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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. It looks okay to me as a simple plug-and-play denitrator... perhaps you wanna consider adding in some Aqua Medic Deniballs to feed the Anaerobic bacteria. Just make sure the water flow is extremely mild (more like constant flow of water in droplets). One good way to find out its effectiveness after running for a while is to test the outlet water using NO3 test kit... if the NO3 content is lower than the main tank... then this guy is doing its job already
  2. Bought an IKEA clip-on low wattage halogen lamp just now... see if I can try out the dusk/dawn/moonlight effect using the Aqua Medic Light Computer Will post update for sure
  3. I think it's important for us to remain unbiased for the benefit of the readers and the industry as a whole... I am not getting paid for this... and I don't expect you to have any link to RD or IKS... so let's keep this product review as "true" as it should be... But along the way... there will be lots of comparisons between IKS and Aquatronica... well that's normal you see... people always compare Mercedes with BMW... can't help it really... Since this is a thread about AQUATRONICA Aquarium Controller... do expect a lot more Aquatronica features to be highlighted... perhaps there should also be a IKS product review for users to compare... em... Let me check with RD... if they are willing, I can do a product review using both units RD if you are reading this... just PM me... I promise I will return the set after the review
  4. Bro... the local distributor is offering the PC Kit as a package... at a very reasonable packaged price... now I don't see the problem with it coming separately or together... coz in both situations... I still need to buy a USB convertor (for me that is). I am not saying IKS is outdated... in fact it is the pioneer in this field... and a pioneer commands respect... but as mentioned before... new comers like Aquatronica really manage to learn what's lacking in the IKS system (in terms of design, userability, simplicity, pricing, etc.) and come up with a much more competitive product... let's face it... it happens all the time... But for IKS not to launch any new model since its introduction more than 10 years ago... doesn't help its position in the market at all... remember those days where Mercedes will only launch a new S-Class every ten year or so... but now, due to market competition... their models can barely last 7 years... so is IKS outdated?... to be honest... yes and no...
  5. Bro Weileong... but I do have to agree with your regarding the probes also... for Aquatronica only the pH Probe allow 2 point calibration... others all 1 point automatic... for the benefit of all readers... can you help clarify the following: 1) Does all IKS probes come with 2 points (or more) calibration? Actually just one question... hope you will answer it well
  6. 1) Bro this is my thread and it seems that you are messing it up... But it's ok... that's what product reviews are for 2) Ok the water proofing is a nice touch... but for $600 plus?!? RD already published the rate by the way... and I was like (I'm glad I cancelled my order actually). As for the placement... regardless of water proof or not... salt water is bad... I will definitely mount it somewhere dry... but not necessarily hide it... with 13 wires... you need to hide it... Aquastar controller casing is made of plastic btw... therefore it will not corrode. The IKS will coz there are way too many ports, plugs, etc. on the computer body. 3) & 4) Yes the Aquatronica doesn't come with a PC kit, I bought it the set for $100+ (that's part of the package anyway)... oh mine comes with USB... coz my VAOI tiny little notebook doesn't support serial anymore (I know it's sad)... Apple has gotten rid of Serial more than 7 years ago. Don't tell me IKS doesn't come with USB 5) For Aquatronica, the probes are connected to the Power Bar (therefore they can all be hidden inside the cabinet... everything happens inside the cabinet/sump... I think you still don't really understand the concept behind the "single wire to the controller" concept... I will show you a pix once I get hold of my set. Meanwhile you can show us your IKS computer with 13 wires The picture can tell a thousand words... no need to even say anything
  7. Err... that's not humour bro... that's a big design fault to me (I also do product design)... 13 wires sticking out of a sleek looking computer... that's why I sometimes see IKS as being a PC computer, Aquatronica being Mac... everytime you compare these 2 brands... it will spark conversation... but 1 design will tend to be more superior than the other because they are more purposeful, minimal, and create less problem for the users to tackle with later on... so having 13 wires is a problem to tackle with (IMHO). Oh IKS do come up with a solution after that... introducing a LED screen (yes, this time with 1 wire... finally) that cost as much as the computer itself... you must be joking!!! Aquatronica probes unfortunately are not wireless... but at least they can be easily hidden from view. Well... you can always hide the IKS inside your cabinet I suppose coz I don't see a practical way to mount it on our existing tank without customizing the entire cabinet to allow space to hide the 13 wires
  8. But we shouldn't give up just like that lar... I thought you have a plan... for those who already/getting a computer system... the dimming function can be a nice addition... those without the computer will find it too much an investment... it's like buying a new landed house (with car park) just because you own a car now
  9. Yupe I have to agree with you... it is incomplete... unless you wanna spend $2000 on a computerized T5 lightset... or allocate some of that money for an IKS/Aquatronica that can do the same job and lots more...
  10. I do not know where you get the information from... or perhaps I'm too lazy to go to those links you guys posted... too many of them btw... I've personally tested the Aquatronica probes at the LFS and we used some ice cubes to chill the water... the readings fluctuates according to the temperature... so let's be patient, we will get our controllers soon, let us do a thorough review on this product. I promise you guys 360º and it will be comprehensive and impartial. Bro Weileong... this is not just a monitor but a controller (I hope you can tell the difference)... so normal test kits can't do the controlling part that Aquatronica does. So I will have to totally disagree with your previous statement as below: "Might as well just use test kit instead of spending couple hundred dollars." - Weileong Thanks for your patronage... and I hope that you can at least appreciate what we have done so far...
  11. I have just the spot in my tank If necessary, don't be shy to use epoxy... a fallen bubble can damage itself and also those beneath it
  12. But Acquaviva's tank is quite pro lah Isn't the Aquatronica looks gorgeous on those tanks? Hahaha... I am so so excited already... the controller also comes with a very flexible mounting device to enable users to mount on almost anywhere... whichever position... and ONLY 1 WIRE out of the controller... not 13!!!
  13. Honestly... I think we can do better than Brandi
  14. Found something very interesting... it's a members tank section within the Aquatronica website... for all users to post... oh bro Lyz77... let's get in there next week We're gonna show the world!!! http://www.aquatronica.com/eng/aquacontrolled.htm The "Aquatronica Club" logo is already in the design stage... let me just check with Aquatronica if there's any violation to their copyrights and so on... you know... jsut to be on the safe side We might even get an endorsement from them
  15. Bro... RD already publish the retail price on their site. You can check with them if the stock is already in or need to order from Europe. From RD: iks aquastar SIMMOD 0 (1) -10V This 4-channel module allows the multitude of simulations of light and current that the iks aquastar and iks aquastar midi systems provide to be used to their greatest effect. All you require to be able to dim fluorescent tubes are electronically dimmable ballast units (ECG e.g. Osram (Quicktronic®) , Philips (HF-Regulator) etc.). Contact the manufacturer of your particular lighting for details of the appropriate ballast units ! In its "System 60", the German company Giesemann Lichttechnik (Giesemann Lighting) provides a suitable lighting unit with the appropriate means of connection. We recommend the iks aquastar luxus lamps, developed specially for this interface and extremely easy to use. But current pumps with an output of up to several kilowatts can be controlled by means of this module and so-called frequency converters. This may be of interest particularly for larger systems. Technical data - Black housing for external mounting. - External dimensions : 9 cm x 10 cm x 2,6 cm - Connecting cable (for iks aquastar (L1, L2, L3 and/or L4) or iks aquastar midi (L1 and/or L2)), 6 feet long. - 8 terminals for connecting to the ballast unit (ECG) (2 per channel).
  16. Oh guys... before you guys rush down to "the LFS" and made your order for the dimmable version of the ATI Powermodul, please confirm this with the LFS: 1) If I am not wrong, my 6 tubes lightset uses 3 e-ballasts... just got confirmation from a kind bro... the e-ballasts used inside is in fact Osram... but a modified version to further enhance its power... and I heard the modified Osram is proprietory to ATI (meaning you can't get it else where... unless you purchase from existing Powermodul users) 2) The dimmable version of the ATI may not come with all dimmable e-ballasts... maybe 1 or 2 out of the 3 (for 6 tubes)... you need to balance this with the amount of extra you ended up paying for the ballasts. Basically the dimmable/non-dimmable versions are identical except the e-ballasts only. Guys... for those already bought the Powermodul... I got a feeling upgrading 1 or 2 of our e-ballasts to dimmable (I heard news it can be done) shouldn't be too hard... I believe there will be a demand for "week-old-original-modified-ATI-eballast". To avoid bros competing with each other, perhaps we should all agree on a pricing guidelines to maintain the e-ballasts value in the Pasar Malam market... as all of our ballasts are only "weeks-old". Do PM me to discuss further Honestly, I might not sell my original ballasts... keep it for maintenance in the future... I'm sure there will be a need... or some desperate bro out there that might need a replacement along the way... Let's form a ATI PM group
  17. It's a needle wheel... Aquabee does extremely efficient needle wheels too... might wanna bring some back but the diff V can be so troublesome... and hard to sell off later. So do consider properly... say if US is cheaper by only 20%, not worth the trouble.
  18. Yeah... more like an autobiography of my ENTIRE LIFE!!!... and all my $$$
  19. Hi guys... I think my thread is getting way... too long... I am thinking of splitting it into a new part and get the moderator to lock this thread (indefinitely)... I will still provide link back to this original part. What you guys think? Prefer the thread to continue on... or split? Your call really
  20. Err... got a strong feeling I've added a piece of SPS into my tank by mistake (was told a LPS) A bro had helped me ID it and most probably it is a Merulina... if it's true than "die" liao... but on the bright side... it is looking fairly happy in my tank... luckily the placement is quite strategic from the very beginning... lots of light and medium water flow Merulina Coral (Merulina ampliata) Care Level: Difficult Light: High Water Flow: Medium Placement: Middle to Top Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12 Color Form: Blue, Brown, Cream, Green, Pink, Violet Temperament: Peaceful Ideal Supplements: Calcium, Trace Elements Origin: Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Red Sea Family: Merulinidae The Merulina Coral is a small polyp stony (SPS) coral also known as Lettuce, Cabbage, Ridge, or Ruffled Coral. Most aquarists will receive the species M. ampliata that commonly lives in lagoons and other sheltered areas of the reef. Merulina Coral colonies begin life as an encrusting coral. With time, growth, and prevailing conditions, they start to develop the more spectacular structures that have made them famous with reef aquarists everywhere. It is normal to see the intricate skeleton frame through its skin. Fan-like plates are usually the first to form. More plates then form in the center of the fan, creating a ruffled appearance that truly resembles a head of cabbage or lettuce. The Merulina Coral will need a high light level and placement at mid-level or higher in the aquarium with a medium water movement. While it rarely exposes its polyps, they may occasionally be seen at night. The sweeper tentacles that are used to gather food will reach about three inches in length. It is, therefore, a good idea to keep other corals outside of this range. For continued good health, it will require the addition of calcium, strontium, and other trace elements to the water. It will benefit from additional food in the form of micro-plankton or brine shrimp twice a week.
  21. Hehe... nope... after travelling 10000 miles to Singapore... cannot expect them to still stay alive lah
  22. Those bros already gotten their PowerModul running... kindly post a before and after pix for the benefit of other bros esp. potential buyers... sometimes buying decision needs a little convincing Please PM me if you guys interested to have a ATI Powermodul Icon to be included into your signature. If it's worth it, I will design one.
  23. See how's things are growing totally out of control in my tank... I didn't know Xenia spread like this... didn't know their polyp can float 1/2 feet away and start a new colony... just like that Will continue to update you guys whenever I can see growth
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