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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Oh dear I hope I don't when I reach home later... I shall start a new thread to warn reefers of the danger of keeping Anemone... I will share all details... and hopefully can also get some feedback on how to salvage the situation And let's hope my Aqua Medic Turboflotor running with PH2000 is powerful enough
  2. What can I say... Bro, since we stay so nearby... if my tank really crashed... can I move all my LS to your tank?
  3. Very impressive bar top... now where's the stainless steel pole?!? Err... bro you drink? Alcohol and salt water don't mix lor It's amazing how I can still remain so calm and relax today... to myself
  4. I know... I've been looking for BALLS all over the place... BALLS BALLS BALLS... as if I do not have enough BALLS Wah 50ppm... err bad for fish... good for kicking-in the NR1000... I see your Leopard Wrasse can take it
  5. I am more LOADED becoz I didn't just reno the house... like you... shhh... don't say too loud... later both of us "kena" flame for going hi-tech... you know lar... a lot of red eyes around
  6. Oh dear... where are the Deniballs? If you not using Deniballs... u will have to dose Denimar (via that little syringe) everyday What's the NO3 level in your tank right now? The higher your NO3, the faster the NR1000 will kick-in
  7. The Turboflotor is definitely not very potent... but I got faith in it... total faith I will update you guys tonight for sure... oh dear... the pails of pails of water change gives me the "chill"
  8. You are the true wizard lor... was like warning me yesterday... 12 hours later happened Beckett hah... em... perhaps it's time... but how to fit into my system? No sump leh... I will be able to reach home before 5pm later... let's see
  9. Emm... I wonder what's happening in my tank right now
  10. Bro you do know how to choose your equipment lor... emm... how come our taste about the same ah?!? Must go visit you one day already
  11. Why not try kalkwasser? I've been dosing it and it's cheap, reliable and effective in maintaining calcium within range... of course can't compare to a CR lah... you can consider the Deltec KM500... cool stuff I almost bought it
  12. I didn't prepare for RBTA patty... not to that extent... if I knew... I would've given it away together with Big Mama... even though my tank can make it today... I still need to "brokeback" changing water... at least 30% within the next few days and I hate changing water To further calm me down... this is what I think will give my tank a higher chances of survival compared to a low-tech/unappropriate system: 1) Protein skimmer performing above average 2) Improved current flow with the new addition of 6060 3) Reef-resh System... bacteria that resides not in LR but water... so they will have a higher chance in breaking toxins & etc. 4) Significant amount of LR 5) Carbolit inside Phosphatfilter with 500l/h flow... I believe activated carbon can also help removes toxins & blah. 6) Kent Marine Ammonia Detox and Seachem Prime... dosing to help minimize impact (for the time being) And of course I was lucky enough to be able to spot and remove all remaining "parts" from the tank before they rot further. What you guys think?
  13. The SUNS that saves the day... it was its beauty this morning that made me look into my tank longer than usual Notice the cute cute star?!? Luckily I'm an optimistic person... or else surely go bonkers as SUNNY as my SUNS
  14. Thanks all the bros that sent me PM for encouragement (you know who you are)... My tank will make it... I know it will... wouldn't it be nice if I can monitor my tank (using CCTV or something) from office...
  15. True actually... bro with the money... you might wanna consider upgrading to Tunze wavemaker... your SEIO looks kinda out of place with your high-end setup 2 x 6100 + Multicontroller... or 2 x 6100 + Aquatronica (or IKS)
  16. Bro I might get a CR too... will follow your decision closely... you go find out first
  17. Still want to grow them?!? I will not allow another piece of Anemone into my tank again... ever... no matter how beautiful... don't care if it's blue, purple, pink, orange, rainbow colour They might coz although there are "parts"... there isn't any smell at all... no bad smell at all... and if you see the pix, the "parts" are actually not slimy or rotting or whatsoever... ok enough of calming myself... I am just trying to turn away from reality
  18. But to be frank with you guys... this is the kinda disaster I've been anticipating and preparing for... although it came earlier than expected ... now I can really put my equipments to tests... to see for the first time the difference between a low-tech and a med-tech (my tank is not considered high-tech yet) setup... if everything goes well this time... I will have to keep my Aqua Medic Turboflotor for the rest of my life In my situation now... I really have to rely on my protein skimmer and all the good bacterias I've been cultivating all these while... perhaps my Polyp Lab Reef-resh System is at work now... Or I'm just simply trying to calm myself down... imagine I'm abroad now... what can I do huh? Cross my fingers?
  19. I can't evacuate my LS... no where to go... no salt water... I've got a very important meeting 3pm at Jurong later Gonna rush home right after that I've already searched every corner for "parts"... shouldn't be much left in there... I've power up my Tunzes to increase current flow I will prepare salt water and tests once I reach home later Hopefully all my fishes are still swimming around by then
  20. Well I will take this as an opportunity to test out my system (and the bacterias)... see what the Germans can do when it comes to disaster like this I expect Ammonia to shoot up... so what I did was (to buy time) dose in the Kent Marine Ammonia Detox I bought during my Nanos days... if this product works... it will help control the Ammonia until later today... before I can do the necessary preparation for water change... I also added a bit of Seachem Prime
  21. I know... bad bad news... almost like a worst news a reefer can get (especially when you are to rush out for a meeting) I quickly looked at every corner of my tank... removed the "parts"... here are the "parts" I manage to recovered Now where the rest gone?!? I got a feeling this incident happened 2 to 3 hours ago... there's no foul smell yet (yes I actually sniffed the "parts" )... all my tank inhibitants are looking normal... no casualty (yet)... my protein skimmer is working extremely hard now... almost filling 1/4 cup within hours As usual... I do have plans... but at that moment... there are only "that much" choices I had lor
  22. What does all these look to you?!? It's my RBTA!!! Probably diced by my Tunze 6060... how it gets into the pump is a mystery... but I was very very panic this morning... rushing out to work... a bit late... gotta morning briefing... what to do???
  23. All bros and sis... my tank thread is coming to a close Luckily I do have a habit of looking at my tank early in the morning (althout all lights are off)... this morning while I was enjoying my beautiful SUNS... look what I found littered on the floor bed?
  24. Hehe... with you dedication right now... I'm sure "crashes" are going to be a thing in the past...
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