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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Thanks bro... I will check it out also... this is a wake-up call for everybody...
  2. Bro... what's the length of your T5? The blind spot is a bit obvious leh...
  3. Oh yeah... you already updated it under your signature
  4. To prolong the UPS duration... I think you only need to power your return pump in the event of a black out... everything else will only shorten your backup period.
  5. 1 month old tank and leaking? Oh dear... can PM me where you get the tank from? Must avoid!
  6. What an annoying... yet lovable hitchiker... after putting it in a high flow area... the tentacles grew violently... it's kinda scary actually
  7. My Bi-colour Prata... drooping down... off the cliff and it looks hungry... well tomorrow is baby shrimp day
  8. How are your clams doing bro? 2 ATI tubes sufficient? How many hours you blast them daily?
  9. Amazing coral... it's almost perfect circle Will the tentacles (polyps) extend further?
  10. Hehe... my Leopard Wrasse is officially recovered... no more torn tail and injured scales ... wow quicker than I'd expected
  11. Err... but my water level is the most 6 to 8" from the tip of the glass... 1' to 1.5' is a little extreme a case... the Electrode/Probe Bracket (aka holder) comes with an extension plastic tube also, so should be able to cater to your 1' distance... 1.5' I'm not too sure
  12. The larger piece does look like Bubbles... but it doesn't show veins (those translucent texture usually seen on larger bubbles) and there isn't any tentacles at night... so I really dunno
  13. The smaller piece confirm not Bubbles... look more like Cynarina/Prata
  14. Bro Colinsoon... how's your clams? Are they doing fine? As for my tank... finally sold my Hammer as it has outgrown my tank (within 4 months)... introduced more light-loving corals to my tank... I'm sure this will put the ATI to the test! Updatez soon
  15. Ok just to entertain bro Lyz77... added a piece of flat 1.5' across LR (weighing 2.5kg) to the top of the tank, forming a flat surface 7" below water surface... with strong current... strong lighting... flat surface... I wonder what should I keep to fill up this area I am also figuring out how many days it take for AragaMilk to stimulate purple coralline algae on this white/clean piece of cured LR.
  16. Bro for your information... M&M tank is getting quite high-tech nowadays... just that he is too busy to post... I think M&M could possibly be the most high tech Altxxxxx tank ever seen and it is just the beginning... right bro Al?
  17. Quality as in money dumped in? That I have to admit... but whether they will do well... I am still strugling... after selling all my beginners corals... now I have new challenges to face... exquisite corals normally come with exquisite care and water quality... I must learn very very quickly But nothing compared to your bunches and bunches of SPS Oh this weekend PR will have some nice SPS shipment
  18. Bro... must take photo of your moonlight effect later... I got a feeling I will be getting mine soon
  19. Bro u been stocking up... damn... I wanna go SPS also!!!
  20. Yes according to your chart... something is very very wrong. You mind show a pix of your Density electrode... wonder if it is the placement, water level or nearby equipments that cause the "unbelievable" fluctuations... mine stay very very constant for more than a week now... almost a straight line. Check if it happened again, I also suspect the USB cable you replaced. I still think you should use back the original USB cables that come with the Interfaces. All the best!
  21. Ok as requested... 1. Yes the charts are damn impressive 2. He used screen shot... those colour charts/graphs are all shown on the PC monitor, Aquatronica Control Unit screen doesn't allow such resolution and doesn't display colour. You can also save/export the data in .txt format as linked by bro Lyz77 earlier. 3. Drop in Redox can be due to freshwater top-up, water change or switching off skimmer... among many other reasons. Time is sync to our local time based on the Control Unit timing. Not the time shown by your Windows clock in your PC. The Aqutronica PC program will sync time with the Control Unit... so there's no confusion. 4. Yes, all Aquatronica probes are pre-calibrated and calibration-enabled. But it is advisable to calibrate the probes right before you use the probes. All probes come with single point calibration except for the pH probe that allows dual point calibration (7.0pH and 10.0pH).
  22. Too bad it is an old thread... the exact tank I am looking for
  23. Bro... carrying bags of salt water is not very "lifestyle" leh... I think I will try the FR method... I am quite positive it will work
  24. OMG... how on earth can tank crack so easily... many cases lately... best of luck to you bro
  25. They have one there meh? Err... actually not now... with a 3 footer... I can't create a good enough habitat for such exquisite specimen... maybe next time But... $######(x) for a BLACK fish? I think the BT will look kinda ugly under Blue light ... just like my Chevron... a patch of black silhoutte
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