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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Oh dear... incident like is happens... and it should be avoided at all costs... oh my... better be careful next time
  2. Bro any updatez of your tank? Been a while leh...
  3. Most probably I will try this one out first... if it is not too complicated to make it work Maybe a bit difficult... coz if I'm not wrong, local mobile operators do not allow 2 SIM cards working at the same time... really need to check it out before ordering If possible... "shiok" coz I'm using a PDA phone GSM MODULE (cod. ACQ240) Thanks to the GSM module and a remote connection, it is possible to dialogue via a mobile phone. There must be a SIM card from any mobile phone company (not supplied) inside the GSM module. This makes it possible to receive considerable information about the condition of your aquarium, such as: * triggered system alarms * black-out warnings and a subsequent signal when the power is turned back on (thanks to the internal battery) * you can ask the control unit for the list of water chemical values * send and receive sms messages just like any normal mobile phone The firmware inside the GSM module can be continually updated on-line. TECHNICAL DATA Power supply voltage: 115V 60Hz - 220V 50Hz SIM connector: inside the module Antenna: supplied
  4. The gadget that bro Lyz77 been talking about... I think I will let him try it out first since he is more IT than me I love the fact that it enables me to not just MONITOR but to CONTROL my tank from 10000 miles away!!! ETHERNET MODULE (cod. ACQ225) Thanks to the Ethernet module and a remote connection, it is possible to dialogue via internet or LAN networks. This allows the user to check the Aquarium Controller in two distinct ways: * by connecting from any internet point, via a browser; * by connecting to a LAN network. In both cases, it is possible to monitor the aquarium data and carry out a number of the most important settings. It is also possible to enable email alarm management (you receive a message at the desired email address if a malfunction occurs).
  5. This is what I've been waiting for... already ordered a piece btw... coming Sept/Oct 06... DOSING PUMPS (cod. ACQ450) Aquatronica dosing pumps guarantee the possibility of metering liquids in your aquarium. the module consists in 3 peristaltic pumps which function independently and allow the following types of dosage: * single dosage: allows a pre-established quantity of the substance to be administered at a set time and on set days; * repeated dosage: allows a dosage to be repeated at regular intervals (hours - days); * weekly dosage: allows the desired dosage to be administered only on set days of the week; * diffused dosage: the desired substance is administered evenly over a set time lapse. Aquatronica dosing pumps also administer substances on the basis of data provided by the electrodes connected to the system; this innovative function allows you to automatically correct the water biological balance. There are also 3 optional connectors which in future will allow stirring systems to be connected to the module; this will allow the metering of semi liquid substances (which would tend to deposit). TECHNICAL DATA Power supply voltage: 115V 60Hz - 220V 50Hz Number of pumps: 3 Min. resolution: 1 ml Accuracy: ± 5%
  6. This is what we really really need right now... AM can something be done here? 240 mV CALIBRATION SOLUTION (cod. ACQ410-RX) The 240 mV calibration solution allows the redox electrode to be calibrated correctly. The solution can be used for electrodes immersed in soft water or salt water. the solution is available in 100ml bottles
  7. Some new items... coming up this September... Extracted from www.Aquatronica.com ACTIVE HUB (cod. ACQ215) Active hub allows other aquatronica accessories to be connected to the aquarium controller system, when every connector on the multioutlets is already being used for other connections. The active hub consists in 6 data connectors (USB-type) and a power jack to connect the adapter. The adapter supplied complies with all applicable standards. TECHNICAL DATA I/O connectors: 6 power supply voltage: 115V 60 Hz - 220V 50 Hz max working current: 500 mA
  8. Emm... bro your clean clean white backdrop is kinda glaring ah... it's time to stack higher lor or try to suspend your rocks and corals from the top
  9. Haha... all the BIG questions there... I will try to answer them all: 1) I tried Aquapharm Bact Starter during my Nano Cube days... in tablet form. It's very easy to use and affordable too. The only thing you need to be aware of when adding bacteria is to switch off your protein skimmer. 2) 3 to 5 days is relatively short lah... to put it shortly, water level and food. You can make good use of electric timers. Again depending on what kinda LS you keep and how complex is your setup. 3) CO2 and CR in a set? Emm... may not be a good idea as you need to refill the CO2 tank quite often... I am planning to get a Deltec PF501 this week... to me... it is quite neat looking 4) Emm... everything is important actually... but lighting (if keeping light dependent corals) and wavemaker top my list. Fish/coral food is important too. I'm sure other bros will help fill up the gap
  10. Only 2 tubes? Emm... with that kinda depth (2.3ft) it can be too much to ask for any 2 nos. of HO T5 to perform... I'm sure the clam will survive the 2 weeks... but beyong that? Do keep us update on the well-being of your clam ok? Perhaps 2 tubes is all it takes
  11. Haha... still got story behind this specimen... amazing Bro your pix quality improved a lot leh... I'm impressed
  12. Hahaha... you are so so professional lor... must be your job influence So you chilling your water at 26ºC? I am trying to reach that but impossible with my Teco RA240 (225W). So I really need to look at a more decent shiller already as there are many proven benefits for both fishes/corals to be set at 26ºC – 27ºC. Keep up the amazing review bro!!!
  13. Liveaquaria always categorize fishes/corals with special care/diet under Expert. So don't worry too much. Get ready some Arcti-Pods. Whenever you see it, dose in a bit. You may also want to add Garlic Guard to make it more smelly... there is hope... as least she is swimming around in the first day. The WILL is strong in this ONE
  14. Meaning a lot of bacteria activities happening in your sand bed (not necessarily a bad thing)... if you wanna get rid of them, try adding Sand Sifting Stars or some Gobies/Blennies that will stir the sand bed a bit.
  15. All the best to you bro... Apple rocks!!! Nothing comes close (even though they share the same chip )
  16. Forever I am not sure... but for a very long time... make sure you use your tank water when u wash it, don't use Freshwater. If you want better product, get the red one. It's worth it considering it being a long term investment.
  17. Oh yeah... I can see it... so your second attempt hah? Is it eating already? I'm sure it will take the Arcti-Pods. What's that Durian thing? You guys always have very exotic tastes when it comes to inverts
  18. Oh dear... not a good time to start a new tank actually... wait lar... wait until u finish army The larger it is... the harder your Parents have to help u maintain lar But on the other hand... it can also mean better stability
  19. So the product only adds MILK? Or it's Calcium based? Will it benefit my other corals too? Do a product review lar
  20. Wah all the best to your sales... Black or White? Go for the black lah... it's so damn cool!!!
  21. Err... ooops I know... I am so impressed by the whole thing... totally didn't expect it being so detailed, elaborate and accurate... It's just good to have record of everything... especially things that happen when we are not around... but the best part of the product has yet to come Haha... sorry guys... I hope I am not putting too much influence in you guys... probably in my blood... my job scope is to see the best parts in every design/creation (those done by my designers)... packaged it, present it and try to sell it to the client... now I hope I am not crossing hobby/job too much
  22. You guys are so so amazing... electrician lah... programming lah... bro Colinsoon can also do an amazing DIY setup... I only know design and there's nothing much I can apply to this hobby except buy nice looking equipments (sometimes useless) and colourful corals... Sorry Wow 500W... that's quite a lot of power consumption
  23. WAH!!! New tank already?!? I am also planning but right now what's stopping me is actually the knowledge part... I want to stay on with this setup... want to see it mature and learn more. It can help me plan my next tank better. For me, probably a 3ft cube (like bro Lyz77 )
  24. Yes we are all still learning... oh my... I am now a SHARK!!! IMO Aquatronica is a good product... and it is rightly priced for general hobbyist... I am so so lucky to bought it before investing hundreds (if not thousands) on separate controllers/monitors such as Milwaukee/AI/AquaMedic Just happen to be at the right time... the LFS that brought in this amazing product.
  25. You can come to my place and collect for free PM me for details...
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