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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Never thought of that... you are brilliant
  2. Definitely not high flow... they prefer moderate to low actually... as for lighting... I guess moderate will do, you can keep those areas with high light for other light demanding corals... just chuck your Yumas here and there
  3. Are you serious?!? Frag 20 pieces of RBTA?!? After what happened to my tank... I don't think it's gonna be easy to give them away... technically I believe they will regenerate just like starfishes... of course I throw already lah Down the WC they go... of course I know u r jk... do I look like a very serious type of person
  4. Yes Tunze is damn "powderful"... even the 6060 is strong enough to create a complete loop in my 3ft tank... the only thing is... it is too bulky... I am actually waiting for the new Tunze Stream Nanos... they are extremely small and cute... I heard they can be quite costly You considering a controllable or uncontrollable Stream? I've tried many different models... perhaps I can offer some tips And yes, a constant current flow can minimize the amount of diatoms on the sand bed... but flow itself is not good enough to eliminate them totally
  5. A closer look at the Tunze Comline Filter... the water will be drawn into the filter via the surrounding side (the parting between the container and the Turbelle filter). The gap is quite narrow so the suction is actually quite strong. The dirt will get sucked in... trapped to the layers of fine cotton wool. The design of the wool is quite interesting... it's actually a very long sheet, rolled like a bandage... very easy to clean as it can be unrolled/rolled after cleaning... The Turbelle actually sucks water from the filter container via the core. This is one great gadget (although as old fashion as it may seem) that is too often missing in modern tank setup nowadays
  6. My super cleanin duo... Sicce Multi 800 to blow strong flow to every corner and "lobang"... my Tunze Comline Filter (retrofit, without casing... part of Reefpack 500) traps all the floating dirts and detritus... this is the first time I've done this combo... and it's brilliant I must do this more often
  7. Thanks bro Tigger and Beaver for your support... yeah no more Anemone for me... except those pest anemones I am too lazy to remove... perhaps... one fine day...
  8. Hehe... a Tunze ain't that small... that's the only setback of getting a Tunze IMO
  9. Emm... it doesn't look too cloudy to me in the FTS
  10. Hehe... my tank survived the first round... now Ammonia will spike... my last test revealed 0.25 already... an alarming content IMO... so right now prepare to change 10% of water every night for the next 3 nights... all equipments run full force... also will continue dosing Kent Marine Ammonia Detox
  11. Bro Colinsoon... after so long... still waiting for your Mini? Hehe... you wanna drop by RD one of these days?
  12. Err... I only spoken to him once... I think generally he is a nice guy... same treatment to everyone
  13. Zoos are found in shallow waters... so they can take bright lights... but they can also thrive under moderate light... it's just that their colouration morphs according to light intensity... I am still trying out this theory
  14. Bro those cauliflower type corals are not easy to keep... beware!
  15. Flushing time... I hope my old Sicce Multi 800 is good enough
  16. Mixing in action... 10% of my tank water (approx. 7.5 US Gal) at a time... I use my Tunze Mini to speed things up
  17. Bros and sis... I am very very touched to receive a PM from another forum just now... here is the exact content: I've a deltec skimmer APF600 + sander ozoner. I think the deltec couple with your current skimmer should help to remove as much wastes as possible. You can ask your friends to pick up from me. I can lend them till you tide over this episode. 14 spare bottles of distilled water is also available but you may a van to pick them up. If not you can pick any numbers of bottles you need. Per bottle is 18.9litres. I've numerous wavemaker, tunze 6060, seio 620, seio 1100 which can lend to you too for mixing water etc. Let me know. After 5pm, it's better you contact me thru mobile xxxxxxxxx (his mobile no.) Hoping all the best to your tank! xxxxx (his nick contains 5 alphabets) this kinda bro where to find
  18. I've been to a tank recently... 4ft without euro bracing (topless)... it's ok if you keep tiny fishes... the bro got some adult size YT and all... and the water keep splashing out... almost every 10 minutes or so... he told me it is damn annoying Do consider before getting... bro Soon... so fast? Emm... how come I still have time to visit other reefer's site ah?!?
  19. Emm... there's one inside your tank hor... looking for someone to adopt? Nitrate is <0.3 mg/l
  20. And not forgetting my "first-line-of-defense" The smell is really bad... it's the usual protein skimmer smell mix... lime... fish market smell... all mix into one... my bathroom is still smelling like a fish market now Better get the bathroom cleaned/aired before someone returns
  21. You want to see damage?!? Hehe... here's the damage Turboflotor rocks!!! Considering the low amount of power it consumes
  22. Hehe bro I already look into it already... spent the last couple of hours (body at office, mind at home) planning my actions... I will use a pump to do a flushing on all corners and LR now. I am already preparing salt mix for water change later... but need to let the water settles a while first... I should've mix it earlier
  23. But there can be long term effect though... tested Ammonia right away... and as expected... 0.25!!! At least all my fishies are eating... including the Dispars feeding happily on pellets Nitrite still undetectable... as expected
  24. Only this guy is working extra hard Everything seems under control... I even have time to post
  25. I am home... was expecting but I found this Everything seems normal... already did a head count... all fishes, inverts and corals accounted for... even my elusive Randall is accounted for
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