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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Wah... you serious ah... so when r u upgrading???
  2. Green Circle: Pumping Xenia (Brown) Red Circle: Branched Alveopora
  3. Yes when they morph to male... the colouration is usually maroon/pale red/purple colour
  4. Yes confirm... only controllable Tunze allows for on/off more than 24 times a day... not that others can't... they will just break down easily coz those pumps are not designed for continuous on/off. Also, if you want to achieve the flexibility of what a Tunze Multicontroller 7095 can offer... you will have to wait till end of the year for the (IKS SIMMOD equivalent). Right now, Aquatronica can only do very basic on/off, intervals, tide effects... that's why I recently bought a 7095
  5. The Lobster might not be reefsafe though... that's a Green Goniopora also known as Flower Pot Coral... prefers moderate to high intensity lighting... some flow is good also... I love GONIO!!!
  6. Can show pix of the interior? I want to make sure there are ample space to move around and air bags for the safety of my kids ... you know how dangerous it is to drive to KL nowadays
  7. My Spotted Mandarin has been with me for more than 5 months now... belly portion looks filled (not sunken in)... I guess luck does play a part coz my tank was very new when I first introduced it... I still remember when I bought it from Irwana, I saw it feeding on frozen brine shrimp... that's the reason I net it out... or else wouldn't dare in the first place.
  8. For me... I'll probably go for a tank builder with an office/showroom/shop that I can visit anytime... I've heard several cases where it's very hard to find tank makers to rectify problems once you fully paid them... if they own a shop... at least I know where to find them A few of our LFS sponsors also provide this service... they may outsource... but at least you have buffer in between
  9. Welcome bro!!! Ok don't panic... there are a lot of things to fix right now... do it slowly. Don't stock and fishes or corals yet. Just focus on bringing your water condition to optimum level while experimenting with your newly acquired equipments. This is a very challenging hobby and with it comes great satisfaction Enjoy and all the best to you
  10. Wah... good nice deal ah Must check your tank spec and LS properly already
  11. I am interested... wonder if you can help me deliver to Malaysia I will pay you 3500 metric tonne palm oil
  12. Wha bro... very ambitious task leh... a hole that size... to an existing cabinet somemore ... do proper planning and make sure your tank is well covered Maybe can consider drilling another hole also... who knows... what gadget u will fancy next
  13. I think if you are looking for a hang-on... Red Sea is a more reliable bet. They may not be the best... but proven to work well... But if you really want a punch! Go look at the Deltec hang-on skimmer... check it out at RD... they have it in their show room... it looks extremely convincing to me
  14. Hehe... allow me 2 more days to monitor the progress...
  15. Hahaha... thanks to your Henry's Mix to complete the range I always believe in "you are what you eat"... so I will try my best to give my fishes/corals the best food available... At least can still buy conveniently lah... no need to go catch myself... I still remember how my dad used to catch cockcroaches to feed his Arowana
  16. Daisy-looking hitchiker... used to be a very small colony (a few polyps)... now thriving... but I expect my GSP to cover it in a month or two
  17. This guy is getting fat... he already doubled his size (within 5 months) A white spot on its tail... well... they come and go... but my Tangs can defend themselves Furthermore I am feeding them Dr. Bassler's ######
  18. Bro... maybe next time buy a pair... maybe they will have a higher chances of survival
  19. Bro... your Maxima might be placed upside down Cannot see too clearly in the pix
  20. Haha... that is if the price is right I think I need to find myself a nice colony of Eagle Eyes too
  21. But beware of the power consumption there... CL650 uses 650W leh!!! That is if they are not under-stating their power consumption For me... if you are talking about a 2 year period... a Resun and an Arctica will end up costing the same (as one consumes so much more power)
  22. Not a good plan... I will suggest not to try corals/sensitive inverts without chiller... during extra hot days (like last few days)... the water temperature can rise to 32ÂșC... what will you do if it happens... panic? Don't think adding more fans is a long term solution... bro... remember... you will be away most of the time... don't torture your maid lah
  23. Cooler water has the following benefits for your fishes: 1) Lower metabolism rate... they eat lesser... less wastes 2) Slow down any parasite/disease outbreak 3) Less agression/less active many more... can't remember all... I just read it last 2 weeks
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