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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Haha... no need to sad lah... over there got a lot of disease one lah... maybe try Pasar Malam section... cleaner IMO Just kidding only har... bro... don't go and post lah...
  2. You guys are right... but luckily I paid a large deposit last month... so this month's budget still can "tahan" this new Toy... It's pay day tomorrow!!!
  3. The back of the Controller (aka computer)... Made in Italy ... the 2 connectors you see is for the cable to connect to the Power Unit... single cable only... either one of the connectors depending on your mounting style... appreciate the thoughts that goes into the design of this unit. You guys notice the "No Dustbin" symbol? The Controller comes with a built in rechargeable battery... capable of saving all your datas/settings for a period of 15 hours in the event of a power cut... when the power returns, the screen will show a "power cut" symbol and tells you duration of the power cut... well... nice effort but how often do we get power cuts here in Singapore?
  4. That bottle you see in my pix is actually the Marine Density (Sg) calibration fluid... not Redox. The REDOX calibration fluid (which is a new thing in the market) will only arrive next shipment. Aiyo bro... 2 years warranty not enough ah... wan lifetime
  5. Hey!!! How come ah?!? Ok lah I will let you start a thread this time... I will join in short after... my new Toy is gonna keep me busy for a while lor
  6. I know... I'm so so excited!!! For those who has no idea what we are talking about... do visit the product review by bro Lyz77 and me... and possibly more bros and sis joining the fun http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=49154&st=105
  7. Very reassuring... how often do you buy equipments with proper warranty nowadays? Sorry guys, I have to blur it to protect my serial no. Bro Lyz, AM forgot to fill up the warranty for the Power Unit (aka Power Bar). Bring it back to be filled up 2 years warranty for both Controller and Power Unit
  8. Hey you are 3 steps ahead of me everytime!!!
  9. Just a quick update while reading their manual... at least they provide proper English translations Very clear indeed A lot of diagrams too
  10. Hahaha... and I just bought a new fish food for my spoilt fishes... if got time I will start a new review!!! Tune in
  11. As suggested by a few other bros... it really depends on your feeding method. I believe my method is not optimum yet therefore wastage is inevitable... I am trying out different feeding methods to further minimize wastage... it also depends on how lazy/spoilt your fishes are... like mine... they try not to feed on the surface as it is less elegant
  12. Hahaha... let me sum up everything!!! This is what I call value for money I will provide you guys a full list later... now pls excuse me... I got a rocket to build
  13. Hahaha... great to hear that!!! Wah you have a larger tank than me... around 20% more in water volume (not incl. you sump). ATI Powermodul is good. Do check if the stock has arrived... most probably no stock. The 6 tubes version only have 2 power plugs, so you do not have moonlight. The Blue is pretty bright and will not give you the moonlight effect... don't worry, the moonlight can come in later. Again, yes and no. I'm running my tank using filtered tap water, although algae is visible... but no outbreak so far coz I invest in nutrient control media. If you already have a Skimz FR (I suppose with Aquapharm SORB-4), your tank should be pretty alright. Of course, it's better to use DI water... but for me, DI is less convenient and I do have proper equipments to take care of the extra nutrients. There are a lot of brands out there that offers Strontium dosing... I was previously using Kent Marine, now Aquapharm.
  14. 1) Strontium is used to promote growth to both soft and hard corals (according to AquaPharm) 2) Yes. 3 different light stages is ideal. Although some reefers think that moonlight is more like a gimmick but it is proven that a bit of light can help your LS navigate better at night as in nature, there is always the moon providing a hint of light. 3) Yes and no. Tap water contains Phosphates and etc. that can promote algae growth but it can also be other reasons that is causing algae outbreak. The best is to use DI water (especially if your tank is small). Some of us rely on Phosphate removal media such as Rowaphos and run it in FR to get rid of excess Phosphate. For your setup, it is advisable to use DI water
  15. Envy you lor... my Pink Gonio not opening lor... very small piece some more Remember hor... when it grows too large for your tank... call me I can exchange with my oversized Hammer
  16. Yalor... since when we all became so predictable...
  17. Does your Red/Pink Gonio fluorence under blue/actinic? The one I bought (not doing well) fluorence like a highlighter
  18. Kick in so often (for only 5 minutes) is not normal... mine kick in every 90 to 120 mins (day), 120 mins to 180 mins (night)... normally run for 45 to 60 minutes. According to some reefers, the more it kicks-in and out, the more electricity it will consume and more frequent your chiller requires servicing. I got a feeling you are using a oversize chiller for your tank setup. That's why your chiller manage to bring down 1ºC - 1.5ºC within 5 minutes... do check properly as you shouldn't underestimate the energy a chiller consumes. Hope this helps
  19. My previous cleaner wrasse also like that... very fun to watch lor... that's why the tank somehow looks incomplete without it Another Lover Club? Ok lah... count me in... just don't force me to join Money Lover Club
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