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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Sounds like a plan there... we must meet up and talk in details... I'm sure bro Altantis would wanna join us... coz if I get power-cut... he will get it too So we can't share a unit (for sure)
  2. Flame is ok I heard... but those big ones don't play play hor... I heard Coral Beauty is ok too... but there's always a risk lor
  3. Yes... we really need to look into it. Let's not talk about sudden black-out lah... even with 3 days notice... most of us can't do much about it but to last minute panic... by then all the UPS units will be snapped up by "kiasu" Singaporeans already... or DIY shop increase price! I've read from a Super Tank and the owner uses a few Tunze Classic as contingency plan. I am actually quite interested in those Tunze Classic as it can be clipped onto the edge (top) of the glass, so it's considered an external pump. Low power consumption too... have you guys seen it anywhere in local LFS? See pix.
  4. Thanks bro... yeah I'm glad I invested enough to maintain the tank... can't imagine what would happen if I am less equipped... probably all my LS will go to heaven and me will have a hell of a time removing them and cleaning the tank But having said that... I don't think my tank is equipped enough to go through a black-out for more than 6 hours 2 hours maybe
  5. Ammonia is now lower than 0.25 already... still detectable as it is slightly more yellowish than usual... so I also become lazy lor... will only do water change tomorrow Anyway it's better to hold the new salt mix for another day or so coz I need to buff up the KH before introducing to the tank
  6. Here is the guy that does all the hard work... while I happy happy take photographs and SRCing hehe... crisis? Where got?
  7. 2 new local shore gobies... super rare (coz no LFS would ever care to sell it)... adopted from bro Maxstar Pattern a little pale atm... will take a better shot once they settle down
  8. UPDATES!!!! How many you get? I'm sure your tank can easily fit 20 Dispars and 12 BE... Dispars are easy coz they relatively cheap... but BE
  9. I'm sure once the Japanese run out of Puffer Fish... they will challenge the poisonous RBTA instead... wah... good news for Singapore!!! Lots of Anemones to export to Japan
  10. Everything seems peaceful and normal today All fishes accounted for... 10 Dispars out of 10... oh wait a minute... emm... how come got 2 extra head count
  11. Ok gonna take some recalling... 1) Yumas - Irwana, Reborn, Paradiz Reef 2) Zoos - Bro, Reborn, Aqua Marin 3) Rics Florida - Irwana, Bro
  12. For me FORUM is about free speech... as long as the reviewers stay commercial-free... they can say whatever they want... since it is based on the reviewers personal experience with the product... in the real world... you can't possible agree with all journalists but you can't stop them from writing... not in a free liberty society like Singapore... err Ok a bit
  13. Oh yeah and also let my relationship fall apart lor... that way I can sleep with my fishes (that's why I need a 6ft tank) every night...
  14. Bro Radiative... bad influence right? I think bro Lyz77 wants me to sell my car and join him walk-walk to LFS
  15. Somehow... I sorta knew there are spies around... you can tell esp. those who are usually very very quiet (passive) then jump in suddenly to defend a certain product/brand armed with loads of technical information and case studies Like they appear from no where
  16. PMed you for the Light Computer. Can you give us more detail about the Filterbox (New)?
  17. Hey guys... stop brain-washing me... I am happy with my Perc90 and it is only 3 months old!!!
  18. From what I heard... most probably we are the only ones in SRC... I heard the others are not the FORUM/computer type
  19. Bro... your LR resting on glass floor or sand? If sand... then don't get too excited with shrimps digging tunnel... they can weaken the sand bed and there is a possibility your LR can sink in anytime creating havoc on top... and if you do not have a thick glass... err... can be an armageddon waiting to happen... but the chances is gonna be very very slim
  20. Hahaha... I will do it after yours fully established... don't wanna share the limelight with yours... coz it's not gonna be as grand as yours due to space constraint
  21. Probably they are still using the Bausch & Lomb solution despite the warning from the Ministry of Health How about us joining hands to do a comprehensive review of our next toy? That can be very fun... coz obviously... 2 is better than 1... zap zap temperature... zap zap water level... zap zap pH... zap zap salinity... zap zap... oops I've revealed too much
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