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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Well... you must agree this is a very performance based segment of the industry... brands can come and go... and they often come back... just like cars... so for the moment it seems than ATI Bubble Master and Twister is in the spotlight... Just like another brand start with "A"... they are extremely powerful and popular a couple of years back... then taken over by a "D" company due to lack of innovation... it's a natural cycle... but moving production to China is definitely a wrong business decision to me... so that particular brand is doomed forever (IMO)
  2. Latest confirmation: 4 1/2' by 2' by 2' with huge sump below... will run the ATI Twister M (11W power consumption) along with other goodies... It will not be a standard tank as I will work with my tank maker to introduce a lot of new and smart features into the tank design... I will also look into the aesthetics of it
  3. Yupe I'm getting the ATI Twister M for my new tank too... just confirmed... gonna be 4 1/2' by 2 by 2 with a huge sump below Anyone seen the Bubble Master @ AquaMarin yet? Will drop by tomorrow... was there the first day, second day... so tomorrow is fourth day... maybe take some pix also You think they allow that?
  4. You know what... some Germans rank this skimmer 2nd in the market... 1st being BK lah... I guess I'll settle for no. 2 for the time being
  5. You can try bro... I got a feeling ATI might patent it already... or at least patent pending... After reading the Zeovit.com review... I am very convinced by this skimmer... will confirm with AquaMarin right away... let me sms them... now hopefully it is not too expensive
  6. I know... there's review on Zeovit.com and the Germans love it!!!
  7. Yes you should stop buying esp fish... not necessarily blue... green and red is relatively easy to get
  8. Thanks bro Iceman Very good read... I am very convinced by it lor
  9. Haha... tempt you? If you want a glass of that... surely... just drop by my place lor
  10. Forgot to report... AM got 1 Chevron but quite large specimen... so colour is turning dull... 1 Nice Queen Angel also.
  11. I think your coral dying is a direct result of such low Sg... 1.019 is way too low... not even close to the acceptable range. I suspect something wrong with your test kit (or the testing process)... there must be an external factor that could've raise KH to that level as it is not a natural occurance... do raise your Sg slowly... very very slowly. Sg is the single most important parameter to you LS.
  12. Don't you think "play" with your tank and its equipment is the fun part of the hobby? hehe... whatever your decision... all the best bro
  13. I'm upgrading to a 4 1/2 feet!!! Now I wonder if the ATI Baby can take the bio-load
  14. I tried Reef Central... as the product has not reach the US shores... they have no idea also... they ask me to buy the product and do a review
  15. Haha... try dropping a piece of LR on Prata...
  16. Let me set this clearly (do let me know if my limited knowledge is not entirely correct): 1) Anaerobic bacteria breaks down Nitrate to Nitrogen. Do not see all bacterias as the same as they are different. Always remember ANAEROBIC!!! 2) Anaerobic bacteria can colonize everything from LR to biohome to coral chip to bioballs... everything... but in order for them to be called Anaerobic, they have to be in a condition lacking of oxygen. They will be forced to consume carbon dioxide instead (if I'm not wrong) and break down Nitrate as a result. 3) Now, you need to create that low-oxygen environment... as long as you can create a low oxygen environment within your system, any media will work (of course some better than others). As a rough/general guide: Nitrifying bacteria: Ammonia --> Nitrite --> Nitrate Anaerobic bacteria: Nitrate --> Nitrogen (dispersed to the air) It's actually not too confusing... just need to understand the 2 different types of bacterias. I can explain a bit more how my AquaMedic NR1000 works once the above is clearly understood... perhaps later. Important: Determined as I sound, I'm still learning... I just want to sound confident... not to further confuse you guys.
  17. Bro if you only have 2 choices (as given by you)... then you actually only have 1 choice as Biohome is not effective in getting rid of Nitrate... Biohome creates Nitrate As for Denitrator... I am pretty happy with my current AquaMedic Nitratreductor 1000 with Dosing Pump SP3000. The problem is... it may take a while for the bacteria to grow... but your very high Nitrate level can speed things a bit... do allocate around $500 for a proper denitrator setup. You can look at Deltec too. Allow at least 1 1/2 weeks for a bio-ball based Denitrator to kick-in. Sulphur based are more powerful but harder to tune and maintain (in other words more pro).
  18. I've made up my mind... I will be linking both my Office Tank and Home Tank... still figuring out what exactly needs to be done... but most probably will transfer most of my existing corals and fishes over to my Office Tank... as I have new plan for my Percula 90. Here's a link to my Office Paradiz setup http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=50899&st=0
  19. With my kinda budget... dun think I can have too much choices... and BK is definitely beyond my reach... can't even afford the RD pump Guys... do share with me your thoughts... although I already ordered the ATI, I think I can still cancel if indications are it's gonna be a white elephant... It's embarassing to buy something and sell it off 1 month later (and it happens to me all the time)
  20. Haha... that's a good one... DE can help or not? But again we shouldn't compare products of such huge difference in terms of price lah... a Bubble King is 3 times the price of the ATI Bubble Master... it's like comparing a BMW with a Hyundai
  21. Bro Soul can help me keep a look out for Pink and Orange Gonio? Do you drive to work (or at least to the ferry terminal)... if not we can do CAR POOL hor...
  22. Emm... very interesting experiment I must say... it might work you know? But if you do have the space inside your sump, why not have a Deep Sand Bed of 6" and more? You can even have some Chaetos near the surface to further export more Nitrate Something that I might experiment with my new setup.
  23. That's why you need controllable Tunzes with Multicontroller bro... hahaha
  24. Haha... you can look at Chinmo's tank for inspiration... he is the real pro and you will learn much from him. As for me, I am even contemplating of decomming the tank at home... for future development... so setting up this office tank is part of a bigger plan
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