehe... you already knew the answer
  12. AFTER Here's a pix of my RBTA taken 15 minutes ago... the tentacles are evenly rounded... have not move an inch since yesterday Notice its colours are also enhanced?.. at least to our ###### eyes and to the camera lense
  13. BEFORE Pix taken 7 June 06 7.15pm - The tentacles are now so rounded and fat... somewhat irregular in shape... and it moves around a bit upsetting my other corals... my Red Gonio being one of the casualties
  14. I know... I'm quite amazed by it also... once hung... never look back Here's how the hanging mechanism looks like... this little stainless steel gadget allows the light to be adjusted... up down... angle tilting too...
  15. Yes the speed of the fans are controllable manually... ATI does have a version where both the intensity of the light tubes (with dimming function) and the fans are computer controlled. That will be my next TOY Yupe... since you mentioned it (I didn't brought that up coz I dun wan to advertise for them too much... since I am not paid to do this)... their 2ft nano display is so damn impressive under the ATI Powermodul. Their old Atman (I think) MH fixture cannot even come close... I heard from them the corals adapt quite well... but the Purple Tang inside developed minor white spots due to the sudden change of light intensity... personally I think their scaping doesn't allow much room for the fishes to hide especially for that oversized PT Here's a pix of my Lime Green Gonio As happy as ever... if not more... the RBTA seems happier too with fatter tentacles... I will post before and after pix later
  16. For those of you interested in hanging light fixture... this T5 lightset is extremely ###### and superb workmanship from the installer
  17. Oh I must add something... I miss the "shimmering effect" a little
  18. About the tubes: The combination of the tubes give a rather WHITE with a bit of PINK/BLUE in it... extremely eye-pleasing... the effect is quite similar to the Aqua Medic Aqualine 16000ºK MH bulb I saw at Aqua Mart's show tank... I wanted to upgrade to that bulb originally with a price tag of close to $200 a piece... but that time no stock... The pinkish hue also enhances the colour of my fishes... if any LFS is to use this combo lighting in their fish tanks... surely they can sell their fishes 25% more than others I think people will pay coz the colour enhancement is pretty obvious
  19. Thanks... I guess I was just lucky to picked a healthy specimen and chosen the right placement for it... I wonder how they will do under my new T5 lighting though
  20. True true... I am not particular strong in maths to start with... so just let my passion take control
  21. A close up of the hanging mechanism... this little gadget will allow easy adjustment... up down... tiltling of the angle... if I am to get a spare set of hands, I will shoot how the mechanism is to be operated ... perhaps get a tripod or something
  22. Here's how the hanging looks like... extremely sleek actually... damn ######... so much better than I've anticipated IMHO the LFS I bought from did a fantastic job in installing the unit... not only that, I appreciate the fact that they take extra precautions to ensure my study room is not messed-up by the drilling
  23. As far as my Hammer goes... seems pretty happy... as if it can't tell the difference between MH and T5 Important Note: I urge all interested bros and sis to keep visiting this review (from time to time) coz I will continue reviewing this product for the coming weeks. The corals may look happy now... but who knows what will happen one week later... so do drop by and see the corals for yourself
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