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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Let me share this interesting posting by Bluereef (Zeovit.com) from Croatia. He (I suppose) lives by the sea, so immediately after purchasing the Twister®M (running the old Eheim pump), he test the skimmer in a 20 gallon tub of Natural Sea Water. Here's a pix of his Twister®M after 5 minutes of firing-up Note that his water level is much lower than my testing tub... so this confirms that the range of acceptable water level is quite broad.
  2. Nope... nothing to set... as long as the water in the sump is within its working range... got a feeling the range can be quite flexi... will test further on this The simplicity of this guy is quite a delight actually
  3. You're welcome... ok I think I've created enough mess in a single morning... will drain the tub, clean the Twister®M... get ready to transfer to bro Lyz77's beautiful custom tank tomorrow morning... will post some progress pictures tomorrow... meanwhile... I welcome any discussion on this product as I am dying to share and hear from you guys... Being the first is exciting... but a long and lonely path out there
  4. Thanks for your interest and support so far... as I've already gotten the actual product and started a new thread specifically for ATI Twister®M... I shall close this thread. Please visit the following link to see more of this new exciting product http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=51002&st=0
  5. Hi Sean As the information for this skimmer is still scarce (and mostly German)... and the fact that the ATI pump I am running now is so so new (ATI only announces this pump to the German public 15 July 06)... currently the only information I got indicates that the ATI Twister®M can support up to 1000 Liters. So I guess the 1000 Liters cap is for medium stocking... but if you do have a higher demand (since you are so used to the Beckett skimmate)... you should consider the ATI Bubble Master instead. Consumes no more than 45W and it can support up to 3000 Liters!!! There's a Bubble Master running at AquaMarin show tank... and I like what I see there
  6. One thing I like most about this protein skimmer is its PLUG AND PLAY simplicity... (also mentioned in some German reviews)... basically there's nothing to tune... no need... just place it in your sump, plug it in, sit back and enjoy the view I recently read a review by an experienced reefer... he bought a super skimmer and it took the entire forum a couple of days to be able to help him tune up his skimmer
  7. Wanna see GREEN FOAM? Sure... 1 minute (upon introduction of Green) This guy is so responsive... everything happen within split second... most minutes... I can barely keep up
  8. 9:46:56 (46 seconds later)... the entire tub is like a disaster zone... 100x algae disaster In less than a minute, the green is already showing in the raising foam
  9. Wow... I have use up almost 1/3 of the bottle... now SHOW ME THE BUBBLE!!! As you can see on the skimmer neck... there's nothing more in the water left for it to skim... well not for long
  10. New ways of creating FOAM!!! I have this bottle of Concentrated Phytoplankton in my freezer for 6 months now... might as well make good use of it before it goes down the chute As you all know... this brand of Concetrated Phytoplankton is really concentrated... so I intend to colour my tub GREEN
  11. Now how long it takes for Twister®M to remove the 10 hour skimmate (by my Deltec MCE600) off the water? 20 minutes... all it takes... now I need to find new ways to create foam!!! 10 hours of skimmate ---> 20 minutes Please note that this experiment is for the sole purpose of seeing my Twister®M kicks-in... no intention of comparing the 2 skimmers as the MCE600 is a high performance baby... it's important to understand that the environment the 2 skimmers are in is completely different and the water volume Twister®M is sitting right now is probably 1/8 of the main tank. However, it is interesting to note that the Deltec MCE600 is rated for 700 Liters (Twister®M rated 1000 Liters)
  12. Well... slightly more than 15 minutes is all it takes
  13. Okay the water density is finally 1.025... now it's time for the first test I poured in skimmate from my Deltec MCE600 (10 hours of skimming)... the camera recorded 8.55am Let's see how long it takes for the Twister®M to kicks-in
  14. While waiting... took the oppotunity to test the volume of skimmate the collection cup is designed to hold... well... more than 3000ml
  15. Let's see some bubbles... the skimmer is producing quite a bit of microbubbles considering the water is quite low in density at the moment 1.020... I've already added more salt to the tub and hopefully can see more bubbles at 1.025... as this is a new salt mix, there isn't much (if not nothing) to skim while the Twister®M kicks in... Once the density reaches 1.025, I will post another pix, then I will do another experiment on my side before packing it up... ready for the reat test in another reefer's tank. Bro Lyz77 will have the honour of testing out the Twister®M... I chose his sump has plenty of space to accommodate my Baby and his tank volume is more or else similar to my new tank. He also shares the same passion and enthusiasm in writing reviews... I'm sure his input can further help make this product review more all-rounded and impartial. Must bro Lyz77 for giving my Baby a chance to "roar"
  16. Haha bro... you do not need an Aquatronica... how's the response for you Shuran? Or Bullet? Maybe you wanna lower your selling price a bit lah... then you can upgrade straight-away... coz I really need to see your Deltec... the power... I'm running an AquaMedic Nitratreductor 1000 and my NO3 has never exceed 5 even during the RBTA incident... but for you... you need Sulphur for sure
  17. Yes... wait... maybe no need if you are to buy a mega Deltec now
  18. He is just maturing his tank right now... wait tiil you see his wish list of TANGS!!!
  19. Emm... 1 150W MH for a 4ft tank? Well... do you get an even distribution of light? Or the center portion brighter than the sides? I think you have a proper amount of LS (not like some of us... hahaha) More pix please... don't mind to see your sump too
  20. Surprise!!! Found a deep enough plastic container... manage to quickly do a salt mix and here we go... ATI A1500 pump... running at 1500l/h (I suppose, need to verify)... producing 400l/h of bubbles... consuming 11W... So based on our current high energy rate... this entire skimmer will cost me $1.50/month to run... 24/7 Sounds too good to be true... I must seek second opinion... can a kind reefer help confirm this? Note that his is an in-sump model... slight disadvantage compared to a recirculating skimmer (I was told)... but more energy efficient as it doesn't require another feeding pump
  21. Yeah I'm sure you can handle some BTs and YTs... why don't you add some seaweed also... or at least local veggies... my Tangs love it!!! Seaweed can boosts immune system
  22. Fishy report... 1 happy 1 sad... The sad one first... my "Archie" has his dorsal fin slightly torn... haiz... he must be bullied by my Spotted Mandarin The happy one... one of my two BE Anthias is morphing into a male specimen... colour remains the same... but the signs are clear
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