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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yeah right... an Arctica to complete my list...
  2. Something interesting to read from Deltec's website: Phosphate removal on a grand scale Until recently a lake in Berlin had been suffering an unwanted algae bloom due to an increasing phosphate concentration. The 700m x 100m Lake Plötzensee is popular with bathers and also for fishing and other forms of recreation and it was important that any method used to solve the problem didn’t interfere with the natural ecosystem of the lake. A filter plant has now been added to the lake which includes sand filters and a filter containing 9m3 of Rowaphos. The water flow to the filter is 100m3 per hour, so the total volume of the lake is filtered 3-4 times a year. Tests have found that this method has greatly reduced the phosphate levels while the depth of visibility in the lake is increasing. The bather are happier too... As published in Practical Fishkeeping Issue 9/September 2001
  3. Yupe 1.5ºC throughout the day... don't see much of a difference except chillers kicking more often if I set 1ºC for night time... so probably instead of 5 times, the chiller will kicks in 6 times a day... so in the end may consume more energy. But again, I am running a underpower chiller... things will improve (and able to achieve 26ºC) once I save up enough for my chiller upgrade
  4. I got 4 of Majanos in my tank actually... emm... I will try to kill it using hot mix of Kalkwasser this weekend. Such a waste... they are quite pretty
  5. Oh such a waste... your tank is so so new!!! Sorry for you bro...
  6. Yeah... 1 point to bro Colinsoon... My cleaner shrimps are growing so damn huge... I think they doesn't belong to a 3ft anymore
  7. My temperature graph of the day... amazing stuff... for once I can count how many times my Teco RA240 kicks in a single day... this is the power of information: 1) My chiller kicks in 5 times a day (actually not to bad huh?) 2) At night (no light), the chiller takes around 1 1/2 hours to bring down 1.5ºC 3) During intense lighting, the chiller takes a whopping 2 1/2 hours to bring down 1.5ºC Extra info: • Teco RA240 running w/ Aquabee 3000 • 225W • Temp: 27ºC – 28.5ºC • Tower fan blowing towards the tank/chiller all day except at night. So with this information... you guys think I should upgrade my chiller?
  8. My temperature graph of the day... amazing stuff... for once I can count how many times my Teco RA240 kicks in a single day... this is the power of information: 1) My chiller kicks in 5 times a day (actually not to bad huh?) 2) At night (no light), the chiller takes around 1 1/2 hours to bring down 1.5ºC 3) During intense lighting, the chiller takes a whopping 2 1/2 hours to bring down 1.5ºC Extra info: • Teco RA240 running w/ Aquabee 3000 • 225W • Temp: 27ºC – 28.5ºC • Tower fan blowing towards the tank/chiller all day except at night. So with this information... you guys think I should upgrade my chiller?
  9. This guy is really a reefer's best friend... he is extremely good at cleaning the sand bed, eating algar from the glass and rock surface... no regret despite its horrid look
  10. Wow... a sis with very impressive collection of goodies there... some nice collectors' items there
  11. Well... I am no expert... but it kinda makes sense actually... too strong flow will affect readings... oh my probes are placed in a low flow area in my IOS... could that be the reason for its stability? Worth trying Or maybe read the manual... to be honest, I have not finish reading
  12. Anyone can identify this odd looking creature?
  13. Another closer look at the perished mother colony... it's offspring (total of 5 mini polyps) are doing fine... I guess this is a way to avoid the mother colony from covering the area... leaving much needed space for the new babies to grow... wow! Amazing
  14. Yipee! A reply from Aquatronica Hi Jervis Thanks a lot for your pictures!! We'll provide as soon as possible to publish them on our web site. Can we write on your web page also your e-mail address (in this way, who'd like to contact your wil reach you easily)? Bye Cristina Marconi Aquatronica Marketing dept. via dell'Industria 20 42025 - Cavriago - Italy ph. +39 0522 494403 fax. +39 0522 494410 www.aquatronica.com marketing@aquatronica.com
  15. It is definitely not easy to maintain a public tank like this... I hope the organizer will not allocate budget (for the maintenance of the tank) based on the performance of the advertisements sold on those LCD TVs... or else... jialat lor... one month got good food... next month starving Even the La Mer (luxury cosmetic counter at Tang's and Robinsons) keep downgrading and downsizing... they not totally eliminate corals and go with FOWLR instead... the Singapore Airlines PPS Lounge @ Paragon and Atria's tank also not doing too well I have not been to Underwater World for a while now... maybe pay them a visit.
  16. These are just some of the teething problems we face whenever we play with new products... basically we are putting the product to test along the way... for me, my Density probe is showing 0.001 higher than my Refractometer. That's fine with me coz it's a matter of 1.024 or 1.025 which are both optimum and acceptable level. However... there could be a lot of other reasons affecting the readings... yes being too close to some magnetic devices (such as some pumps) may affect the readings... do share with us your findings
  17. Bro... there are a lot of practices and methods surrounding this ich problem... all I can say is... if you manage to catch it out can quarantine it separately, why not use medication? By putting it in freshwater... then lowering the Sg to 1.009... is definitely adding much stress to the fish... again... this is just my opinion on this issue. Note: Do not ever dose medication into your main tank
  18. Haha bro... updatez must not always be new TOYS mah... some tank pix will do the job fine... yeah it's been a while I see your tank and your LS leh... To have the Power Unit "ON" continuously, I think you can try switching it to Manual (instead of Auto) but I don't think that is what you are looking at... maybe use the timer and set it to on and off being the same time lor... that should work... or else need to email Italy already Bro... I think 0.02ºC diff. is definitely acceptable... How many aquarium apparatus out there allows for that extra decimal point? Don't worry about it too much. My Density reading has been very stable and believeable so far... I don't have doubt about it... comparing to my Refractormeter... my Density is 0.001 higher... so we are just talking about a +/- 0.001 which I think fairly acceptable. But in the long term... we need to find ways to ensure correct readings and calibration... that's part of the reason we are setting up the Aquatronica Club How's your Redox btw? Mine around 320MV.
  19. Emm... Lara... I am very curious leh... are you a bro or a sis?
  20. Emm... that's now a bad idea actually... then the club can get some hawker center, Bread Talk, food courts, 7-eleven and NTUC Fairprice as sponsors... at least the members do not have to beg on the street... or maybe apply for a performing license and perform some stunts in front of Takashimaya... we can do the CORAL DANCE
  21. Wah... going overseas... so so exciting!!! Study hard bro... you can have the next 30 years ahead of you reefing... that is at least 10 tank upgrades if you can "tahan" 3 years a tank
  22. Agree with bro Naka... noise is highly subjective and we all have different tolerance to noise... me being easily annoyed by noise... so I am hating my Teco RA240 everyday... even now it is running like a HORSE!!!
  23. Bro Lyyz77 answered ur questions... those holes must be filled with water Mine showing sign of decrease everytime I change water (done 3 times so far) coz I am trying to bring down my Density.
  24. Thanks bro Happy for all the effort... I will try to capture it tonight... Must also thank you for showing me your Deltec CR... one look at your CR... can tell the difference already... that's when (in a split second) I decided to go with Deltec already... (even RD refuses to give me 1% discount ) That's the amazing thing about sharing...
  25. Isn't nature amazing?!? Wow... these are the little things that can keep popping up and keep amazes me all the time Long Live this Beatiful Hobby
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