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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I know... this hobby is so addictive... damn Nah the KUDA WORLD is gonna be my second only... PERCULA 90 @ home... this is @ office... so now I can reef day reef night I will make sure I create a different setting for this one so that you guys don't get too bored with my tanks... I am also taking this opportunity to try out new products/methods... can't do much to my Perc 90 already as it is better not to do anything drastic to it
  2. Let's start from the bottom up... for substrate I am planning to use Nature's Ocean Bio-Activ Life Aragonite Reef Sand... if what they claim is accurate... a 20lbs pack contains 4,000,000,000 beneficial bacteria inside I need a good Live Sand bed as I don't plan to add much LR into the main tank... I will reveal my concept a little later (as I am still finalizing the concept). My first question is... for a 12G NC (footprint approx. 13" by 12") what is the biggest amount (thickness in inches) of Live Sand? Most probably I am looking at a Deep Sand Bed system... I will do a bit of research for the pros and cons of a DSB system as I've read numerous good and bad reviews about such system.
  3. Hi guys It's me again Planning to start a Seahorse tank next week... already acquired a 12G Nano Cube from a kind bro... as this is my first attempt on these amazing sea creature... I will be posting/updating frequently of my progress (as always) and hopefully can learn from experienced bros/sis along the way... Not much pix to post as I will only collect the tank next week... so right now... perhaps I can share with you guys some of my plans and products I intended to use for this humble little setup...
  4. Now where r u planning to put your MCE600 skimmer?
  5. Came back from AM... bought some stuff alongside this nice piece of Elegance... opening up quite alright even right after introduction... lovely The colour is Neon Yellow with Light Pink Tips... will post a BLUE pix tonight... I am just crossing my fingers now for one thing... hopefully my skimmer collection cup doesn't turn yellowish tomorrow
  6. Here's my collection so far... my Neon Pink Gonio died The Purple one is a new addition to the family... love bro Arcanehacker's Yellow Gonio... I will skip lunch for a week if I come across one... meaning I will go all out to get it!
  7. Yes... but the usual stuff lor... their shipment today is on Corals only
  8. Nice colouration for the Open Brain... your Naso very cute leh... can post more pix of it?
  9. Bro you have such healthy corals... u sure you wanna go FOWLR? Sayang leh...
  10. Coral shipment at AM: Let me see if I can list all: SPS Elegance Clams (as usual) Gonios PRATAS!!! (Many many different colours!!!) Suns (not SUPER but very large and full colonies)
  11. Let me see... all I know is... it is 1200 US gallons in total... minus the 00 that is
  12. Haha... Gem Tang? I only get to know this fish yesterday Gem Tang @ USD2999 Each!!! With that kinda price tag... not in my entire life... enfortunately Guys I am starting a new tank next week!!! SO EXCITING
  13. I know someone gonna remind me about the Black Tang Err... I already have a pretty large Chevron Tang (and it is turning black as it grows )... so I don't think I need to spend another $500 to introduce another black colour Tang... I should leave some more room for corals instead coz I have not reach my goals yet
  14. Oh... cash and carry... then maybe a bit hard to get a replacement lah... well... all the best to you bro... to bad I can't help you clear some of our corals
  15. I'm confused... what nano tank? You bought the tank from them right? It's a custom tank right? So within 1 month it leaks... they gotto do something about it... well at least I expect my tank maker to replace... give me tank that leaks in the first place
  16. Don't mean to keep reminding you about your sadness... but aren't they gonna replace it for you? Since it is only 1 month old? Interested to know coz I might start a new tank soon...
  17. Err... this is a classic example of high-tech does not always equate good results... I envy your (although low-tech) mini MH effect... do post some pictures ok? Make me drool... is your moonlight strong enough to avoid shock when your main lights were switched off?
  18. Haha... you can find your way bro... and looking at your setup... I'm sure your pocket is pretty deep also... now come to think of it... you do have long fingers... coz the pockets so deep need to reach the bottom mah I only get to know about Gem Tang today and a specimen costs US$3000!!! Well Black Tang is pretty rare... can't wait to visit you again and admire your BT
  19. Boy... you should write your testimony for my ATI review... 2 ATI tubes (1 white 1 blue), 2.5ft distance, 8 hours... and your clam is opening big big?!? Damn... ATI rocks!!! Now when was the last time you hear people claiming MH a must for keeping healthy clams?
  20. My Gonio collection... Red, Yellow/Lime, Green and Purple... luckily the Purple Gonio is looking decently alright... was not very healthy looking when I bought it... guess that's the reason it is still in that display tank waiting for me to pick up
  21. My FTS... can any kind bro help suggest how I can improve my tank further? Don't tell me add a Black Tang
  22. Haiz... my tank is pitch black now... the single LED from my Multicontroller 7095 kinda useless... furthermore it is simulating new moon tonight
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