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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Does you butterflies nip your Zoos?
  2. The effect sucks And I think halogen promotes algae growth right? Any bro with experience?
  3. Let me try how the AM Light Computer works first... even if I go LFS and discuss... they have no idea what I'm talking about coz very hard to find people with first hand experience with this toy... if it doesn't work... then I don't even have to waste money get a nice LED fixture
  4. Nope... they still look the same... I heard from a bro it will take forever... he suggested I use a cutter to slice them according to the thinning part to manual split them... I am a bit reserved coz it sounds very cruel lor... but for the benefit of learning... I might actually do it when I have the time
  5. Aiya... no need to say sorry lah... anyway only 2 of us chatting tonight
  6. It's with my 2 Blues... the halogen is the reddish/yellowish portion... let's see how it will look like when my Blues are switched off later
  7. The halogen moonlight effect is kinda horrid actually... But the all familiar shimmering effect is back
  8. Wow... it is quite overwhelmingly colourful... I'm sure you can reach to that level bro... keep it up... we will all reach there I notice Singaporean reefers are quite well known in the world btw... I've posted in some US sites and they all visited SRC before and they always say good things about how beautiful the tank setups in Sg are...
  9. Glad to hear that... do update us what you bought lor... not here of course... it's time you start a new thread actually
  10. oh dear... everybody is selling their T5 tubes... all the best bro!!!
  11. Very impressive... there's so much we can learn from you bro Rex... drop by more often as my sources can be very very limited atm...
  12. Agree with you totally... and as a reefer... I wish both of them will cut down on their profit margin... then both IKS and Aquatronica can get into every reef systems like any other prerequisites such as protein skimmer and lighting units
  13. Hehe... I am just trying out the 3rd channel of the Aqua Medic Light Computer... if it works, I will get a LFS to help me construct a proper LED based moonlight... bluish white of course
  14. My Suns enjoying the marine pods... actually it is so hard to find Suns food that is as convenient as this... I sometimes get very lazy thawing the frozen food... especially those phytoplankton that needs to be frozen... it's so hard to remove a bit from the bottle without thawing the entire bottle... I's sure you know which brand I am referring to
  15. Emm... I have not been to Petmart actually... but heard so much about them (esp. lately)... perhaps I should drop by when my wallet is a bit FULLER or when my credit bill is a bit LIGHTER Emm... so far all the LFS I dealed with are very punctual... you should complain to them as not everybody can wait at home for more than 90 mins... and still not delivered
  16. Hehe... my so-called moonlight... a $15 Ikea 20W halogen lamp... currently running at 70% I believe... let's see if it will dim further later once the main light is being switched off
  17. Here's how my fishies got real excited by the combination of both products...
  18. According to the label: Roti-Feast™ is a super-concentrated rotifers (Brachionus Plicatilis, 150-275 microns) and 2.5 million eggs (40-75 microns), gut packed with Phyto-Feast™, and formulated specifically for hungry reef carnivores. Roti-Feast™ can be fed to both SPS and LPS, seahorse larvae, ricordea, mushrooms, anemones, gorgonians, marine fish larvae and many other marine micro fauna.
  19. Here's how the Rotifers look like... amazing looking little creature http://www.reed-mariculture.com/rotifer/
  20. Time to feed Roti-Feast™ tonight... my usual plastic container (courtesy of bro Maxstar btw)... the colour and smell is not as "yummy" as Arcti-Pods™ but marine rotifer planktons are really really tiny...
  21. I'm back... and tonight I tried feeding the Arcti-Pods™ direct from the bottle... the fishes get excited again but a lot of the marine pods actually float on the water surface... so some picky eaters got a bit lazy to try to reach for the pods... so it's better to premix the pods in a small container before pouring it into a high flow area... that way sand dwellers can also get a fair share of the yummy pods Hehe... just experimenting
  22. Firstly you need to have a special CLAM TANK (view from the top)... wow... really really impressive... the tank must be extremely low in nutrient as that amount of clams can beat any Denitrator our there... easily
  23. Guys just for your reading pleasure: I "heard" from a reliable source that the marketing in North America for the Aquatronica brand has been taken over by a very strong distributor... one of the industry giant with legendary brands under their belt... so that's good news for Aquatronica users as we can rest assured of the followings: 1) Competitive pricing both locally and internationally (if local not competitive, we buy from Marinedepot.com ... AM you listening?) 2) Aggressive advertising and promotions 3) Fast moving and stay ahead 4) Exciting product line-up with more TOYS and gadgets to satisfy our growing hunger for technology! As you all know... North America is the real driving force (true in most cases) for the industry and if Aquatronica is to be widely used there... the benefits will trickle down to us 10000 miles away... at least we can be assured that the brand will not rot and disappear after a few years ... to put it in Automotive context... now where the hell can I find spare part for my Rover car? Frankly, I can foresee Aquatronica topping the chart in the US and becoming a market leader within a very short period of time... I shall provide you guys with a bit more info on this later
  24. Similar in form/shape... but the colour is not so nice lah... or else I would've have to pay a for it... it's brown in colour with luminence green dots all over...
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