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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Here you go bro Colinsoon... another glass of Percula Potion... 2 days worth of skimming... filled the collection cup entirely... I need to go dryer skimming already... this is the only set back of this powerful skimmer... can't go for a long holiday without coming back to a collection cup filled with tank water
  2. Those are Porcelain crabs right? Very nice... I wonder if they will break into pieces
  3. In order to keep you guys well informed of the product... I've done something not a lot of reefers would do I will be sending my BABY away for a week (at least) to let it run on another reefer's sump But I'm sure the sacrifice is well worth it as long as you guys continue to show interest and support in my product reviews (haha... definitely more products to come) Still awaiting confirmation from the kind bro... will announce once I receive a confirmation
  4. Bro As replied to so many PMs these few days... AM bundled this skimmer together with a long list of equipments including the tank + sump + cabinet... so it's not fair for me (and AM) to just quote you a figure... they will announce price very soon (i heard)... I hope you understand my position
  5. Wow... an extremely interesting method... only 1 question though... will that make my sand bed sprinkles with dark coloured dots? But it does sound logical... attacking the problem at its ROOTs... I will discuss this with Steve and see what's his response... I hope his response is not "Yes good... for your tank size you need 3 huge tubs of Rowaphos... ka ching $$$" j/k... I am sure he is not like that
  6. Hi BFG As replied to so many PMs these few days... AM bundled this skimmer together with a long list of equipments including the tank + sump + cabinet... so it's not fair for me (and AM) to just quote you a figure... they will announce price very soon (i heard)... I hope you understand my position
  7. I have not decided on the depth of the SB yet... how do you find your AquaMedic Hydrocarbonate floor bed? Probably too costly for me atm... gotto scale down my ambition a bit... or else it will never happen Will also work with Steve closely regarding every aspect... I go to him because I can communicate well with him... at least he listens... I know some LFS refuse to listen hor That's why there are so many standard looking/configured custom tanks out there... sorta downplay the true meaning of "custom"
  8. I know that there's 1 HUGE question in your mind right now... why is THREADWHEEL better? Well... according to ATI... blah blah blah... of course they compare to conventional NEEDLEWHEEL (suddenly NEEDLEWHEEL becomes conventional technology changes so rapidly)... I think it's only convincing for me to show you guys some BUBBLES before claiming this and that... anyway I am not working for ATI or the LFS... so I have to stay neutral or else "kena" shoot upside down... inside out I myself also need to see some bubbles here...
  9. I know this is getting a bit boring and dry... ok one last pix of the pump So this is what a THREADWHEEL is all about... it looks kinda simple to me though... like some DIY product... I hope ATI patent this or else... anyone can produce an impeller like this Some interesting information about this pump: Originally, Eheim was the one producing the pump for ATI using ATI's THREADWHEEL technology. Later, Eheim decided to produce their own skimmer pumps (for the masses) using their own older technology, FLEECEWHEEL. So ATI ended up producing their own pumps and this ATI A1500 is the fruitful result... producing the same amount of bubbles consuming 1/4 of the energy required to run the previous Eheim (45W)
  10. Slowly revealing the heart of the A1500... the THREADWHEEL... looks kinda bushy to me I think it is made out of Black Nylon Mesh embedded/tied to the impeller The New Technology: According to ATI, they have a new generation of pumps without bearings. The impeller "floats" inside magnetic field and the thin film of water surrounds it. This way pump should be much quieter and makes much less friction inside. Thus the pump is more energy efficient. Keywords: • Quieter • More energy efficient • Less friction (I suppose this will create less heat) So far so good about the pump huh? I know... the bubbles... well... I will find a way to test it out... a picture is better than a thousand words right? Yeah... I should know better
  11. Haha... patience my bro... Once I unfasten the inlet cap, it reveals the THREADWHEEL... it's kinda mysterious looking According to Oliver, ATI designed this pump to be extraordinarily quiet... almost not audible... thanks to another new technology breakthrough. I shall touch on that technology later
  12. According to Oliver, the ATI A1500 only consumes 11W (almost half of competitors' pumps) without compromising on performance. It produces up to 400l/h of air bubbles thanks to ATI's new invention... THREADWHEEL Please note that the ATI Twister®M is only rated for up to 1000 liters I will show you guys some close-up shots later...
  13. Bro Tigger Since I do not have a sump to really put this guy to test... I shall compensate you guys by spending the next couple of hours talking about the pump Introduction: This is a very new pump ATI developed to replace the Eheim that Twister®M previously equipped with. So new that Oliver Pritzel (ATI's boss) only announced it at RiffAquaristikForum.de on 15 July 2006. It is called ATI A1500 More to come...
  14. Oh man... how much more fishes you intend to add? You are really creating a bio-load only Deltec can handle... is it?
  15. Yes I am very excited... but too bad my tank is not yet ready... I might be transferring the Twister M to another reefer's tank to test it out... already PM the kind bro... waiting for his reply Or maybe I can bring it back to AM to test
  16. Bro Giant, you referring to the ATI Twister M right? Yes, AquaMarin will be bringing in... price to be announced soon (I heard)
  17. Ok I will try to shoot again but it's kinda hard to shoot lower as that area is kinda cramp and I do not want to get my camera wet by extending it too near the splashing water... will try nevertheless. DE, very nice BK... I heard you are carrying BK skimmers right? If I am not happy with this ATI skimmer, I will come look for you Acidjazz, as mentioned, the bubble portion is being covered by the sump wall, I will find a way to shoot it, or maybe wait for my Twister lor You comparing it with your Beckett or Shuran? This guy only been running for days... let it settle lah
  18. Bingo! It is an in-sump model I am trying to built a reservoir right now... hoping to see it in action Tested the pump just now and it is really really silent... as quiet (if not quieter) than a similar size Aquabee Will have to let it fully kick-in to be able to be certain... 1 impressive feature of this ATI pump is its low power consumption... only 11W... will discuss more about the pump and the Thread Wheel technology later Will also try to quote Oliver.P (ATI's boss)
  19. I don't see why the response can be bad... but you must also introduce your tank a little bit more lah... what's the size, the equipments... this will give reefers a bit more understanding of your setup and its LS... it's nice to see each other's progress and blogging is one good way to achieve that
  20. I try not to interfere but you are giving all reefers an impression you are trying to make money out of this decom... kinda defeat the purpose of what Pasar Malam is... to be honest, I think your 2 3" Blue Tangs the most can fetch $40.
  21. From the look at those pix... surely more good than bad... WELCOME!
  22. I keep on mentioning BABY... this beauty is actually not that tiny... here's a pix that will be able to give you a sense of scale with my Black iPod inside the collection cup In clear plexiglass... Pipe diameter 200mm, surface area 220 x 340 mm
  23. Hi guys Yes as usual... the Guinea Pig is back... this time bigger than ever... bought an in-sump skimmer for my future tank (a tank that hasn't even been built) I am way too excited by this product... me being a true follower of ATI lighting products... now this BABY As my tank is not yet ready... (still finalizing the design actually)... there's no easy way for me to test this baby... well... as creative as I am (or pretend to be) I will find some ways of really putting this baby to tests As this is my first skimmer product review... I will be doing lots of research along the way and will be linking lots of sites and researches for further reading... of course contributions from experienced reefers are much much appreciated... Now... lets get the ball rolling Pix: Finally in the safety of my home... I am so afraid AquaMarin will sell my baby to other reefers as I was told a few reefers are actually keen in getting it
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