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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Very unfortunately Emm... I have not purchase any corals/fishes for more than 2 weeks now
  2. My Green Gonio... previously placed below my Hammer... now pretty high up and immediately can see better polyp extensions... emm... this hobby is all about placement, placement, placement
  3. Did some minor rescaping last night... moved the Tonga Zoos (Radioactive blah blah) to the lower portion of the tank... heard Zoos will fade under too much UV... so having it too near my tubes may not be an ideal placement My Crocea is looking quite healthy actually... oh my Alveopora placement a bit "salah" Will find a more suitable place for it
  4. Fatter and fatter... a nice Frogspawn colony acquired from bro Qxnviolet's decom tank... he never visit us anymore
  5. Err... unfortunately I still need to do the tedious job of changing water... perhaps not high-tech enough
  6. Why the sudden outbreak? I believe your BT been in your tank for a long while right?
  7. Showing another new extension... it's amazing to see it thrive
  8. Xenia... polyps not fully extended yet... but this pix shows so many new polyps forming on the sides... and they really do spread like wildfire... I even found 1 polyp attached to the shell of my Crocea
  9. Some pix... here's my Orange Plate (short tentacles)... the tentacles are getting fatter and fatter Can you see the second mouth? Emm... is this how they split? Or do they split in the first place
  10. Impressive... yeah don't stress the Black Tang further... just feed it nutritious food... it looks very healthy in the pix... surely can recover
  11. Probably they updated the interface during the last software/firmware update
  12. Pump go for Eheim or Aquabee... it will be good not to overstock your LS too... how often to you get to go back home? Frozen not too good... your food preparation looks too nutritious. You still have a couple of months right? Train your LS to take pellets/flakes... they are much more cleaner and convenient. There are a lot of very good pellets out there... surely your LS will be spoilt for choice Also teach your maid to camp outside Irwana a night before shipment
  13. Wah... so many questions... ok lah since I am on MC today I try to answer all lah 1) Super skimmer is a relative word... and depending on how much you wanna invest in... if Deltec/H&S/etc. is too much... then any reliable brand will do. Make sure you buy 1 or 2 sizes up for your tank capacity. Protein skimmer pump go for the best you can afford... this is a piece of equipment that will run 24/7 in your absence and breakdown can be fatal as no one will notice it inside the cabinet. Also can find ways to export skimmate out into a mineral water bottle or something... easier for your maid to help discard and replace. 2) Lighting... em... if ATI Powermodul is too big and investment... go for the SOLITE fixture. They are quite reliable for that price (slightly more than 50% cheaper than ATI). 4 tubes / 6 tubes up to you really. If you like the pinkish feel (and yes they do make your fishes look more beautiful) go for ATI Aquablue Spezial (4 tubes) and any brand Blues (2 tubes). Don't go for Actinic. I love my ATI colouration very much!!! I believe you will love it too Get fixture with built-in fans... and I believe the SOLITE T5 comes with fans. If you are not going for ATI Powermodul, don't invest too much in other brand as you will have to change to a new lightset once you decide to go back to reef. Don't waste money on NO. 3) FOWLR can be very stunning also! It's way easier to maintain, just teach your maid how to feed daily (and where to buy fish food). If corals... your maid will go haywire... all the target feeding lah... dosing lah... blended anemone lah... definitely give you a lot of heart attack... as if being bald (shaved) is not bad enough 4) Yes you probably do not need a chiller for FOWLR setup... I can still remember the RB upstairs FOWLR tank showing 33ÂșC in their digital thermometer!!! 5) Here's a list of items you may want to consider to make your maid's life easier: a. Water top-up system b. Extra bucket with prepared salt water c. List of friends for your maid to call in case can't reach you (you can include my no.) d. List of LFS for your maid (with map pls) for your maid to replenish stock/ask for help e. List of fishes/inverts (with pix pls) printed nicely so that she can do headcount f. A super reliable return pump!!! g. A battery-operated air pump (in case of blackout) teach her what to do Hahaha... I am so so "free"... nothing to do at home
  14. Hehe... I dunno how much AM is selling now... maybe you "handsome" got a bit more discount leh... Go to AquaMarin thread under Sponsor section and check out their promo price. Dunno the launch promo price is applicable or not Best is go down to their shop... you may want to add something and deduct something from their package... IMO their Basic Package is very very affordable... Make sure you get the PC Kit... more fun using together with the PC
  15. Hahaha... if "money not enough"... then go FOWLR first... at least you don't have to immediately invest in all sorts of ex toys to satisfy the need of your corals (bearing in mind you will not be able to change water every week)... invest all in a super protein skimmer, don't waste too much money on lighting now... maybe a Denitrator... FR to run Phosphat remover also good. Basically you need the system to run by itself in your absence (without too much tuning and maintenance) Oh maybe get a skimmer with a giant collection cup in case your maid forget to discard the skimmate for a week... you know... things happen
  16. I only sent them 5 coz the rest also around 4 to 5 pix... so to send too many
  17. Oh dear... all wiped out? So sorry to hear that bro... make sure you get a reliable tank next time
  18. Bro Lyz77, not just temperature... Redox can also be affected as the salt mix inside the bucket usually have very low Redox... therefore it's better to change around 10% instead of 20%. That way you can also minimize the impact of KH, pH & slight Density difference.
  19. That's the price to pay to be "different"
  20. Be realistic... yes your mum and maid will not be able to handle a 5ft Reef Tank... go with FOWLR tank... you have 2 choices to beautify your tank further... fake plastic corals or Zoos FOWLR can also be extremely beautiful... After your service then slowly convert back to Reef lor May I also suggest you get a IKS or Aquatronica... life inside the camp is a lot more bearable if your tank can send you sms... or else your mum and maid will panic all the time If anything goes wrong, at least you can still have the power to rectify it via your handphone... and you can have a more fool-proof tank (and prepare more emergency planning) with a computer system... do consider that Hint hint... welcome to the club
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