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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Considering the features and the fact that it's Italian made... I think it's quite reasonably priced... For me, it is positioned quite well for serious Singaporean reefers in general
  2. Well... I can still invite you over lah... but promise no "kapo" lah... I will put CCTV all over But I doubt you will do so coz you will be focusing on my Jewels and drool... you don't even have time to reach for my goodies I will get Diamond to help "jaga" also (Err... seems like get another dog to "jaga" Diamond from you) Seriously, my upstairs neighbour has a similar looking dog called Ruby And it's annoying to see the dog inside the lift
  3. You? Continue to stock your tanks with Super Suns... that day will come when I invite you over to my place
  4. Bros and sis... I've decided to post my PM to bro Happy as I believe there's so much we can learn from him Extracted from my PM to Happy: "Bro Happy... stop treating me so nicely lah... very paiseh leh... You have been giving me so much inspiration... really... especially when it comes to understanding what the hobby really means in the end of the day... it's about sharing... not outsmart each other... still learning in that sense... haha. Love to accept your offer... and I will try my VERY BEST to take good care of them :-)"
  5. No... I didn't really focus too much on that tank recently coz enough drooling already... I've seen a live black cap before... a few in fact... lying flat inside plastic bags
  6. That's good news bro... very soon your entire LR will be covered by it Progress is looking pretty encouraging... I hope your new LS will stay happy and healthy
  7. Hehe... I bought an additional Water Level/Temperature inferface too... so now I can run 2 Water Level Sensors
  8. Hi Ping... u'll never know... Jan may deliver Yes! Your dad will love it! Emm... it's so nice to know that you actually bought this TOY for your dad... now how many of us got a chance to do that Please invite your dad over and join in the fun!
  9. So I guess no one is selling a Deltec CR then... no choice lor... gotto wait a bit longer then can get a new unit Bros and sis can still PM me hor... Pasar Malam first, RD second
  10. Haha I already contacted Seet this afternoon and I believe RD will recommend me a suitable unit...
  11. The Density (Sg) Interface... the probe is then connected to the interface (not direct to the Power Unit except Temperature probe)... this enables "plug and play" via USB and makes changing probe more bearable in the future Although the probes are calibrated, I calibrated it just to be sure... emm... pretty close... So for tonight, I've connected the following: 1) Temperature probe : 27.9ºC 2) Density (Sg) : 1027.1 (gotto bring it down tomorrow) 3) pH : 8.34 Will continue this review tomorrow. I'm sure bro Lyz77 and other bros/sis will join in once they receive their sets
  12. Nice "plug and play" feature... no setting required The pH probe is a 2-point calibration probe at 7.0 and 10.0. The probe comes in a damp condition, salt water inside the rubber casing
  13. It's getting so late already... ok last 3 pix Power up!!! Don't panic... it is showing room temperature
  14. Can plug into the normal 3-pin sockets for "on-off" only... but I will wait for the arrival of the dimmable module (equivalent to IKS SIMMOD) to control my Stream 6100 (possibly lighting too). So right now, 1 Power Unit is sufficient... or else have to burn another hole liao
  15. If they die... disaster As deadly as RBTA So better monitor them closely... or get your family members to help monitor them when u away There are reports they love Tunze Streams and Seios... just like my RBTA
  16. Ok lah... but not so soon ok? Everytime I go Jalan Kayu... I emptied my wallet... haiz... maybe they have some lucky charm inside the shop
  17. You bet!!! That time I was very broke too... Bro I like your Pink Gonio very much lar... next time if you come across, just buy for me, I will come collect from you immediately... you can trust me
  18. Not now lar... later... until u stock ur entire tank full of Super Suns first... until yours look like Irwana's Sun Tank... then I will invite you over to my house
  19. Do drop by more often... I am taking this slow... that's why I take pictures and posts along the way... I'm not a very technical person... so must learn... but so far I find the manual very easy to follow and the Menu for the Controller very easy to navigate... it bears the essence of the original Nokia I love the "plug and play" function too... no need to install whatsoever, once connected to the Power Unit, the Controller will read the probes immediately ... very APPLE computer to me... easy easy easy
  20. The rest of the cables (all probes) will be connected to the Power Unit instead. The connected USB shown in the pix is actually my Density (Sg) probe. The connection is very tight lor... requires a bit of strength but it's good to stop water caused by minor splashing from entering the USB connectors. To see the overall view of the Power Unit, you can check out pix posted by bro Lyz77 earlier. This is the amount of equipments/probes you can connect to a single Power Unit (no overlapping). a) 6 x 3-pin (UK) power outputs 1 x cable to Controller c) 2 x connection to Temperature Probes d) 6 x connection to other probes So this little guy actually has 15 connections in total And if you guys want to know how many probes you can connect to a single Controller... hahaha... if I'm not wrong... it's a total of 80!!!
  21. The cable... err... expecting it to be a bit less thick lor I guess I can live with it since there is only 1 cable
  22. That's why I do not invite reefers over or organize open house Actually ok with me lor... you take my Aquatronica I take all your amazing Suns
  23. Haha bro don't get mix up hor... one is FIAT one is BMW... the difference is quite obvious actually... perhaps 1 day... when I can afford a BMW... I will give it a try For now, a FIAT will do the job well
  24. Hahaha... never thought of it that way... perhaps I am just so insecure I need all these gadgets to make me feel better... perhaps not... damn it... after calibrating the Density (Sg) probe... my tank shows 1.027!!! Can sell my Refractometer already (showing 1.025)
  25. Bro you always know how and where to get the best looking small fishies around lor... really regret not getting the Blackcap lor... you are so damn right
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