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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Sorry to hear that. Nothing to do with high Ca. Alk/Kh a tad high but not the culprit. Mg is perfect! PO4 is acceptable range also. How long have u been keeping them? What other corals u have in ur tank? Lighting? Temperature? Possibly salinity too.
  2. I'm quite surprise the parents are not guarding their eggs... but again what can 2 Chromis do to a grazing Turbo snail?
  3. I've got a spiltting polyp in Pink... sorta not opening big enough to be considered "happy" so I'm a bit hesitant to get more... and of course the price is quite shocking
  4. Established fishies just die like that? Emm... don't scare me leh... I have not have the chance for any fishes to be considered established (tank only 2+ months) but I don't think I can take it if my Chevy just dies like that lor... So how's the Chromis' eggs? Any progress?
  5. What bro said is so so true... my bill also shoot up... but since both of you are into it... definitely worth the money lar... I'm spending all the money and only enjoying it alone All said, I'm sure you guys will manage with 2 x the income and 2 x the effort... in fact it may even bring you guys closer together... learning together... definitely better than Orchard shopping... buying Gucci bags... watching movies and clubbing... this is a special hobby for special people... yeah I am special Let's start the fire!!! And so nice... already got help offer
  6. Yes the whole world is waiting... already got waiting list for my Percula 90!!! Yes sis, do consider carefully. It's not easy to maintain a big tank. Money aside... it's the time put in... changing water is a lot more tedious... siphoning out the water for a 4ft tank will take a berry long time compared to your tank... but when it comes to reefing... nothing beats the real thing... and getting a sizeable tank is a very good first step. That's why I upgraded from a Nano Cube to a 3ft within 6 weeks... it's just so much more fun!!!
  7. Emm... fluctuations are unavoidable for a small tank like yours... (example a small cup of coffee will cold easily compared to a big kettle of hot water)... it's going to be a constant challenge for you not just in temperature but in almost all parameters (except salinity maybe). IMO, the 6 fans are quite redundant, they will do more harm than good to your tank. High surface air flow is not very good when it comes to evaporation. For your tank, you may find evaporation a constant chore (to top-up) and if the water is to go down for more than 5%... more than enough to affect your salinity already. Let the CL85 do its job. Regarding temperature fluctuations... a difference of 2ºC to 3ºC within a day is still acceptable for fishes and hardy corals... more than that can be disastrous. If you place your tank in an air-con room... it's even trickier as the water temp can go very low (say 24ºC) at night. The best is for you to identify the lowest temperature your water will drop within a day (be it natural ventilation or air-conditioned). Say 24ºC at night, then set your chiller to 26ºC. So during day time, the temperature will always be maintained at 26ºC - 27ºC (which is acceptable coz it is around 3ºC difference to your lowest temp. I'm sure you will know how to work out this simple formula
  8. Here's my latest FTS... most of the corals are not fully opened yet... will take more close up shots later... the water is still a little cloudy! A bro will come collect my Solite MH later... he is into Freshwater... wah so extravagant... MH for Freshwater!!! See if my tank can inspire him to switch He is the second person (reefer) to see my tank in person... red carpet plzzzzz
  9. Wow... 6ft? Emm... that's a different ball game altogether... IMO once the tank reaches a certain scale... you really gotto start seriously look at the equipments you buy... no more cheap China immitation... must get the real thing already... thats just my personal opinion btw and I'm sure some bros agree with me
  10. Of course it's not for everyone... this is not a mass market product... can never be... will never be... that's what makes owning one kinda special... and worth doing a 50 pages review... don't get me wrong... I am not against mass market product... just that every product cater to a different market segment Ok back to our review... here's a latest FTS from the left side (after a 2 1/2 hours rescaping)... why? Go to my thread and see... 2 words... BIG and MAMA
  11. WOW!!! Upgrading so fast!!! IMO should go for 4ft coz my 3ft is way too short to really play with the scaping. With 4ft you can have 2 Tunzes facing each other (like bro Altantis Atlantis tank)
  12. Hehe let me try to answer *mr. smart guy*... I've considered that model before when I first started my Nano Cube. This model is not using coil/compressor (whatever you call it) like the normal chillers. This little guy uses fan to chill, so the noise is more like CPU fan noise (correct me if I am wrong). Shouldn't give any problem lah since it is so new... since your tank is quite small... I don't think you will overworked this little guy... so should be able to last for quite a while :-) What's the WATT?
  13. Haha... let's put our differences aside... at least we have a common product review to do and welcome abroad This is so much more fun Wow!!! Extremely beautiful Eagle EYE!!! Perhaps you wanna show us a pix of the same colony using your old Blue tube. Then show us a FTS with the T5 tubes... don't you just love the Aquablue Spezial colouration?!? It's awesome!!! So you gonna get the Aquatronica the same time as me? Or earlier?!?
  14. IMO the amount of LR you plan to add is way too much... double your existing LR is bound to create problem. But the problem is... if you wait for too long... LR will become DR (died)... so you are in a very bad situation... maybe what you can do is... freshwater dip (for a few minutes) those nice pieces you wanna add (shouldn't exceed 25% your existing LR)... add them in... no need to catch the fish, they will survive one, unless you have highly sensitive fishes... turn your skimmer and filters to full blast!!! The rest... well... just my 2 cents
  15. Squid can also... I remember serving it Henry's mix (got squid inside)
  16. Selling at the right time!!! Guys... ATI Retrofit will support fully ATI tubes... will definitely give you close to 100% performance :-)
  17. A zoom in pix showing the bulldozing in action... here's how she does it... she will open her jaw very wide (sorta like strengthening her jaw bone) and use her full body weight and aim at corners and tips of corals and rocks... fishes are so brilliant... those rocks are easily 3 times their body weight and size Dunno how Big Mama is doing in the kind bro's tank... will give him a sms later Hope she doesn't go crazy looking for her RBTA which happens to be 50km away
  18. If you guys ever wonder what's the extent of the destruction last night... here's a pix of the affected area... like "kena" hit by earthquake or a major landslide... those corals on the sand bed I picked up and arranged there until the new scaping is ready
  19. Work done... 2 1/2 hours... as expected and back ache... now have to sit up straight already Here's my first piece of LR using epoxy... this piece of LR is quite tricky to stay intact, so 3 sided mounted with Tunze Coral Fix. Used up the entire box tonight!!!
  20. I love those Pink Brocolli!!! Very nice!!! I heard they can be quite demanding... as long as you guys are changing water weekly (shouldn't be hard with 2 pairs of hands) I believe your corals will stay fit and happy :-) Don't worry about white spots too much... they do happen... remember... if it happens again, don't panic and buy some medication and dose your tank... it will (most probably) wipe out your entire tank And looking at the brightness of your tank... I got a feeling it is not High Output T5. But nevertheless it is good enough for your tank size... the expansion of your Gonio is the proof... I'm sure. Guys, I'm sure Melvyn Tan knows what he's talking about and not everyone is as brand concious as me
  21. Bro I think my previous statement was quite fair lor... you have to agree that the quality of ballasts used will affect tube performance... that's why I said "bring out the TRUE potential of the (ATI) tubes"... I don't suppose a $150 fixture can bring out the true/full potential of the tubes. No hard feelings... in life I suppose not everything must be of true potential... But since I'm doing a review, I must also make it clear to potential ATI users that the effects you see in my pix (or in my claims) are using ATI tubes on ATI fixtures... according to sources, some guy tried ATI tubes on a China fixture and the performance of the tubes is less than satisfactory... of course the reflectors play a part too and not to mention the phsycological part too... how many of us can really tell the level of light brightness with our bare eyes? Some of us can't even see colours correctly Yeah... another Aquatronica user... perhaps we can do a joint review as I am so so new in this kinda high-tech gadget Emm... how come you see my name ah... how come the certain LFS allow that... that's the problem of using your real name as a nick... I should've call myself ReefBuddy2946 or MarineManiac8247 I agree with you... the Blue is too bright. So bright until my corals starting to expand during the BLUE hours... nothing wrong with it I guess... just that we need to adjust a bit. Perhaps you can do a review on Actinic too as I will not be getting it when the next shipment comes in... too lazy to change tubes and I'm getting used to the brightness. Any pix that shows before (not nice) after (nice and bright... coral all happy) is relevant to this thread I guess But don't post other brands lah... that you will have to start a new thread
  22. Hi there... according to certain LFS... the retrofit unit they sell is good enough to bring out the potential of the ATI tubes. However, the e-ballast they use (depending on the price you pay) are still from China (a German brand made in China... just like Teco nowadays). The ATI Powermodul according to sources can easily enhance the ATI tubes intensity to 20% than normal fixture due to the well-tested/highly compatible German e-ballasts and the silver coated reflectors and the design and angle of the reflectors... I think it is a modest claim coz who can make better fixtures for ATI tubes than ATI? Emm... (quite controversial a statement! Good example: Apple and its OS... bad example: quite many I think). Best is to check with the LFS that sold you your retrofit fixture
  23. My tiny study room from wall to wall maybe around 9ft... how to fit the tank?!? Still have cabinet door and so on... Maybe it will remain a dream to me lor... a 9ft tank!!!
  24. 90% off? I rather keep it to illuminate my kitchen!!! Or scrap it for spare parts... I'm sure the Silver coated reflectors can sell well That was meant to be a joke ok... I love this fixture and I think I will keep it for my next project even... so now I can only play with a few configurations lor... 1) 3 ft cube x 2ft depth - surely not go deeper than that, dun think the T5 is good for clams on sand bed and I have short hands (use back the old ATI) 2) 6 ft (can get another fixture running side by side) 3) 9ft?!? Crazy horse ah?!?
  25. Yeah agree you need higher scaping since your tank so high Been reading your May postings... love the way you put them in betta box with cleaner wrasse and veggies... preparing them for the fight Like that kinda dedication and commitment... surely the Powder Puffs will survive the attack Love your clams too... mind showing a bit closeup shot of your clams? Are you using normal glass or special glass coz the pix show a tint of black (not green)... just like mine
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