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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Amazing!!! A figurine (not Super Suns) for bro Lyz77 I still have a few to give away... will post a pix of the figurines and continue with the games tonight I may even throw in my Tunze Reefpack 500 as the GRAND PRIZE!!!* * Terms and conditions apply. Draw date 1st July 2050
  2. Bro correction hor... not just monitoring... the Aquatronica Ethernet and SMS modules allow you to CONTROL your tank parameters!!! Not just monitor... now this is going to be the next BIG thing!!! I got a feeling their R&D should be busy researching new products right now... for me... I would like to see a Light Sensor (just like Tunze 7095)... Noise Sensor (to help us detect faulty equipments or clogged pumps)... 24hour Surveillance camera (with night vision)
  3. I have a little game for you guys... the first who can help link to my RBTA disaster will get a special gift!!! (Hint: Definitely 100 pg and above) I will reveal the special gift tonight... I have something in mind already... I brought back from Paris last year Actually the special gift consists of 7 or 8 figurines... those who posted before this are eligible for the figurines automatically PM me your mailing address
  4. Im my previous thread, I made a very long opening speech http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=47012&st=0 Let's see if the last 3 months changed anything: THEN: "German made got difference meh?" you might ask? Well... I do hope so since I paid quite a substantial amount for the setup. I guess only time can tell... NOW: Still too early to tell THEN: Success? Failure? Definitely too early to tell as a successful tank design and setup cannot be judged so easily... it's a combination of hundreds of elements... and usually take a very very long time... NOW: I still believe that it takes a long long time to judge a tank... but the first 3 months is the most critical... so I guess I've passed... somehow THEN: I strongly agree to "Big got big play, small got small play". So I am not trying to set any standard here by pursuading you guys to go for the most expensive equipments you can put your hands on... in this hobby $$$ indeed plays a part, but the DEDICATION and PASSION outweighs that... NOW: Emm... kinda hard to say anymore... the more I am into this hobby, the more I can see the clear distinction between efficient and inefficient equipments... and efficient equipments come with a heft price tag... there are way too many case studies to support this... DEDICATION ans PASSION are still crucial but somehow... a reliable pump (for example) can outlasts our dedication... sometimes
  5. Thanks bro Divinesloth for being my first reader
  6. Hello Welcome welcome welcome!!! I shall talk less... show more... so let the party begins But before that... here are some flashbacks... some very fond memories you guys went through with me... Arrival of Solite MH and IOS Planning http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...pic=47012&st=45 Arrival of Aqua Medic Percula 90 – So damn excited!!! http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...pic=47012&st=60 My first Skimmate – Aqua Medic Turboflotor Percula w/ PH2500 http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=47012&st=165 My first rare encounter – Leopard Wrasse (The Maldives) http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=47012&st=210 First rock scaping – Disaster! http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=47012&st=240 First Full Tank Shot http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=47012&st=330 The completion of my Zoos Garden http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=47012&st=465 Big Mama & Lil’ Daddy – Story telling http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=47012&st=570 My first SPS – Disaster! http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=47012&st=690 Introduction of Polyp Lab System Reef-resh™ http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=47012&st=810 Moorish Idol – Disaster! http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=47012&st=870 First Prata – Disaster! http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=47012&st=990 Major acquisition – Bro Qxnviolet decom tank http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...c=47012&st=1365
  7. Hint: Someone with a keen interest in FURS
  8. I know... it's so surreal... see my tank 3 months ago Emm... let me think of something interesting
  9. Q: What I mean was how do you hook up your PC/laptop to the controller? A: I hook up my PC w/ Controller via the Power Unit (not direct to Control Unit). Can you see the 6 black rectangular shapes on the right? Can you one of the USB connectors there. Extremely easy Q: Do you fix a line permanently so that it monitors 24-hr round the clock? A: When I connect to my PC, the screen on the Control Unit will show "PC" icon (just like Apple iPod) and the control/monitor will be taken over by the PC. However, all information will still go through the Control Unit for storage (I believe there's a flash memory built-in). So when I do an update, the Control Unit will transfer all the info to the computer for viewing and saving. That's why connecting the Control Unit to the PC can take around 7 to 10 secs. I do not fix it permanently as I do not "on" my notebook 24 hours. I only connect to my computer whenever I need to do programming (as it is much easier and more fun with colours), view complicated graphs and software update. I don't foresee myself connecting to the notebook everyday... rather spend the time doing something else... like SRCing I hope it's clear
  10. Yupe... don't you think it's a bit insane considering it is only 3 months old
  11. True actually... the Density Probe is shorter than the rest... probably... the probe and the cable are also thicker... coz it consists of 2 functions, temperature and density
  12. Hehe bro... thanks for your clarification especially to all other bros... so we all don't have too high expectations on them (at least for the first week) I will feed them Mysis tonight. Followed by Chopped Tiny Prawns tomorrow. Yeah your tank is so so inspiration... I cannot sleep last night leh... thinking how I can fit your tank into my study room... honestly, your tank is half the size of my room
  13. I must target feed them with meaty food coz I dun wanna flood my tank with cyclopeeze every other day... not worth doing unless I have a species tank like Irwana... oh you should look at how they react to market prawn... yummy
  14. Not yet, I am still using the original Temperature Sensor that comes with the Control Unit... pretty good suction cap IMO My Temperature Sensor is in my main tank now... I find the cable a bit short though Yeah you seriously need a emergency plan especially with your 400W MH!!! Go ahead... just don't buy all the Power Units (aka Socket Panels)... I might need 1 more once I get my CR Water Level will try this weekend... need to reorganize my back panel a bit... haiz... no Sump what to do Will let you know if the 1 probe (Min) 1 probe (Max) works... if not, I will place the sec probe inside my top-up freshwater bucket... to alert me when I need to replenish freshwater... hahaha I got reminder for everything... this is important to me as I can't stay focus on something for too long... this will at least remind me to do things when I am too distracted with something else... and I find the beep alert quite loud... like a alarm clock... surely won't miss Dunno leh... most probably need to update software via internet again... or maybe a installer disc that comes with the Ethernet module... you get the ethernet, I get the sms... I think it is better/faster for me to receive alerts via sms than email (esp. during travel) Dosing Pumps (3-in-1) confirm controlled flow-rate... no more traditional type of dosing pump using manual valve... blah total waste of money IMO. I've ordered a piece. Emm... I recommend you use back the original cable... not worth risking since your cabinet design can organize them quite well. Oh I really appreciate the fact that the Serial port for the PC Kit comes with an extraordinarily long USB cable... very useful to most of us... another good sign that Aquatonica is more a MAC than a PC
  15. Just an update since this thread is still alive My 3-legged Star already grown back it's missing legs... currently the 2 tiny legs are around 1/10 of its original length. You can go to my tank thread to see the little "horns"... posted yesterday. After giving away my Hermit Crab and Big Mama (3.5" Maroon Clown)... no more broken fins spotted in my tank... I believe either 1 of them (if not both)
  16. Yes, I was told high calcium can hardens the sand bed... but if you have critters like Sand Sifting Stars, Hermits, Gobies and Blennies... not a problem lah But of course the best is to keep it within the 420 to 450 range... but if slightly above... IMO no need to panic lor... in fact you will notice some new growth in your tank with some extra calcium
  17. I know... that's why I have to take extra good care of it... or else dunno how to answer to bro Happy and especially you guys... will surely "kena" throw into hot oil I will try my best lar... I got a feeling Arcti-Pods are too tiny for them, the polyps are pretty large actually, so I think minimum Brine Shrimp... Mysis and chopped market prawn can be suitable
  18. AMAZING!!! I have this Ric.F with 7 mouths!!! I'm gonna do something once I manage to get all the needed ingredients/tools Thanks for sharing bro... really appreciate it
  19. Very impressive and inspiring info sharing there bro Nakazoru... I'm going to Sydney soon... perhaps I will get my sis to drive me around there... but I don't think they can boast World's largest lar And London in December... but I don't think much will happen during Winter/Christmas
  20. Their fishes and corals also very expensive... especially those originated from the Great Barrier Reef... But come to think of it... that's the only way to protect Mother Nature... LS are so affordable here in Singapore... How many of us actually overstocked out tank? or worse... keep on replenishing LS for the past 3 years? Many I believe But there's nothing much for Singapore to protect lar... perhaps some unpopular Anemones and ever breeding Nemos Another thorny issue... the never ending land reclaimation... oops I've touched sensitive issue now... Sorry Oh bros... I finally got a chance to see a Deltec 601 CR in action lor... Very convincing... and also as thick as a tree trunk I'm gonna get it already... it's just a matter of time
  21. Personally I think public tanks with Plasma/LCD advertising screens is a good thing... at least you can be sure that the glass panels and water clarity are well taken care... I went to Atria last 2 weeks and was quite disappointed by the state of their tank... the water is and I don't think their fishes very happy lor ... because their advertising method is to paste stickers from the outside, so the yellowish water will not affect the advertisement... It's all about pressure from the advertisers... more pressure = cleaner tanks And the Singapore Airlines PPS Lounge at Paragon is in quite a sorry state too A few of their fishes all "kena" rotting disease Disclaimer: IMHO only hor
  22. The Super Suns are sitting in a very prominent position now... hopefully I can post some pictures tonight... I got a feeling they will open big-big... hehe I can always use my Roti-Feast or defrost water from my Mysis to entice them
  23. I manage to use up 4 of my 6 sockets already a) Chiller (temperature controlled - graph) b. ATI White (timer controlled) c) ATI Blue + ATI built-in fans (timer controlled) d) Tunze Stream 6100 + Single Controller 7091 (timer controlled) e) Available f) Available I will reserve (e) for water top-up pump ---> kalkwasser dispenser I will try to figure out also how to programme (b.) and (c.) to be permanently deactivated if the temperature reaches 29ºC (in other words... Chiller/Aquabee 3000 malfunction)... I might also switch off (d) to reduce heat emission. I'm planning to connect a direct-blowing fan that connects to (a) so that everytime my chiller is activated, the air surrounding the chiller will be well ventilated... day and night I am also planning to only activate my water top-up (e) during night time... as Kalkwasser will increase pH... dosing during the day will only widen the pH fluctuations. To achieve this, I will need the use of a conventional timer device coupled with Aquatronica Water Level Sensors Bro Lyz77... you serious? Another Power Unit (aka Socket Panel)? Luckily you are not using IKS... or else you need 3 panels already (Fact: IKS Power Bar comes with 4 sockets, Aquatronica 6) Your wish list will go on and on... and it will only get worse... remember... the older you get, the more expensive your toys are going to be
  24. Another unbiased finding to share: I tried connecting my Tunze 6100 to my Aquatronica. It works well, 3 sec activation, 3 sec pause (no alternating speed yet). However, I find the switching on/off sound a bit annoying... the sound is released via the Power Unit (aka Power Bar)... clicking "on" clicking "off" every 3 sec is enough to irritate me... so I decided to use back my Tunze Controller instead. However, before you guys jump into any conclusion... here are more to consider: 1) My Power Unit is placed outside the tank, not inside any cabinet. So the clicking sound goes direct to my ears especially when my Chiller is not running. But for those of you with large setup, hiding it inside your cabinet will not give you any problem (I believe)... well the clicking sound can be easily masked by your return pump 2) I have hyper-sensitive ears (thanks to music cassettes, Michael Jackson and Aiwa Walkmans... oops I revealed my age) Imagine... me finding Sicce pumps unbearable... upgraded all to Aquabee... I think it's just me... 3) With the launch of the SIMMOD equivalent in a few months time, all controllable Tunzes can be more efficiently controlled, with alternating speed just like a Tunze Controller... perhaps then we can really test out the feasibility of replacing the Tunze Controller with Aquatronica.
  25. That's a very good question... emm... will go back and find out why... will try to find the answer tonight According to Aquatronica/LFS SIMMOD equivalent will be ready for export September 06... but knowing the Italians (Europeans in general)... I will say November 06 is a more realistic timeline... also allow a bit more time for our custom to clear... emm... been hearing lots of Singapore custom delays from various LFS Do you know that they are particularly strict on fish food?!? Also those bacteria-based products Imagine the Custom Officer... Product description: "Cultured bacteria for removing excess nutrients in salt water aquariums" What the heck
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