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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Your Spiderman seems like an accident waiting to happen to me Let's hope that it will not end its own life so soon ... back to my RBTA experience... I also thought it will not happen... but it happened that very night Truly the perfect case study to support Murphy's Law
  2. Bro Lyz77... your Power Unit is under utilize lor I am currently using 2 only... Chiller (temp controlled) and Stream 6100 (on/off timer)
  3. Ahh... my very own Brine Shrimp farm? Actually I attempted during my Nano Dayz... sorta failed Yeah maybe I learn from you The Super Suns still a bit stress... don't expect them to open tonight anyway... bro Happy's tank his tank is 1500% larger than mine the Bartletts the fattest Spotted Mandarin I've ever seen amazing Anchor fattest Tangs I've ever seen
  4. Very neat lor... I'm so jealous... eyes so RED already!!! So how you find the PC Kit?
  5. Nope it doesn't come with the USB connector... need to go Sim Lim buy if your computer doesn't come with Serial port.
  6. Yeah the Anthias are very picky and after feeding them Live Brine Shrimp and Arcti-Pods, they refuse to eat pellets now... so I'm also having a hard time
  7. Going to bro Happy's place now... SUPER SUNS here I come
  8. Perhaps bro Lyz77 can show a better pix coz he is very organized with everything inside the sump cabinet... for me... all the cables are still all over the place... I still have some probes (water level) not connected yet... so no point organizing it now. USB for almost all probes But out of the Control Unit, only 1 cable... that's all... no more no less
  9. All settings can be saved or loaded... I guess more useful for the Westeners where they can have Summer/Winter settings... well for me, I will surely save an EMERGENCY setting. So in the event of an emergency, I just need to click a button and everything will change to a RED ALERT mode... cool
  10. Wow! An interesting feature... the on/off timer can also select the DAY... emm... can use it to dose Trace Elements and etc. What other purposes?
  11. You saw Nano Streams?!?!?!? WHERE WHERE WHERE
  12. Remember my 3-legged Sand Sifting Star? It's growing back!!! Took around 1 1/2 month to grow 2 tiny little horns
  13. Ok let me continue... I sold my Wavebox after 1 week... find it too noisy... the water splashing sound is extremely natural... like waves but can be quite annoying if it goes on and on and on
  14. Time to check my parameters for the past couple of hours... this is a graph showing pH and Temperature... It's amazing how everything is being recorded for reference... let me see: 1) Can you see the extraordinary high pH at 12.30am? That time I was doing a recalibration using the 10.0 calibration fluid 2) Same as yesterday, my pH is at its lowest point around 12.00pm... at 7.6!!! Luckily only lasted 1 hour 3) Emm... during night time, my chiller will run for 1 hour (1ÂșC) then rest for 2 1/2 hours Wow... all the information...
  15. Bro you must help us by updating us your progress too... well... perhaps you can test the Redox probe and let us know if we seriously require calibration For me the Redox reading is not too critical at the moment... guess I can wait until September
  16. Here's my latest FTV with Aquatronica Control Unit (temporarily) positioned for this photo shoot. I now position my Control Unit at my computer desk so that I can easily monitor it... and yes the Control Unit should stay far away from water. I am planning to send this pic together with some others to Aquatronica to be posted in their website: www.Aquatronica.com --> Gallery section Do you think this is good enough?
  17. Here's my latest FTV with Aquatronica Control Unit (temporarily) positioned for this photo shoot. I now position my Control Unit at my computer desk so that I can easily monitor it... and yes the Control Unit should stay far away from water I am planning to send this pic together with some others to Aquatronica to be posted in their website: www.Aquatronica.com --> Gallery section Do you think this is good enough?
  18. Bro Nim75sg you getting a set too? Wow... this is getting so very exciting Let's show the Europeans Singapore is a market to reckon with
  19. Thanks for your offer bro... really appreciate it. But a tiny bit may not be sufficient as I expect at least half of the probe should be submerged into the calibration fluid... if you don't mind... what if I come to your place to calibrate... but then I will have to bring the entire set over (disconnecting all my other probes and plugs)... Can "someone" send a team of Mission Impossible DHL over to Italy to bring back a bottle of Redox Calibration Fluid? This device will self-destruct in 10 secs...
  20. Rotting/decaying can also be things/nutrients that are not visible to our eyes for example urine/discharge from fishes and corals... these things create Nitrate in the end... so a lot of us rely on efficient skimmers to remove them once they were discharges/released into the water. We will not let it turn into Ammonia --> Nitrite --> Nitrate. So with a inefficient skimmer, all your wastes will have to go through the full cycle therefore in the end... Nitrate factory. Water change can only help that much... really. For example: 100% tank water = 60 NO3 After 10% change of water (that is if you are using RO/DI water): 90% old tank water = 54 NO3 If you are using tap water (known to have traces of NO3): 90% old tank water = 57 - 58 NO3 So in the end... you are just wasting salt (so to speak).
  21. Bro seriously... this shows your skimmer is not working... a good skimmer can take away a lot of problems before they even turn into problems IMO 60+ NO3 is unacceptable. Sorry bro for the blunt words... but I think we shouldn't be political and beatin' round the bush... you need to do it step by step and getting a good skimmer could as well be your first step.
  22. Bro I suggest you invest in a more efficient protein skimmer... got a feeling you have too much things rotting/decaying in your tank... so no matter how much water you change... your NO3 will still remain high
  23. Depending which country u go lor... if you go Australia... think twice before starting a new tank hor... a Skunk Cleaner Shrimp there costs AUD120.00
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