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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. The fans are not as quiet as I've expected them to be... but again... how quiet can 3 CPU fans running full force be? So now, I've adjusted the speed to the second highest instead A bro PM me to ask if the fans are automatically controlled by heat... well... I sure hope they introduce such feature but that will only bring up the cost I believe... another 10% to 15%? Emm... maybe more On the higher end, they do have a model with built-in computer but no price indication yet lor... or else I might...
  2. Luckily my Pink Gonio is on the other side of the scaping... no casualty this time round... just that I need to allocate at least 2 hours to do EPOXY scaping tomorrow night lor
  3. New light? Show pix leh... I'm sure your corals will thank you for your effort in bringing them LIGHT!!! You must take drastic move to control your algae already... your skimmer died? So what model are you considering?
  4. I am so so angry... see... accidents do happen... the culprit this time... BIG MAMA!!! She uses her huge body force to move rocks away from the RBTA!!! Luckily the rocks missed my Prata... gonna do something very radical tomorrow... EPOXY!!! I've had enough of rearranging my LR all the time
  5. Hahaha... I must have been out of my mind when I purchased them last week... they are very small specimens and if I can successfully keep them till they grow big... I will use that excuse to upgrade to a larger tank I'm happy they are all eating and very healthy looking to Irwana for bringing in such stable fishes... 10 out of 10 leh...
  6. Aiya... I really dunno what to say anymore about this high-tech low-tech topic... mine high-tech? Sure or not? I just downgraded from MH to T5... unless you guys are referring $$$ to being high-tech... I am confused Zoos... emm I have plenty of them already and most of them are growing like wildfire... oh I spotted a new polyp forming on my 7-polyp colony of Red Rubies Gonios doing fine... considering the near disaster and all... I am trying to find a nice spot to locate my Red Gonio... using epoxy this time
  7. I tried using chopped market prawn... see
  8. Hehe... what fixture are you using coz not all ballast can bring out the true potential of the tubes If you let me know the model/brand/country of origin, I can check for you if the fixture is compatible to ATI
  9. Wow! I'm sure it's gonna be a real beauty very soon... if not already
  10. Yeah it's the price that usually scare reefers away... but in terms of reliability... they are the best in the market
  11. Yeah All my Dispar Anthias are eating... I fed them (and the rest of the guys) Cyclopeeze and they get so excited I am preparing frozen brine shrimp with Garlic Guard for them now It will be my greatest satisfaction if I can keep all 10 specimens alive for months to come
  12. Your setup is pretty simple but getting the RED SEA protein skimmer is a very good first step. For me, the success of a system very much lies on the effectiveness of the protein skimmer... its ability to remove excess nutrients and detritus from the water instantly... with your water volume, you can be sure that the skimmer will run super efficiently Good investment
  13. Updatz for the day... everything seems fine and normal except for my RBTA... moving downwards Seems like it is trying to get less light
  14. Here's how cozy my Nemo can get with the Zoos... the black patches on its body come and go... possibly stinging from Zoos?
  15. Running 25min is not bad at all... mine runs for an hour, but stop for 2. How often yours kick in? Coz the more often they kicks-in the more electricity they consume. Perhaps you are using an incompatible pump.
  16. Ah a nice colony of Zoos... great choice... Zoos are always very nice to introduce at the beginning
  17. Very clean and nice setup... and moving the chiller further away from the tank is a smart idea How's your clam doing? If it is not doing well... don't worry, they can be quite demanding at times... if it is doing well... congratz!!!
  18. Yupe to a point my Zoos don't care anymore... they are too used to something brushing against them
  19. Err... bro it does look like it in this pix... Die liao... I've introduced a DIFFICULT SPS specimen into my tank!!! Merulina Coral (Merulina ampliata) Care Level: Difficult Light: High Water Flow: Medium Placement: Middle to Top Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12 Color Form: Blue, Brown, Cream, Green, Pink, Violet Temperament: Peaceful Ideal Supplements: Calcium, Trace Elements Origin: Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Red Sea Family: Merulinidae The Merulina Coral is a small polyp stony (SPS) coral also known as Lettuce, Cabbage, Ridge, or Ruffled Coral. Most aquarists will receive the species M. ampliata that commonly lives in lagoons and other sheltered areas of the reef. Merulina Coral colonies begin life as an encrusting coral. With time, growth, and prevailing conditions, they start to develop the more spectacular structures that have made them famous with reef aquarists everywhere. It is normal to see the intricate skeleton frame through its skin. Fan-like plates are usually the first to form. More plates then form in the center of the fan, creating a ruffled appearance that truly resembles a head of cabbage or lettuce. The Merulina Coral will need a high light level and placement at mid-level or higher in the aquarium with a medium water movement. While it rarely exposes its polyps, they may occasionally be seen at night. The sweeper tentacles that are used to gather food will reach about three inches in length. It is, therefore, a good idea to keep other corals outside of this range. For continued good health, it will require the addition of calcium, strontium, and other trace elements to the water. It will benefit from additional food in the form of micro-plankton or brine shrimp twice a week. Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 2" to 3"; Medium: 3" to 4"; Large: 4" to 6"
  20. Have not update my ZOOS GARDEN for a while now... I've moved some of my more precious Zoos away from the cluster to avoid cross breeding
  21. jervismun


    All the names mentioned are good stuff lor... of course depending on your needs and budget in the end... but for my next project... I don't mind trying H&S
  22. Depending on how big is ur tank and what's your stock level... the best is to have dedicated FR to run the medium inside for maximum performance. If not, placing the stocking bag inside ur sump (or canister) is also acceptable. Just make sure there are sufficient water flowing thru the bag... if not, it defeats the purpose of having it in there.
  23. Ahh... ok... I feed it once a week using chopped market prawn... and tomorrow is feeding day
  24. Emm... discovered something today... can any kind bro help ID the colony of dark pink (unopened) polyp-looking thingy growing on the based of my Xenia... are they Star Polyps?
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