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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. BLASTO!!! A very intense red specimen with neon green center 1 large mouth with 3 small ones... damn... Blastos are exp lor
  2. Oh my... look at the colours
  3. Emm... still taking a while to bloom... well will give it one day lah...
  4. Emm... if I am not wrong... you are not suppose to dose both KH and Ca on the same day... they sorta neutralize each other... best is to allow 24 hour apart
  5. Show me pix of your moonlight ok? Coz I am planning to get one too
  6. Can't possibly be... is your probe dipped into the water properly? Remember the holes?
  7. 4!!! Aiyo... bro you so "kiasu" meh... look at all those Rics! And it's amazing how you can pack so many corals in a 2ft cube
  8. Hehe... another colour to my Goniopora family... Purple Photo was taken about 1 hour upon introduction... I wonder how will it looks like under blue light
  9. Just finish some scaping work... introducing my first Green Cup Coral in a circlular plate shape
  10. Oh dear... didn't know Sea Urchin can attack Anemone... well if any of them fight... any one of the two casualty is gonna hurt the tank badly... listen to me... forget all about Anemone... I learned my lesson
  11. Have not tried vinegar before... now where can I buy vinegar
  12. Err... still in hiding... did a major rescaping last night and spotted it... just a short glimpse... at least it is not MIA My little Archie also hiding most of the time... will give them another 3 days to orientate themselves... before I panic and
  13. Remember to keep it refridgerated once open or else it will not last long I plan to buy a bottle every 3 months
  14. Bro... really appreciate you sharing this programme with us. Perhaps you wanna do a more comprehensive review on this program on the Product Review section. Sure gonna be very beneficial to a lot of reefers out there... and now... let me calculate how much I spent on the hobby already
  15. It's interesting to see 2 very different skimmers running at the same time... to let us know which one produces more skimmate... if I am not wrong, in such scenario... normally the less efficient one will not produce much of a skimmate
  16. Hi Gunzo Happy to hear that your Leopard Wrasse is finally eating (although it happens to reject Henry's Mix). As for your Cleaner Wrasse... well... they are a "pain-in-the-arse" to feed actually, my deceased specimen at least touched Polyp Lab Reef Roid and Cyclopeeze. One of the reasons why Henry's Mix is well accepted by most fishes is... IT IS A MIX!!! And it smells really "fishy" and it pollutes the tank quite badly. For me, I try not to feed it too often as it creates too much of a mess in the tank... (I do not own a Beckett or a Deltec ) I tried soaking the Arcti-Pods™ with Seachem Garlic Guard and I find it more effective in enticing picky eaters. As mentioned in my previous post... VARIETY VARIETY VARIETY... it is an expensive food source... more like Caviar for the fishes (imagine... coming all the way from the Arctic)... so feed sparingly, don't spoilt your fishes too much Once again, congratz upon your LW feeding... I am lucky to get my LW feed on pellets nowadays
  17. Hi there My Gonio? Well... I guess I was lucky to pick up a nice healthy specimen (to begin with). I feed Roti-Feast™ twice a week only. All I can say is... my corals are getting much healthier as my tank matures... I wouldn't give all credits to Roti-Feast™ alone as I am also feeding a whole range of pretty good food/supplements namely: 1. Polyp Lab Reef Roid (once a week) 2. Polyp Lab System Reef-resh (every night) 3. DT's Phytoplankton (once a week... oh dear... now I remember, I ran out of it) 4. Argent's Cyclopeeze & Marinium Zooplankton (once a week) 5. Occasional dumping of Henry's Mix (I only do it once every 2 weeks as I find Henry's Mix too rich. I can immediately see the effect on my skimmer... it sorta pollutes the tank too much). 6. Blah blah blah... Do not expect Roti-Feast™ to do magic... treat it as another form of food source/supplement for your lovely corals... and due to slightly higher cost, I don't think this product should form your "one-and-only-daily-food-source" for your corals. Variety is the answer
  18. With the addition of a new Stream 6000, I put the 6060 on timer. This will ensure decently low current at night for my fishies to sleep Still have 2 more slots to go... 1 reserved for Water Top-up Pump... 1 for a CR (perhaps).
  19. Oh my... Aquatronica saved the day... notice something awfully wrong with the Temperature graph? Damn... it took 4 hours to chill 1.5ºC Immediately I knew something was terribly wrong... know what I found? The Aquabee 3000 inlet somehow gotten too close to the glass, reducing the flow significantly. The problem was rectified and everything is back to normal... 1 hour to chill Luckily there is a record or else there will be no way for me to find out... out of house during that period everyday
  20. Continue to show you guys how I strip the Tunze apart to wash it... can't remove the sponges completely no matter how hard I tried
  21. Nope... not SPS but I always wanted to see 2 controllable Tunzes working opposite each other... now finally got a chance to see it... I LOVE IT!!!
  22. WAH!!! A lot of SKIMZ product hor... very proper and professional looking setup I must say... I WANT MY SUMP TANK!!!
  23. Oh so sad... you must find ways to stop the aggression... this guy is way too fragile to defend itself... even my BE Anthias are bullying it a little...
  24. WOOT!!! Show full tank shot!!! I am so happy it is opening well in your tank
  25. Took the opportunity to clean my old 6000 a bit
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