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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Em... I wonder what Guard Duty means... hehe I'm a newbie
  2. The one on top is a Merulina, the one on the left is Green Star Polyps the one on the right is a hitchiker (not a clove, but dunno what)
  3. For 2 hours... well... this is the complicated part... there are actually 2 different groups of bacterias in our LR, aerobic and anaerobic: 1) Aerobic - Dwell on the surface / consumes O2 / converts Ammonia to Nitrite to Nitrate 2) Anaerobic - Dwell deep inside our LR / consumes CO2 / converts Nitrate to Nitrogen (disperse to air) I suspect/suggest: a) Your Aerobic (surface) bacterias been wiped-out significantly during that 2 hours of dry transportation. However, the Anaerobic bacterias can still be very alive... good news... but unfortunately these anaerobic bacterias will not function much atm as there isn't any Nitrate for them to break down. b ) Your system doesn't contain sufficient Aerobic bacterias to break down the Ammonia (caused by rotting LPS). Without sufficient numbers, the bacterias will not be able to bring the Ammonia to the next less toxic form, Nitrite. So, you ANN cycle sorta stuck at A. c) The bacteria starter you have been adding into the tank is not functioning. Try other brand, go full dosage. Off your protein skimmer as high Ammonia level will encourage bacteria growth. d) Don't mess with the water by doing water change or dosing "anti-ammonia" products... it's normal for a cycling tank to contains high Ammonia. e) Get more reliable test kits (eg. Salifert or Tropic Marin) and keep track of your A N N level. Do remember to make sure your other basic parameters are in check. Salinity (Sg) and pH plays a very important role. Temperature is not critical at this stage, but if you prefer, you can run your chiller to maybe set the water not exceeding 30ºC. You can off your lights if there isn't any LPS left... and they require WHITE light to survive, not BLUE only. I am still learning actually... so appreciate if any bro/sis can help further or even correct me if I'm giving any wrong advice or further complicating the matters
  4. I'm not worry about the LPS really... I'm more concern about the N.Bacts in those matured LR... you transport the LR dry or in a bucket filled with water from the reefer's tank?
  5. Mine's a female... I hope she's not a LESBO
  6. Bro... sorry I can't close the bid early unless for the next 12 hours... your current bid remains the highest... maybe you wanna get bro Iantoh to collect for you... since you will pass him most of the corals
  7. I will do a major rescaping once I manage to reduce the amount of corals in my tank... then will introduce another Stream on the opposite direction, want to create more small caves... then only consider adding more "rare" quality corals Maybe a new piece every 2 weeks... My water parameters is not up to my expectations at the moment... everything is alright except Mg a tad low (1200), KH sorta stabilized but dosing required without a CR, Calcium quite low (350)... will try to perk up before stocking... haiz I know... a CR will solve all the problem... dunno what am I waiting for
  8. Ok $40... that's more than 50% depreciation already... my last reduction...
  9. Yes, only if you get it from another reefer... those matured cured ones... covered with coralline algae even better... if the quantity not huge, maybe bring a pail filled with water... dun let the LR go dry... rush home immediately. If you are planning to add uncured LR (those found in LFS)... DON'T!!!
  10. And I lost so much right? Haha... that's the thing about this hobby... you buy you sell... don't ever ever leave things in your store room... they will rot in there No idea what to replace at the moment... just want to reduce my carbonate, magnesium and calcium intake for the time being... I suspect the Hammer is consuming too much!!!
  11. Haha... Beginner's Pack also receive such HOT response... ok guys... once the bidding reach $35, I will have to throw in more corals already
  12. Bro... if you are interested, do post your offer or PM me... but do bear in mind... it is getting a bit expensive for a piece of Hammer coz in the end... no matter how beautiful... it is still a piece of Hammer
  13. Oh yes... if you are really keen... just offer me a price
  14. Haha... there is no such thing as overkill for a protein skimmer... for me... this guy will be perfect for a 2ft tank (Bearing in mind the collection cup is a little small)
  15. Now this may be the important factor... the LR. Ok, when you bought the LR from another reefer, do you pick them out from his/her tank? If yes, what's the total time in between the removing of LR from his tank into your tank water? I am just speculating (at the moment) that you may not necessarily have to go through the conventional ANN cycle as you introduced some matured cured LR instead of uncured LR from LFS. I still don't think temperature is the main factor here... I've seen some tanks (there's one in Reborn FOWLR running at 33ºC during day time) I will try my best to help you along the way... coz I'm also using Cured Matured LR from reefers... coz I hate the curing process... the smell... the worms...
  16. Hi all It's spring cleaning time again... I have the following corals to let go as a BEGINNER PACKAGE... please bear in mind that all the corals offered are rather "beginner" in nature... probably best suited for new setups and nano tanks. 1 x Branched Hammer - Tan/Beige (2 to 3 heads) 1 x Alveopora - Beige (single head, skeleton slightly smaller than a golf ball) 1 x Sun Coral (Normal Suns, 15 to 20 heads) 1 x Zoos - Green (common, about 2 palm size, fully covered, comes with 3 hitchiker anemones) 1 x Zoos - Red (nice colouration, 10 polyps, not attached to any rock) [Note: For pictures... you will have to browse my tank thread or find my JBJ 24NC thread] I do not entertain individual sale... all at one go... all I can assure you is... all corals within the package are healthy and will thrive in a decent biotope. STARTING PRICE: $15 BID INCREMENT: Min. $1 LAST BID: 16 July 06 (Sunday) 11.59pm DO NOT PM... BID HERE <----- Special Note: I may throw in some freebies like coral food and etc. along the way... Collection: Woodlands Ave 2 Now... let the fun begins
  17. I desperately hope the "Champion" shipment will come with my (already ordered) 3-in-1 Dosing Pumps... can't wait to lay my hands on it ... oh... I wanna touch its body... feel its vibration... oh yeah... come on over...
  18. No... I want it to be complete... farewell my pride and joy
  19. I have not fixed a definite cut-off time as I hope I can find my Hammer a worthy owner... not just to sell it off without proper considerations... well... I will make a decision by this week for sure
  20. Received another offer $45... by a bro Gxxxxxxxx
  21. If you guys prefer to offer me a price directly on this thread... feel free to do so... my previous 2 posts somehow lack transparency I think...
  22. One thing though... the chiller is so efficient that it emits a great deal of heat... make sure you have ample room behind it (hiding it inside a cabinet is definitely a no-no). It's really hot... my thermometer shows > 45ºC!!! I have to connect a fan (stainless-steel semi-industrial kind) to help circulate the air behind it... or else... my wall paint will start to crack and peel I think
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