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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Bro Hammy Any updates? I know you've been busy but post a pix or two lah... I want to see your 6060 Bro Lyz77... don't brand me like that... please... it's bad for me, really.
  2. Just let me know if you need my help on PO4 test kits... I'm using Salifert. p/s: I don't hate you
  3. Your 3ft cube is a lot bigger than mine already (in terms of volume)... and also your huge sump hidden somewhere in your maid's room!!!
  4. Yes... perhaps a footprint of 3' by 3' minimum Like ur signature pix... actually Aquatronica does have one of the "nicer" logos within the industry
  5. We all make bulk order "want-or-not"? I need at least 3 for my tank December... em... good plenty of time to start growing blue notes
  6. With a footprint of 3' by 3'... you probably need more than 1 mineral water bottle
  7. No I don't think I will wanna frag it... I will try to give it away in a complete specimen... by the rate it is growing... maybe 3 months (max)
  8. You wanna see more? I can show you a close up pix of my LW
  9. Have not heard from you leh... well I just bring the Salifert NH4 along with me tomorrow It's ok if you are not free... it's no trouble for me at all...
  10. Night night... emm... what an unsual formation of my Prata... it is definitely hungry... will feed some shrimps tomorrow
  11. My favourite Gonio... opening bigger than usual... I think both my corals and algaes (unfortunately) are enjoying the 8 hours of ATIs
  12. Emm... I got a feeling what you added leh...
  13. Algae attack... although my tank survived the RBTA accident... this is more like the aftermath... besides NH4 (<0.25) my NO2, NO3, PO4 are almost undetectable... this can also be the result of my major water change (using filtered tap water)
  14. Oh my... look at the growth... I think pretty soon I gotto find it a new owner
  15. Ic... then it's bad for sand dwelling corals... let's find a way to trap this fish Obviously with food right?
  16. But you tank is so huge... sure have enough room for it to clean up... since catching it can be a hassle (if not impossible)... maybe leave it in there lah...
  17. Bro we also call your skin polyp GSP = Green Star Polyp... they require moderate to strong light and medium to strong current.
  18. My Turboflotor... working furiously this morning... have not seen so much foam before The plastic outlet on the left is water returning from the NR1000.
  19. Oh dear... I saw a lot on their shelves the other day leh... probably a lot of people downgrading from MH
  20. I think one of the reasons is I only manage to find 10+ Deniballs at the beginning... 10+ for a NR1000 is way too little... that could be the reason why they consumed 3 to 4 balls so rapidly. Perhaps the bacterias I've cultured are ferocious eaters But now, after adding this morning's... around 40 pieces... perfect!
  21. Another success... this time... White Bo Choy... bought it at Cold Storage
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