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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. jervismun


    All the above mentioned LFS: 1) Reefdepot 2) AquaMarin 3) Petmart are well established equipments LFS here in Singapore. One thing you will come to enjoy shopping in Singapore is... they are all price tagged. Prices are usually quite standard as Singapore is a very small country... no room for foul play. As a general guide, it's fair for you to ask for a 10% discount if you are to make a purchase above S$500.00 in a single receipt. One set back is... I don't think there are any LFS in Singapore that can offer you VAT rebate. Sales tax is currently 5% and price shown is inclusive of it. You can also consider visiting Aqua Mart (AquaMedic, Sicce and additives) coz they are in town area, fairly easy to get a cab there. Have a wonderful shopping trip in Singapore... besides Hong Kong... Singapore is the best place to find imported stuff
  2. How about your NH4? Coz your tank is quite new... so I suspect the bacterias cultivated so far may not be sufficient to turn the NH4 into NO2 overnight... like mine after the RBTA episode... still stuck at NH4 stage for a while... which is more toxic unfortunately Bro... do you believe in New Tank Syndrome? Personally I don't believe in it How's your current flow, overall btw?
  3. Maybe due to stress lah... from your little plastic holding tank to the plastic container... transported 25km (from east to north) to the new tank environment... surely stress one lar
  4. To continue your list... gonna be quite long though QUANTITY IKS only 4 plugs in single bar with a max of 16 plugs (4 x 4 power bars)... Aquatronica features 6 plugs in a bar with a staggering 60 plugs (6 x 10 power bars) EXPANDABILITY All probes and modules will connect to the power bar instead... so the amount of modules/probes you can connect to 10 power bars can easily reach 100!!! Now, how many tanks are you planning to run at the same time? MOBILITY Aquatronica features an additional Ethernet Module... able to connect and transfer information to your computer wirelessly... also can auto send email (if I'm not wrong) SIMPLICITY There is only 1 tiny cable running out of the Control Unit... Aquatronic even allows the user to either connect from the side or from the back (depending on your mounting style or custom cabinet)... as for IKS... let me count... around 13 if I'm not wrong! INFORMATIVE The Aquatronica Control Unit features a much larger screen... allowing more information/icons to be featured at any given time... it even allows the display of graphs... useful for setting variable temperature control throughout the day and to view the readings in a graph format (this I've seen it in person and I love it!) Ok I shall let other bros to add on to the list Note: I have not even mention a single word about $$$ yet.
  5. None of my corals show sign of "underlighting" or whatsoever... in fact they look healthier than before... thanks to the longer photosynthesis period... previously to control heat (to reduce the burden of my underpowered chiller)... I only on the MH for 6 hours. Now 8 hours. As mentioned... fishes do display better colouration under this combination of tubes... brilliant colouration found across all fishes... even for my platoon of very plain-looking Dispar Anthias. Note: My beautiful RBTA commited suicide last 2 days... went into my Stream 6060. The damage to the tank was however, very minimal.
  6. Yes 4 Spezial and 2 Blue Plus... thinking of replacing 1 Blue Plus with Actinic when the next shipment arrives... the blue effect is a bit too bright right now
  7. This piece of Green Leather sure grows fast... those extending "fingers" at the bottom and the right side were not there last week
  8. Oh dear... sorry to hear that... is your skimmer working like a horse now? I hope so
  9. The flow will become a bit more consistent over time... but still... IMO... dun worry about the flow too much
  10. Damn it!!! EAGLE EYE!!! Hey I've been looking for a frag for a very long time leh...
  11. From what I can see... possible reasons: 1) Tank still very new... no coralline yet... so that's a bad sign 2) Tunze magnet cleaner 3) Chevron Tang... its mouth was designed for ultimate algae grazing... my YT no fight! 4) I clean most of the time especially before major photo session (like today) 5) T5 lighting... I used to have more algae growing on the glass with my old MH
  12. Very possible... the one with the long fin is the male!!!
  13. Does this look extremely ###### to you So funny
  14. Ohh look at those ###### curves... and the center is so so inviting Everytime I talk ######... the coral will disappear the next morning... remember the nice nice Strawberry Dom-dom?
  15. Really?!? How different? Try describe in words... maybe I can spot the same on my outcast Normally male Anthias are duller/darker in colour... and some also feature high dorsal fin... any of these signs?
  16. Now you know why I plan to use my Aquatronica Dosing Pump to do the job... let me help you post this pix for the benefit of the readers
  17. To be frank with you... I have no idea... let's discover together
  18. Yalor... if no $ then do normal side flip lor Life is so unfair... but that's how the world goes
  19. FTS... noticed a Dispar always isolated from the platoon (the one near the water surface)... 2 possibilities: 1) Outcast 2) Our future King (morph into a male specimen soon) If morphing... surely very interesting to witness... I can still remember how excited Bro Qxnviolet was when his BE morphed... haiz... where are u now bro Qx
  20. Bro... once we all fully stocked... you can easily find stuff already lar... with your Gold Mountain... you can easily fill your tank in 2 weeks... full of Jewels... I can even sell you some... if your Gold Mountain produces 99.99 nuggets
  21. Extremely beautiful bro... now I am very convinced... I need to replace 1 of my ATI Blue Plus to ATI Actinic Let me give Janet a sms later
  22. You remember these guys?!? They grow a lot this week... can someone help ID? I think it is a form of brown Xenia... unbranched type.
  23. 1) Aqua Medic Light Computer 2) Aqua Medic Deniballs (not bioballs as stated above) 3) Tunze Turbelle Classic 2002 Sold to me... collection tomorrow. Bro... if you don't post update... you will get a lot of PM lah... also waste other reefers time to consider... helping you lah
  24. Damn... that's a very nice Zoos Garden... wow... emm... someone been buying Zoos ah
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