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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. The only change I can think of is the lowering of temperature from 27ºC to 26ºC. Are they on mating season? My 2 shore gobies are also chasing each other... and the Algae Blenny is challenging both my Chevron and YT... haiz... dunno what happened
  2. So sad to see it hiding like this... it use to be a very dignified specimen
  3. Nope the Basic Package doesn't come with PC Kit... I use my digicam to shoot my laptop screen Control Unit and Power Unit 2 years warranty
  4. Thanks bro... but so far no interests lor... haiz... another piece of toy go into the bomb shelter indefinitely
  5. Haha... my Singlecontroller is not suitable for bro VD... the Stream 6000 may not be strong enough for 5ft though
  6. Looking good bro... what a large flat piece of Zoos there... hehe... you also have pest anemones
  7. Bro... have you gotten your "brownie points"? Shouldn't be hard right?
  8. This is how insane the hobby can get... (better hide all these in the store room before someone finds out )
  9. My Xenia-looking hitchiker... growing so rapidly... now the official new home for my queer False Perc
  10. Ok... not everything is as dark and gloomy as the weather outside... the mother Rud Buby polyp is opening again (top right corner... after closed for a week) Bro Hammy... is yours opening too? Looking at the size of the polyp... I think the mother sacrificed already... taken over by a new daugther polyp... will update you guys again on this
  11. Mine worse... go to my thread and see how my Six Line cornered her to one corner... her tail already torn Dunno why this is happening suddenly... they've been co-existing well for the past 3 months
  12. At least my Zoos Garden looks calm and peaceful
  13. And this guy is also kinda aggressive... dare to fight with my Chevron Tang
  14. According to 6060 manual, Tunze is not recommending on/off the 6060 more than 24 times a day... so don't think the 6060 is a very useful primary wavemaking unit... as secondary maybe.
  15. Yupe bro... your 6060 is non controllable... a controllable unit say 6100 will costs 3 times that So 4 pieces of 6100 + Multicontroller 7095... is gonna cost you a
  16. Hahaha... aren't my pictures good enough? Updatezzzzz.... sad news... don't think my Leopard Wrasse can last much longer... my Six Line been chasing her all day long since yesterday (dunno why) Already... damaged her tail
  17. Hahaha... looking at your list of equipments... no wonder you are on TIGHT budget Your CR set is incomplete... you still need around $500 to complete it
  18. Hehe... it will be especially for a large tank
  19. Haiz... not eating again? Don't worry bro... I heard from a LFS... Leopard Wrasse really depends on luck one lor... there's a very pro reefer... also cannot seems to keep his Leopard Wrasse alive... anyway, don't give up yet... what about Henry's Mix?
  20. Haha... bro Zorden thanks for your encouragement I think this product review will be beneficial to new reefers... for example... if there is such a product review during that time before I bought my Teco... I would've already gotten an Arctica in the first place I hope you don't mind me continuing
  21. Emm... I will say 8.1 with plus/minus 0.2 throughtout the day.
  22. The report is out 1) My chiller kicked-in 8 times for the past 24 hours 2) Lights off: 2 to 2 1/2 hours resting time / Lights on: 1 to 1 1/2 hours resting time 3) Running time: Average 1 hour to bring down to 26ºC from 27.5ºC Bros and Sis... I have the following questions: a) Is my chiller kicking-in too many times each day? Do you think setting the minimum temperature to 26.5ºC (intead of 26ºC) will improve the situation c) Alternatively... set the difference to 2ºC (instead of 1.5ºC)... so between 26ºC and 28ºC. Is 2ºC fluctuation within 1 hour too great? Is 28ºC considered too warm? in advance
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