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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Hehe... before we throw out all the crab brand, prawn brand, fish brand, octopus brand... you got a rough budget in mind? Like... not exceeding certain amount? Coz a super protein skimmer for a 4ft tank can easily costs $1500
  2. Wah... all these while... only now you reveal your super neat tank!!! Love it!!! I'm gonna hack some walls also Can't wait to see how your sump looks like... I can see loads of stuff happening inside those cabinets Post post post Err... bro your tank is in the future ah? Your date shows year 2014!?!
  3. Can't be clownfish... do not have pair to start with... unless some inverts get asexual?!? LS in pairs and more: 1) Purple Firefish x 2 2) BE Anthias x 2 3) Dispar Anthias x 10 4) Snails??? 5) Sand Sifting Star x 2 (1 3-legged) 6) Cleaner Shrimp x 4 7) Tridacna Croceas x 2 Funny... other fishes will not touch the eggs... I expect them to be eaten
  4. Hey bro... how's the Chromis eggs doing? I found a bunch of eggs attached to my Crocea's shell too
  5. Updatezzzz lah... can't wait Bro go see my latest posting.... got EGGS!!!
  6. Ooppsss typo... repeat so many times some more... hehe copy paste mah... I have no idea... what u guys think? This is getting so damn "shiok"!!!
  8. Hahaha... ok I will observe it for a couple of days more... how's things over your side?
  9. True... I've seen it move... emm... any bro here with great success keeping RBTA with other corals? Well... I don't suppose there will be a lot of bros interested in this piece I am to Pasar Malam it
  10. Are the white patches a sign of bleaching? Emm... my ATI T5 bleaching my Green Bubble?!? The Bubble is placed 21" away from the T5 tubes
  11. There's no way unfortunately... but as long as it is not creating too much havoc... I will let it remain in the tank... it's so so beautiful I got a feeling once it settles down in a spot it likes... it will remain there for a while
  12. Wah!!! 25ºC...what a luxury... your corals are very spoilt
  13. Another pix... my Pink Zoos also not affected at all... you see how my RBTA's tentacles rest on top of my Zoos? Bubbles also doesn't seem to care much... nevertheless I shouldn't take chances... will monitor it very closely for the next couple of hours... any sign of stress, I shall intercept Don't you guys agree that this piece of RBTA is such a fine specimen... I really hope I don't have to give it away... perhaps to the kind bro who adopted Big Mama Probably my RBTA deserves the award "MISS FRIENDSHIP"
  14. Is there such thing as non-stinging Anemone? Coz I've observed that my RBTA is not affecting its tankmates at all... you see the green Zoos on top? The Hammer doesn't seem to be affected also althouth their tentacles come into contact sometimes... The RBTA is still quite far from my Lime Green Gonio (my favourite coral)... if it intimidates my Gonio... I will act
  15. My RBTA... finally out of hiding (2 days hiding inside the cave below)... notice those nice nice bubble tips... remind me of Strawberry flavoured condom Good news!!! My Red Gonio is doing very well... notice those new baby polyps forming around the base? Weren't there previously... I am very confident now that my T5 is doing a job well done
  16. Boby polyps forming on the outer rings of my Xenia... a good indication of growth... those purple "star polyp look-alike" at the bottom of my Xenia is spreading fast and I still have yet to ID them The Green Leather on the right is finally hairy again... after 2 days of being "glossy botak head"
  17. Good news!!! My Dispar Anthias finally accepted pellets... Ocean Nutrition Formula Two... have yet to try the rest... maybe later Here's my collection
  18. Thanks for the pix... but as mentioned earlier, if I'm not wrong, the e ballasts used for the PowerModul doesn't start with "O"... too bad I can't rip the thing apart to find out for myself... perhaps any bros out there can try open their PowerModul to share with us a pix or something. I know I should do it for the sake of the review... but I do not want to risk voiding the warranty or something... you know... "oh you're not suppose to open the unit... blah blah blah" all too familiar... no point arguing later with the distributor
  19. Yeah I believe all his fishies about the same size... unless he wanna try Big Mama
  20. Bros and sis... what do you think of my below plans I am going to receive my Aquatronica soon and I am planning to use it to control my Teco RA240 (TW/4) chiller (225W) instead of relying on the Teco's built-in thermostat. I believe this can offer much more flexibility to my tank especially during day time. Here's my plan: No light period (night and early morning) - 26ºC to 27ºC 2 x T5 (blue period) - 26ºC to 27ºC 6 x T5 (white + blue period) - 27ºC to 28ºC By having the (6 x T5 period) 1ºC higher will help me lessen the burden of my chiller. Will this affect my tank inhibitants? I am hoping that this will be a double-edge sword... conserving energy and be able to mimic nature closer, as I believe the water temperature of the ocean will easily rise 1ºC to 2ºC during day time. Another question is... my Teco chiller will kick-in when the temperature is reaches 1.5ºC above the set temperature. Do you suggest me continue with this 1.5ºC diff setting or go with 2ºC instead. I learned from some bros that frequent kicking-in will consume much more energy as to compared to longer running process... I am feeding my chiller with an Aquabee 3000 (submerged in my IOS, so quite a bit of travelling and head loss). A bro also told me it's better to rely on thermo probe placed in the main tank than to rely on the thermostat in-built into a chiller as the readings will be more accurate and representative of the main tank actual temperature. So basically what the Aquatronica does is to allow my chiller to be completely off (together with the thermostat) until the computer activates (switch on) the chiller externally... brilliant isn't it?!?
  21. Bro cannot afford the width Wow! A 4ft cube by a sis?!? Damn... she must be a tall person (with long arms)... scaping is definitely gonna be impressively real with that kinda depth but maintaining it can be a "brokeback" and "brokearm" session
  22. Hehe... unfortunately not as easy as that... considering my place has been renovated (move in) less than 3 years ago... don't think it's possible to move things again... unless lucky enough to find a bigger home (for me and my Nemo)
  23. Hehe... you have plenty of room for Zoos too... I am trying to make my Zoos grow all over my LR... you think that's a nice idea?
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