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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Is that a Japanese Pygmy Angel? Extremely beautiful... err... that's not a Black Tang right?
  2. Yes an "Archie" can definitely brightens up your tank... I think a colony of Red Prata or Red Blasto can also add some colouration to the tank
  3. Ok bro... this is the only pix I have before the construction of my tank
  4. Oh I'm such a bubble/foam maniac
  5. Another shot... look at that filthy looking lid They clean the collection cup daily... aiya... what a waste Should've accumulate an entire tub full of skimmate mah Please note that this is the Bubble Master (rated for 3000 liters)... mine is a baby Twister M (rated for 1000 liters only) Here's a link to the ATI Bubble Master @ CoralGarden.de
  6. Hi guys... as promised... thanks to AquaMarin for letting me take some shots What you guys think? 4th day of running...
  7. Thanks bro... not that I expect conflict... just want to make sure they all work seamlessly
  8. Yupe change your Rowa... and that will do the trick... you better do it fast before you get all busy again next week
  9. Yes I can confirm the size and price he paid as I help him bought that piece... Nice one lah!!! I have to fight so hard to get it hor... remember the "Pack of Wolves"?
  10. True lah... but I've come across things that are expensive and don't work properly hor Well... it still bears the Deltec brand lah... shouldn't go too wrong... coupled with Aquabee some more
  11. I think the best prevention is a combination of all the above suggestions... just try to avoid medication as they are bad!!! It happened to my Blue Tang and Chevron Tang before (after the intro of a stressed Moorish Idol)... both BT and CT recovered within days... just make sure the water condition is optimum, feed them high nutrient food, variation in food source, maybe Garlic Guard (can also try Dr. Bassler's ###### pellets). Don't try to catch it out of your tank as it will stress the BT further and also stress others... cleaner shrimps are good at keeping fishes clean, but doesn't remove ich... according to my research, low temperature (25ºC to 26ºC) is better to prolong the spread of any parasites and diseases (meaning it allows your fish time to fight back)
  12. Did a major water test yesterday: Density: 1.024 - 1.025 (Aquatronica) Temperature: 26ºC - 27ºC (controlled by Aquatronica) pH: 7.9 to 8.3 (Aquatronica) Ammonia: Undetectable (Salifert) Nitrite: Undetectable (Sera) Nitrate: 2.5 (Salifert) Phosphate: Undetectable (Salifert) KH: 10 - 12ºKH (Tropic Marine) Magnesium: 1380 (Tropic Marine) Calcium: 380 (Tropic Marine) - Fixing in progress!!! Redox: 330 - 380 (Aquatronica) - Not calibrated yet Everything is under control except for the low Calcium... will continue to fix it these 2 days... only can raise 28 per day, so will take another 3 days of continuous dosing to bring level up to 450 With everything in check... now I can focus on my Office Paradiz
  13. 1.0 is bad... are you using Salifert? As I find them very accurate. If I remember correctly you are running some phosphate removal media using FR right? It's time to change media Mind sharing with us more details on your FR/media?
  14. Calculated... total water volume including a 3ft sump is approx. 635 Liters / 165 US gallons... the ATI Twister M can support up to 1000 Liters... so you guys think this guy can handle the tank load?
  15. My office is at Mohamed Sultan Road (a few shops away from Madam Wong)... yalor at least I can invite fellow reefers over to office for viewing and chit chat on weekends mah... right now my CFO not very happy me inviting "guys" over lah... for those keen bros I rejected before
  16. This is what you call "disrespect" to nature... of all people they should know better... Oh another thing... they may even charge the Media Company for replenishing fishes hor... all in all... very bad practice and I hate to see another tank like this appear in local shopping malls... I shall boycott it by not looking at it
  17. Another failed attempt (second time) on Elegance... will stop buying them already... dunno why... they just can't stay alive
  18. Anyone using 2 Power Units? Thinking of getting another Power Unit for my new tank... any conflict whatsoever?
  19. Yalah... can be very ugly and unnatural in the end... the tank will surely look more natural with substrate... what are the options out there? 1) Grade 1 to 2 sand 2) Live Aragonite - very expensive to fill 3) AquaMedic Hydrocarbonate - very expensive also Most probably go with normal sand lor... all my allocated fund already go to the tank and the ATI Twister M
  20. Very nice SPS tank indeed... all the best to your sales bro
  21. I'm also exploring this idea of going bare bottom... hahaha... what you guys think? Don't intend to keep Gobies, Wrasses and Blennies... no Pistol Shrimp also...
  22. Very effective leh... mind showing us a pix of your creation
  23. I know lah... but I can wait for you at the ferry terminal on the main island mah... can you collect a piece of Orange Gonio and Pink Gonio for me? Don't tell me that mysterious island also has Ricordea Florida
  24. Comment and ideas are very much appreciated. Will check with my tank maker regarding anti-sump overflow concept. I'm sure they will have something workable for me. Hehe... I dunno leh, I believe my sump can be a pretty sight... they are all my pride and joy I have plenty of space for storage in my office, so no need to hang anything on the door. I also need to find space to nicely integrate my Aquatronica Control Unit (or even frame a 14" LCD monitor somewhere)... I don't want to have conventional fluorescent tube... I want ambience lighting inside the sump... will check with tank maker can do or not... if can't I will bring in my lighting contractor. Yes, quite large for an office, hiding behind my desk... I've discussed this with my tank maker, we will have water draining (via overflow box) and water top-up all built-in (neatly). Also, I will introduce a flushing system to flush off hidden detritus behind live rock and sand bed once every day... a nice feature I learned from Deltec tank design. So much more to add in... will do a proper review on my tank design alone but the problem is... no cost indication yet... "sekali" ... then have to cut down on features already lor
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