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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. 26 Nov 07 / 4.43pm After saying goodbye to my last cuppa... the cleaned cup is ready to go at 4.43pm. The foaming pump and feed pump were fired up immediately.
  2. Hi guys This is not a new product to share but after running it for a couple of months... and before I disconnect this guy in preparation of my next tank... I think it's nice to share my observations with fellow reefers. For more information on this skimmer, click HERE I believe this is the best time to judge the capability of this skimmer as I've stopped feeding any form of coral food and elements dosing for a week. All my corals has been sold or transferred to other tanks. Currently I am only left with about 20 fishes and some shrimps. I will try to have all my pictures recorded with date and time by the camera. Here's a look at my collection cup with 4 days worth of skimming (absolutely no coral food and dosing). Probably the last time I will ever see such beauty
  3. Emm... yeah that's one aspect of keeping the HOBBY SUSTAINABLE... I am actually more concern about power consumption which will be a long term liability... as long as the tank runs... and I can foresee electricity charges to go up steeply in the coming years Hopefully the upcoming world's largest Solar Panel plant in Singapore will make a difference in the way we generate power
  4. Why not But this anemone has the potential of opening up as large as 1 sq. ft. Make sure you have the space or it will move around
  5. The bid will close in 30+ minutes... gotto sleep now Please do not PM me as I will not be there to monitor your PM. All the best
  6. It's about 4.5" long... need at least a 3ft tank to be comfortable
  7. Actually RSM is quite sustainable in terms of power consumption
  8. Looking back at the pix and video (page 1)... my anemone is really scary looking
  9. Emm... guys bro Colinsoon bid $130... let's remain as $130 for the time being.
  10. Oh wrong thread... thanks... EDITED The closing time will remain as per original.
  11. Very good read bro Gouldian... and I really want to stress this to interested bidders... please be prepared for a less-than-perfect fish. From now on, do bid with care. I will also allow previous bidders to withdraw their bids
  12. Btw... I've been "poisoned" by the daily BBC bombardments on Global Warming... therefore I am commited to design a more sustainable reef tank. Will share more information on this SUSTAINABLE concept with you guys along the way... and yes... being sustainable is good for the pocket too I think I should start a new thread on this issue... I'm sure I can learn a lot from you guys too... let's leave behind a cooler climate for the coming generations to enjoy
  13. Just an update... long delayed update actually Things have been running smoothly for me for the past few weeks... slowly decommissioning my tank to get ready for the next. Many of you have been asking me for more details about my next project. Well... things are still being finalized. But if everything goes according to my plan, I will have a "resting" period of between mid Dec 07 to mid Feb 08 (about 2 months). This coincides with my business expansion plan, expecting more frequent travel to neighbouring countries to work more closely with our regional partners and alliances. Let me take this opportunity to thank all of you for your kind support for the past year... and remember... I'LL BE BACK... BABY (That's a promise)
  14. Guys This specimen has been with me since early November 2006. The initial 2 months were a bit rocky with this fish hence the scar above its eyes (identical on both sides). I've been researching and found that it could possibly been caused by a certain vitamin/nutrient deficiency. Been feeding it well with a very wide variety of food ever since. The scars are there... I suppose permanently. But the fish is very healthy, eating well... behaving well with other tank mates. 4.5" long. Since the fish is no longer perfect, I shall let interested owners decide its worth... therefore will start the bid at $1 Bid closing date: This wed 11.59pm Available in 2 weeks. Hopefully I can find this blackie a nice home Note: The floating particles in the picture are actually Cyclopeeze
  15. Oh my... bro Clowny Lover... thanks so much!!! You must've spent a long time finding those pix I owe you one buddy
  16. I'm sure you guys have seen my Unique True Percula Pair before The female (tail-less, unique pattern on both sides) is about 2.5" The male (unique pattern on both sides) is about 2" They have been spawning in my tank every 2 weeks for the past 2 months Extremely fertile... Let's start the bid at $50 a pair Notes: 1. Will be available for collection in 2 weeks 2. I reserve to cancel the bid if the bidding price is too low (too far from it's worth) 3. Closing date for the bid is coming Tuesday 11.59pm. 4. I reserve the right to assess the winner's tank for suitability as this pair is hard to come by. 5. The second highest bidder will be next inline. Have fun!
  17. Let me try to dig something out... Emm... not a very good pix
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