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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Another set of AQUATRONICA?!? Err... bro I don't rob banks for a living leh... there's only that much DESIGN can earn
  2. Hahaha... wait lah... step by step... that's part of the fun mah... seeing better and better result My AquaMedic Turboflotor jealous already... let's see who will produce more skimmate (and with better quality skimmate)... I hope I don't have to render one of them obsolete
  3. Come on... what is there to envy... I can't even afford a new piece... hahaha... but I'm glad bro Woverine sold me this piece... I'll take it as my introduction to Deltec
  4. Ok... running for 30 minutes... I removed the collection cup lid to take this photo
  5. For Roti-Feast™ you need to check with AM for stock availability... I heard they only manage to bring in a small amount from the US due to high US demand... that's why sometimes reefers gotto ask around before going over to Jalan Kayu. Agree with bro Hammy, Arcti-Pods™ are not for LPS... more for small, picky-eating fishes.
  6. What's "pong"? Your tank looks a bit yellowish to me leh... you using 10000ºK MH?
  7. Haha... you are right... but I just can't fit a Deltec into my setup bro... I would if I could... go see my tank thread... collected the baby Deltec from a bro and the result is STUNNING!!! You also very dedicated hor... before you introduce all your rare fishes... get a "dream" skimmer
  8. See for yourself... 20 minutes after connection... dun even requires any kick-in time!!! Perhaps my tank is damn polluted
  9. Yes from Woverine... must thank him for making this possible for me... at first he changed his mind hor No lah... this is just a baby Deltec... but you know what? After running it for 15mins... I can see the POWER already Shocking!!!
  10. Hanging on the right side of the tank... looks kinda out of place actually The Deltec MCE600 is very flexible as it will not be affected by tank water level... as long as the water covers the inlet... amazing
  11. Collected this from a kind bro... lovely Connected to my Perc 90... wanna put this little guy to test
  12. Thanks Chinmo for the suggestions... yes I will go with a custom tank for sure... but the height musn't exceed 1.5" as I might not be able to "service" the tank well with my business attire... but 2ft length is quite a realistic footprint. I might also run 2 tanks at the same time... one below... maybe having 2 different concepts... and alternate lighting to help balance pH a little So the 2 tanks will share same filtration system... what you guys think?
  13. Finally... my Mg and Ca is on check! Tested using Tropic Marin test kits: Mg: 1400 Ca: 390 Alkalinity: 12 My KH shot up sky high thanks to the dosing of Tropic Marin Bio-Calcium. I forgotten the dosing of Ca will also increase KH... so now I can't dose Ca anymore although I would like to bring it to a 450 mark! Will let the KH deplete for a while... until to the 9ºKH mark, then I will start to dose TM Bio-Calcium again. I've decided to rely on CaribSea AragaMilk and PurpleUp for maintenance (Ca, KH, Mg, Strontium, Barium, Potassium)... until there's a need to FIX the parameters again... then I will use Tropic Marin again. However, I will still continue to dose the following, once a week: 1) AquaMedic Iodine (full dosage) 2) AquaPharm Strontium (half dosage) 3) AquaMedic Trace (half dosage) What you guys think? I think 12ºKH is already the at the threshold right? What are the major cons of having too high akalinity... say... 15ºKH?
  14. Haha... but I kinda like the look of the Japanese Pygmy Angel... very cute colouration quite close to Juvenile Chevron Tang... jsut hope they don't turn black when they grow up I guess it's a good thing this hobby allows room for reefers to grow... imagine you started this hobby at 15... after keeping (and conquering the business world for 25 years)... you ended up being a very experienced reefer and also a multi-millionaire... now a school of Gem Tang is nothing to you anymore... just the thrill of keeping rare fishes... coz you already owned 1,000 Yellow Tang before So we shouldn't question why but to look forward... that's what I like about this hobby... it grows with your financial capacity and that's what makes us going... in case you haven't notice... working life is so damn boring and unbearable if not for the $$$
  15. For me... I'll go with both Can show a pix of your super huge rotting prawn? Wanna see how disgusting it is... any foul smell yet?
  16. In preparation of my new Water Top Up system... will be using back the Tunze water container
  17. It's time to retire my Tunze Osmolator (that comes with my Reefpack 500)... this little guy has been serving me very well for the past 6 months (incl. Nano Cube dayz)... it will make way for Aquatronica
  18. Haha... yupe... Marine Snow I know bro Hammy is using it right now... you can ask him for more info on this product.
  19. You can also use Cyclopeeze and DT's Phytoplankton or Snow
  20. I've decided not to sell the Tunze ReefPack afterall... the depreciation is way too much ... here's a pix of the Reefpack 500... with Mechanical Filter (w/ surface skimmer), Protein Skimmer and Water Top-up... now I end up having 2 protein skimmers for my new tank
  21. Haha... bro stop giving me pressure lah... (and don't challenge me)... you know my restrictions... not that I don't want to invest in a proper Deltec protein skimmer Why not you give it a try first since you need it more than I do...
  22. What are the chances of me finding your "lonely SH" a matching partner?
  23. Thanks Ian... I like the idea of exploring the lighting with PL... as I am planning a 1.5' cube, PL is the only sensible choice (I guess)... yes I will travel all over the island to look for nice macroalgaes... it will be a macro paradise
  24. You wanna start by moving your MH to the center of the tank? Hahaha... got a feeling it will create some dark areas on the right...
  25. Don't give up so easily bro... in order for the skimmer to work properly, you need to allow as much as pass thru the air tubes... hence creating noise. My AquaMedic Turboflotor comes with a silencer (a plastic tube thingy) at the end of the air tube to reduce the noise... Now just need this info from you... the sound comes from the air tube (caused by air suction)? or comes from the pump itself? Oh a skimmer will usually take 2 to 3 days to really kick-in... so it's normal for the first few days to not get proper foam.
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