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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. A close-up of my Prata... I know I've mentioned many times... bro Qxnviolet for the beautiful and healthy specimen
  2. Wow... beckett... then probably not the protein skimmer...
  3. From what I heard... for sure can use (as in the tubes will work on the Solite fixture)... may not give you 100% performance though... due to many reasons and the ballast is one major factor... reflectors another... still ATI is the best tubes money can buy (IMHO) be it China fixture or German fixture Example: Both a Mercedes and a Hyundai will benefit from higher octane petrol compared to lower (cheaper) pertrol... same concept in my opinion.
  4. So how's ur war against the nudists??? Opps... Nudis
  5. Well... yes.. only if you are the guy who posted the 2000th postings here... em... I should start planning how to celebrate my 2000th!!! A close-up pix just for your bro Alex
  6. Agree with bro Shoelevy... according to the Tunze 6060 manual, they are not designed for on-off operations... but if not exceeding 24 times a day, considered acceptable. So you may wanna consider the 6060 or 6080 models. Not costly considering they are very powerful, low wattage and German made. I am using a 6060 now and I am very happy with the POWER!!!
  7. Gotten 2 colonies from a kind bro... very nice specimens
  8. Can't wait But generally crabs (of a certain size) are not a very good choice especially if you plan to keep small and shy fishes... coz your crab looks very fierce to me
  9. New addition... my Ric Florida garden Waiting for them to open as most of them have multiple mouths... waiting to be split
  10. Wow!!! A very nice new tank... endless possibilities!!!
  11. This is what I used to construct my scaping now... part of it at least... I am kind addicted to it actually... now I can stick mushies and zoos here and there... even thinking of sticking my SUN underneath the overhang (just like Irwana's)
  12. Just finish feeding my LS with frozen mysis (w/ Garlic Guard)... I gave my Prata a chunk of mysis and it swallowed all of it... of course my Cleaner Shrimps will always try to steal those food trapped inside its grasps... damn "shiok" to watch... I have to use my long long syringe to make the shrimps go away Here's a pix of my happy Prata... emm... something new... I didn't know the inside of the Prata is textured... very much to do with the lighting... my previous MH (due to the brightness and shimmering effect) doesn't allow me to see so much details
  13. Oh I know now... jsut like the old fashion eheim rod with lots of parallel holes :-)
  14. 1) Using this... supplied with the NR1000 recommended use by the LFS... I know it's funny come to think of it... might as well use a T-off 2) That's what I was told... if there are sufficient Deniballs... Denimar will act as a secondary food source... secondary feeding of once a week or forthnightly can help boosts anaerobic bacteria growth and sustainability in the long run...
  15. Price of LS fluctuates... mainly driven by demand and supply... from what I know... Randall was in high demand a couple of months back (with the Nano craze)... I bought one last 2 weeks for $10.
  16. PM your details... I will try to drop by after work tomorrow... or something
  17. You mean sprinkler system to recreate rain? Emm... maybe for mangroves... other than that... dun see much use... maybe can add some lightning too
  18. The only 2 corals I can think of are SUNS and Sea Fans... but both need strong current.
  19. As long as it's eating... the disappearance has nothing to do with feeding/hungry... u may wanna do a major water parameters test tonight
  20. I have not seen mine open big big!!! I've only seen it with lots of tentacles... what's wrong with mine then... maybe they only open in the middle of the night, so I didn't get a chance to see it!
  21. Nice big tank... envy... keep posting!!!
  22. Hahaha... it's not that hard to make something looks good... considering the $$$ and time dumped in... but the real challenge is to keep its beauty consistently... just like everything else in life... consistency is the most difficult thing to achieve... even in a relationship That's why I can't stop posting... coz I'm using you guys to give me pressure... once I stop posting (no one watching)... I might just get lazy and everything will just fall apart... so keep on supporting me so that I don't talk to myself
  23. Bro, yes it's expected to be zero... an indication that the NR1000 is working... NO3 in my main tank is only 2 now... possibly going zero in 3 days time (if I don't add new LS)... thanks for your passive support... go ACTIVE!!!
  24. Wow! The lighting effect is quite unique... it's nice really, now you can focus light loving corals at the center portion... lovely!
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