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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Oh my bad... I meant width, not depth... yeah agree with you, wouldn't go more than 2.5" deep. I don't have long arms and I don't want to pollute the water with my deodorant stick
  2. Oh definitely lots of potential... em... I'm stuck with only 1.5' depth (after deducting the IOS)... should've gotten a deeper tank
  3. Your tank is lesser than that right? So r u looking for a replacement also as part of your upgrading? Do let me know if you are selling coz I might start a Nano at my office soon... just an idea... nothing concrete yet
  4. Worth every single cent!!! The sheer size of it is quite a spectacle... love it!
  5. A bro offering me this piece of TOY in exchange of my Tunze 6100 + Singlecontroller... what you guys think? I've heard a number of benefits running Ozone but also learned that overdosing can be highly toxic to the tank inhibitants... I think my Aquatronica Redox Controller will come in handy... any bro out there with real-life experience? And is the swopping worth, considering his unit is more than 1 year old (is it more difficult to maintain after certain period of time?) Here's an extract from AM Website: Aqua Medic Ozone Generator 500 The injection of ozone into the water can improve the efficiency of protein skimming and raises the ORP (Redox potential). The decomposition of toxic nitrite is enhanced whilst the bacteria count in the water decreases, minimising the risk of ill health in the animals. The compounds that produce yellow colouring in the aquarium are broken down and the water stays cristal clear. The ozone generators in the Ozone – series utilise the latest low voltage technology for safety and reliability. Bro Lyz77... perhaps you are keen in this piece of equipment too
  6. It's time to reveal something really "alien"... I think it's some sorta snail but it only comes out at night... it's shell doesn't look like normal hard shell to me... in fact it looks like white sponge... any idea what this is? It's been in my tank for a while now... just lucky tonight I manage to get a clean shot at it And my Suns are opening very large... perhaps they are hungry... ok will feed them frozen brine shrimps late night tomorrow
  7. Wah bro... u been busy collection LS from all the bros and sis
  8. Emm... seems like it... perhaps I am the only one not into World Cup I also have clicking sound in my tank leh... could it be something else? Boy... I do hope so
  9. OMG!!! Removed 1 then add in 10?!? How tiny are they actually?
  10. I wonder what's growing underneath my Xenias... those bright purple sponge looking whatever... it looks like hard shell to me... but no tentacles stretching out from those tiny holes... I wonder what are those And its been spreading fast... those colonies on top were not there last week
  11. Well... extracted from Liveaquaria.com "The Blue Star Leopard Wrasse is difficult to keep because of its eating habits, relying on small invertebrates (foraminiferans and amphipods). When first introduced into the aquarium, live saltwater feeder shrimp should be used to entice this fish to eat. It needs a 50 gallon or larger aquarium with well established live rock. It also requires a layer of live sand, with other peaceful tank mates. They will do best when introduced in groups of three or more." For my case, perhaps I was lucky... it stayed hidden beneath the sand bed for 2 weeks... then came out and eat like a pig... basically everything under the sun (err... T5)... once it is trained to take pellets... this fish is as hardy as any other wrasses... Some other bros were less lucky than me... theirs perished after a week or so... so really depends on your luck lor
  12. Must show pix... then we can all celebrate together
  13. Look at my un-identified plate coral... oh the tiny little tentacles are so so cute... it is looking extremely happy right now and there is a small possibility that this is in fact a SPS Perhaps that's the reason why the Calcium consumption rate is much higher than before
  14. Hahaha... I dare to say that coz I've seen simple setup with thriving GSP... so yours... aiya simply double in size within 3 months What r u planning to add next? Those Fiji/Tonga branches u got there... pretty hard to put corals there lor... maybe you can try something... use epoxy... stick some small colonies of zoos and mushrooms there... within 2 months, the Zoos will spread all over... very natural looking... I am trying it now
  15. Oh dear... been missing quite a bit of LS lately... MIA... em... could it be mantis or predatory crab?
  16. You have so much space on top... perfect for an army of Anthias But constant feeding can be a problem for you
  17. My Orange Plate... totally stuffed with a piece of shrimp... The Tri-colour Yuma on the left is still looking healthy... emm... been with me for more than 2 months liao... time flies
  18. As expected...they always get a piece of the pie... by hook or by crook... and lovely GSP... I want to start a nano tank where the entire floor is filled with GSP!!!
  19. As promised... feeding time for my Prata and Plate The shrimps are always so so annoying
  20. It will happen... with your kinda setup and passion... if it doesn't happen... then something very wrong already Perhaps you gotten a "dwarf" specimen
  21. And they can grow and grow and cover your entire LR
  22. wow a ver healthy specimen... u must've paid a fortune for the Red Gonio... or is it Pink?
  23. Emm... a bit too early now lah... who knows... it shrinks instead of grows in the coming months
  24. Hahaha... been a bit blur lately... Love the Black Cap... oh my... that RED GONIO... is it the one from bro QXN?!?!?!?
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