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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. No prob man... here's another pix... as promised Their eyes a bit blurry though... always like that? Or just recently?
  2. Wah... just noticed... your cabinets got hydraulic some more
  3. It was meant to be a joke... but who knows... my Nemo still resting on my Zoos
  4. For a 2ft... maybe 1 Angel lah... they can outgrow your tank unless you choose Dwarf Angels... personally I think Flame is more striking than Coral Beauty... but Flame sometimes stand out too much... just like a YT
  5. If we continue talking all this rubbish... we will get "flame" very soon
  6. Yupe Dispar... only Dispar can buy an army lah
  7. Yalor... for the first time in my life... I'm buying an antique I need it coz on the left side of my tank (Hammer side)... I can't fit any powerhead there coz it's too narrow. I tried yesterday So this Tunze Classic is perfect, I can mount it on top, then only a simple plastic rod down. I will put it on timer coz I need current from 2 ways... currently mine only single direction... very very bad for my tank... I can see the amount of trapped detritus when I did the flushing yesterday... very bad So I'm gonna be a very happy reefer tomorrow night
  8. Bro... that includes all my savings lah... (if there's any to start with )... if I earn 5 digit a month... I already gotten an imported DELTEC tank lah... $30000 small change ah... Ok lah... reality is 5 digit per annum lah... not too bad lah... ok Back to your BT... is it tiny? Beware of ich... but it's normal... don't panic.
  9. Hehe... if you want... next time I will include you in my "Chiong-gang" But only limited seats available coz I don't drive a MPV I FOUND MY TUNZE TURBELLE CLASSIC 2002!!! Just happen a bro is selling a 2-year old piece... at a very attractive price... I can't wait to put my hands on the ultimate Tunze Classic... oh... what a nice piece of antique
  10. I have already spent half of this months (coming) salary My only hope now is for the company to make money this year... if not... I will have to open a Toy'R'Us very soon... lai ah lai ah... members only hor.
  11. Definitely GEMS grade zoos you got there bro... love it!!! Must look damn nice under blue/actinic!!! PRICELESS!!!
  12. Yeah... I was busy talking to a bro regarding my 3 new investments... collection tomorrow night what kinda investment is this?!? Depreciate like crazy leh... actually investing in corals are more practical as it can grow... then can frag for bidding... hahaha But before your coral can grow nice nice... you need to do a lot of investment lah... chicken and egg in the end Yes... your new finding... from AM right?!? I know you lah... die die must get something this week Show it with your YT so that we can all tell its size better
  13. Actually they are extremely beautiful in great numbers... I was lucky enough to have found such small specimens... if larger surely cannot fit into my tank... and also very healthy... to Irwana... to date still 10 out of 10 leh
  14. Wah... sis with principle... don't play play Yes, the gobies feel like home immediately (of course lah... my tank so damn pretty... hahaha ) and no bulying... in fact they two like very friend leh
  15. Look at my Dispars resting... so funny... especially the top ones... they are resting on my unidentified monti-plate look-alike coral
  16. Of course I don't mind... not at all... I cannot be so greedy taking everybody's LS right?
  17. Emm... really running out of place Sis, Altantis is interested in the shore goby
  18. Emm... its mouth way too tiny to eat pellets lor... it does get very excited everytime I feed Jervis' coral mix (refer to my signature for more details) Emm how come only 3 of us chatting ah? Like that... I can reach 5000 posts next month
  19. Of course more solid lah... if he is to use all the additional $$$ to buy bricks (in Malaysia)... he could've build a house already For me... can build a shopping mall For bro Lyz... can build an airport already
  20. It really depends on what else I will tend to during the water change session... if only water alone, can be very fast... but I always mop the floor after that lah Oh here's a cute pix... it was shot the same morning I spotted my minced RBTA... so surprise lights on... didn't know it sleeps like that This little guy swims around cleaning fishes... also cleans my hand... eats occasionally but it is not looking good at all... extra thin... got a feeling it will go soon
  21. Wah... Purple Queen leh... dun play play To catch very easy lah... get a betta box... then a RBTA... surely go in!!!
  22. I am so relax now... everything seems so normal... except the slightly lower than 0.25mg/L Ammonia... will take a day rest and change 10% water tomorrow
  23. It is quite pretty considering it is found in local shores... any nicer the LFS will start selling already Yes please ask sis Monki... coz it's insane to have 3 shore gobies in a 3ft tank
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