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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Love the big big leathers... very natural looking
  2. Not bad an idea bro Sunny... will ask around for advice how to build a aqua pod/brine shrimp farm
  3. Good choice bro... PR is know for their stable SPS... definitely higher chances in keeping it alive
  4. Yupe you can get the essentials first... then while waiting for your tank to cycle... you can save up for the lighting & etc.... that's how this hobby works... unless you "kena" lottery lar
  5. Yes!!! Sis MONKI!!! My 2000th postings!!! Congratulations Sis Monki... as promised... I will be passing my first Rics Florida to you as soon as I manage to split and propagate them (Note: that may take a while though... so don't be too excited ) guys for all the support
  6. My Hammers/Frogspawns/Octos are blooming as nicely as before
  7. Independent chamber currently not in use... there is a small hole at the bottom so sometimes small fishes will swim in here to "be alone" Yesterday, the entire fleet of Dispar Anthias swam in here... I also took the opportunity to feed them Any suggestion what to do with this chamber? Previously filled with LR but I removed the LR coz the flow in here is not good... currently I use this chamber for dosing stuff like KH powder and etc. Possibly for putting all my Aquatronica probes... but still a waste lor... this chamber is 13.5" by 15" by 24"... that's a lot of prime real estate
  8. Water direction bottom up: ---> Chamber #1 (not shown in pix) designed for filter foam... but find it blocking water flow and somewhat unpredictable at times (in maintaining constant water level inside the IOS)... so filled with bioballs instead... ---> Chamber #2 designed as a trickling filter... as I need to fill up with more water... I removed the original trickling plate (redundant)... an Aquabee 3000 is submerged inside connecting to my chiller... I filled the top portion with a stocking of Aquapharm SORB4 and bioballs... my Tunze Osmolator will top-up freshwater in this chamber... ---> Chamber #3 circulation pump directly back to the tank (at the bottom) using Aquabee 1000. The plastic container is actually my retrofit Tunze Comline filter w/ Turbelle pump (only runs occasionally esp. after feeding)... The white gadget stuck on the glass is my emergency sensor for my Tunze Osmolator (freshwater top-up)... the water level sensor is hidden beneath it... the tall guy is Aqua Medic Phosphatfilter filled with Carbolit and Antiphos using Aquabee 500 + gravity... so much things happening here Water flow within the chambers = Aquabee 3000 (minus head loss) + Aquabee 1000
  9. Haha sis... you really know how to "nice" talk to someone... oklah... one bro Maxstar's gobies settle down, I shall collect from you... anyway... I am thinking of setting up a NC in my office... one of my designers are very very interested in keeping Sea Horse... why not actually Can be fun... so I have another thread to updatezzzzzz Ok it's about time I introduce (again) my backstage crew... water direction right to left... ---> overflow comb (50% surface, 50% 1 1/2ft below) ---> the transparent tube transport water to the NR1000 via SP3000 dosing pump ---> my new addition (first line of defense) fine filter wool wrapped within a plastic netting (from Tunze filter bell) traps tons of dirt and uneaten food... gotto change everytime I empty my skimmer cup... also acts as a silencer... no more water splashing sound ---> Aqua Medic Turboflotor w/ protein skimmer... may not be the best skimmer but love the foam < to be continued >
  10. Don't you think the composition is very lovely? Let's give the pretty RBTA a chance... if it ever misbehave again... it will go to the SWOP shop And my Six-line is really fat
  11. hehe... from now on no need to buy LS anymore lor...
  12. Emm... if all Pasar Malam... excl. tank and cabinet... perhaps lah... but must be quite modest when it comes to brand selection lor... if you good in DIY... "lagi" best!!!
  13. Nice nice placement for my Prata... opening just the way I want it to... hanging on a cliff inspired by Irwana's They look so much better on LR than on sand bed (IMO) and it's easier for me to target feed also
  14. For marine... 6500ºK no need to consider... too much red/yellow... suitable for planted tank (freshwater)
  15. Wah... true Aqua Medic fan... using all the best stuff!!! Do let me know how you find CERAPORE... coz it's about time I add in some (to replace my bioballs) Love the lighting fixture... definitely of a different league compared to my humble setup
  16. Hi sis... would love to... let the 2 gobies settle in first... then if they do fine in my tank... then I will come collect the other one from you So now my tank is dumping ground lor
  17. Well... I think you need to use your "third" hand
  18. Not tonight lah... tomorrow maybe... after dropping by bro Maxstar's place to pick up rare/unique gobies
  19. Extremely pro workmanship... especially the overflow box... love it!!! Can PM me the tank maker?
  20. Yupe... that's quite a realistic figure
  21. So you can rest assured your shore gobies will "go forth and multiply" in my tank... one year later... I can have a harvest sale... unique/rare gobies "not-found-in-LFS"... very cheap... only $50 a pair... lai ah lai ah
  22. Well sorry to hear that... at least you have some pix... and memories... No idea whose the parents lor... maybe you can help me guess, I have the list of suspected parents on my thread
  23. Emm... you can't access the tank from the front? I can foresee difficulty reaching the front sand bed
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