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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I think I will cycle my new tank without substrate... so it's easier to catch out worms and such... maybe will put in traps also to catch crabs and mantis... I think that will work if I got patience
  2. Here's an initial design of my Office Tank... will continue to work with my tank maker in the detailing... but I want (and insist) to have sliding glass door so that I can show-off all my beautiful equipments inside The disadvantage of having sliding doors is it cannot be fully opened (100%) like normal doors, most 50% at any given time. But I guess it's alright for me. I may also frost some part of the glass (perhaps the bottom part of the sump) The exterior is laminate semi-gloss white and the inside of the cabinet is black I think glass and acrylic looks better on a black environment and I might play with lighting (possibly halogen) to really bring out the sump cabinet... imagine... a low wattage halogen shine on top of my ATI Twister M What you guys think?
  3. Bro you forgot to add my huge sump below
  4. Wow roughly calculated my tank volume... around 165 to 185 US Gallons!!! Almost 3 times my Percula 90 So exciting!!!
  5. Can "tahan" lah... got Office Paradiz to keep me busy mah... also part of the plan so that I can transfer my fishes and LPS over to give way to future project... nah I still have so much more learn... barely grasping the Magnesium/Calcium/Carbonate relationship Yes MCE600 is pretty impressive for its size... definitely sufficient for 3ft (below 100 US Gal)
  6. Haha... bro the future is 1 year from now... perhaps beginning of next year... we'll see... see how happy is my CFO after our 2006 White Christmas in London Must "sapu" my best lor... Harrod's lah... Harvey Nichols lah... Burberry's lah... Marks & Spencer lah... Queen Elizabeth II lah
  7. Extracted from German forum: Hello, here a few pictures of the ATI A1500 thread wheel pump with approx. 11W power input. Much more does not give to say it actually to it. It will cost to the final customer€ 99 and runs approximately noiseless. The long silicone hose serves at the same time the uncoupling. Otherwise olive already said everything to it. Greeting JoergB ATI Coworker This pump is so new... they only announced it 2 weeks ago!!! Confirmed the Twister M I saw at AquaMarin the other day (my set) comes with this new ATI A1500 pump... amazing!!! 11W only leh... that is... $1.50/month of electricity running 24/7
  8. Great German forum... and it's so amazing to see the owner of ATI Oliver Pritzel posting What better way to get info from the boss
  9. Yes... that's the great thing about having this Office Paradiz... and now can have public viewing during the weekends too... just tell CFO... "Honey... gotto work this weekend"
  10. I don't think so... but anything metal is a no-no!!! If you are worried, then get those colourless/transparent plastic lor... don't go for pink lar... blue lar... coz sometimes colour can fade
  11. ATI also has pumps and calcium reactors... Most probably will got for Powermodul 4ft 8 tubes dimmable for my new 4.5ft tank
  12. True... I have relatively short arms lah... and I don't wear singlets to work
  13. Deltec lor... or maybe AquaMedic lor
  14. Space constraint... I have to remove an office cabinet to accomodate this tank leh... if only... I guess a 4.5' for the time being is good enough lah... 6' is reserved for my future SPS tank
  15. Bro try bioballs first lah... Deniballs being exp is just a myth... it's less than $2 a piece and they can last around 1 year... how many Deniballs you can fit in your chamber? 35? I think your Barr huge chamber is very suitable for bioballs... but a bit wasteful lah... such a beauty.
  16. Bro if you want to use Nature's Ocean Live Aragonite... can do a review on that product? I originally wanted to use it for my pico tank (didn't happen) and some reefers are interested to buy the remaining... so maybe post at Pasar Malam, secure a buyer (or two), then call them up with the remaining lor I got a feeling this is a great product... trust me... I can tell when it comes to Quality
  17. But bro... a CR is not that cheap right? Why the trouble? At first I thought you are recycling some old CR... is the trouble worth it? I heard Deltec Sulphur Denitrator is quite power leh
  18. Haha... thank you... Well... for you tank volume and 80+ fishes... you should go for Sulphur based denitrator as they are more "powderful"
  19. I know... who would've thought ATI can produce pumps... but according to sources they are produce by Sicce Italy alongside Tunze Master Circulation Pump The new pump for the Twister M is only 11W leh... 11W!!!
  20. Honestly I think it is workable... if your CR got probe holder even better... can fit in a Redox Electrode. Now all you need to do it to further limit your water intake to 1 to 2 drops second (for your tank size better 2 drops lah) and make sure there are minimal water circulation within the chamber itself. Follow AquaMedic method, put in around 70% bioballs and 30% Deniballs lor... you may also want to find ways to inject in Denimar (supplement in powder form for your bacteria)... but it create too much hassle. If you need help... I can post some pix of my NR1000 but dun copy exactly lah... just as reference no harm Go ahead and impress us with a proper review
  21. But I seldom hear Blue Tang die of hunger leh...
  22. The feeling is kinda stress actually... in fact pressure sorta mounting on the performance of the skimmer... what if this... what if that... and I'm sure some other reefers already gotten their hands on this skimmer many months back... just that they are keeping quiet or not the blogging type Blue Tangs feeding on pellets or frozen?
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