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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Don't mention until like that lah... later my boss find out leh
  2. Go steady and slow bro... I saw you interested at a reefer's 4ft worth of corals... it's a steal but your tank is no where ready... even if you finish the ANN cycle, that huge amount of established corals (esp. the giant clam) will not survive. My advice, don't pursue... this kinda decom sales come by all the time Do keep us updated with your progress
  3. Yupe... have to be careful with jumpers... only got 4" barrier Yes I will design a nice clear acrylic cover for my overflow box to also reduce noise Oh I just notice... a braceless tank will look kinda odd with the back covered with coloured film I will explore this further... see what's the best way
  4. I got 9 colour schemes... dunno which one to go with... appreciate if you guys help vote... I'll probably let the reefers decide... since this new tank is the "people's tank" PLEASE VOTE HERE!
  5. Hey bro... you started a product review thread without having the product? Emm... this product ain't new... been in the US for a while now but the price is way too much... and speculation is... Tunze Nano copied the Vortex
  6. Hi guys I am designing the cabinet and am looking at a few colours to play with... the light fixture is a ATI Powermodul in silver. The tank is braceless/topless. My surrounding is light wooden floor, walls are white, office furniture is light wood (Ikea birch laminate). Appreciate new colour combination also
  7. What you guys think of the design? I will do some colour exploration and will post for you guys to choose
  8. Ok deal... you don't regret hor
  9. Ok... your total volume (plus sump) definitely more than my new tank by 10% to 15%... you used MH somemore... so I am quite confident the 1/5hp will do for the time being unless I decide to upgrade to MH also. Thanks bro
  10. Wah... I've been eyeing this little guy for a while now... just one question... if I install near my water surface, when it turns to facing upwards... will it shoot water upwards?
  11. Exact same experience but only happens in the office computer: Office: Apple G5 Browser: Apple Safari PROBLEMATIC Home: Apple G5 Browser: Internet Explorer NO PROBLEM AT ALL ?!?
  12. Oh you have a pair of Maldives Leopard Wrasse Very nice indeed... I will get a pair for my new tank too And definitely no room for SIXLINE this time
  13. Ok I've decided to go with lighter blue backdrop... seems like all shallow waters are lighter blue in colour
  14. Great Barrier Reef Anemone!!! And Skunks are very pretty especially the really pink ones... Courtesy of www.gallery.eism.net
  15. Oh quite nice yeah... Carribean shallow waters... emm... the backdrop is blue... I will search for more source of inspiration and share with you guys Courtesy of www.gallery.eism.net
  16. Bro Acidjazz Your previous tank was a braceless tank... just want to seek your opinion... 4" of clearance between the edge of glass and water surface sufficient to stop splashing coused by Streams and crazy fishes?
  17. Hi Minireef Is your electrode submerged into the water more than 75%? This particular probe has some holes on the rod itself and those holes must be filled with water. Also, Density probe is rather sensitive and it usually take a while for the readings to stabilize (quite different from pH electrodes). So do let it settle and most of the time the reading will get adjusted steadily... some reefers will only take reading after 15 mins. Hope this helps
  18. I know... I'm thinking of creating my own wavebox... but have to do proper planning and calculation... also might create uneven water level for the overflow box and dangerous for my braceless tank Yes I love the left-right Stream effect... what I am creating now in my Percula 90... unbeatable
  19. Haha... MCE600 reserved and 10% deposit collected. I still have a few items to let go... check out my signature
  20. Went to JBJlighting.com to check chiller compatibility and I'm very happy with the outcome As you can see (attached), the new setup scored only 0.1 point more than Percula 90... thanks to the air-con environment in the office. If what JBJ recommended is correct, I can expect my existing Arctica (1 month old) 1/5hp to run just like before... 1 hour running / 2 hours resting... I think this is acceptable So in terms of electricity consumption... it shouldn't burden my company too much... based on 8 hours per day... shouldn't exceed $10/month as this Arctica only consumes 150W
  21. Let me clarify: Biohome (or any other bacteria housing) can be used to cultivate both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. If it is aerobic bateria you desire, then putting them in a canister filter will do the job well. Aerobic bacteria is relatively easy to cultivate, that's why many reefers throw bags of biohome into their sump tank (whenever there is sufficient water movement). But if you want to use Biohome to cultivate anaerobic bacteria (to breakdown Nitrate to Nitrogen), then a canister filter is not desirable... unless you limit the flow rate so much (with T-off or something) it drips into the canister... well it might work you know... it might
  22. Hi bro... thanks for the encouragements... yeah I kinda like it to be different... want it to look more "customized" Yeah valley scaping with even some macroalgae/mangrove grow above water level can be interesting too. May even explore the idea of a high/low tide... let me figure out how to achieve this Yes, I will make sure the water surface remain relatively calm (without compromising gas exchange too much)... I usually deactivate my Tunzes during feeding and I think I will enjoy feeding with a top view... I am currently exploring on ideas to concealed/hide all my Tunze Streams... I want the tank to be natural looking and 3 Giant Streams doesn't look very natural no matter how much algae grow on them Yes will update you guys more in the coming days... I got a feeling I am getting real close to what I want... really Nope can't fit a 3ft depth tank... would love to... but then... I might have to upgrade my chiller right away
  23. Bro you fully stocked your 6 footer so quickly? Within a month only... then no fun already lar
  24. Haha... I know been doing some calculations myself... 22 2ft tubes = $800 in changing tubes alone... not mentioning the fixture... so after talking to tank maker, we both agree that the existing ATI Powermodul will do the job fine... I've reduced the tank height from 24" to 18", so that will help compensate as I intend to hang the Powermodul a bit higher from the water surface: 1) Eliminate heat transfer to water surface altogether 2) To achieve a more even illumination as I am using a 3ft T5 fixture over a 4ft tank 3) Allows me to enjoy viewing the tank from the top too since it will be braceless/topless What u think bro?
  25. Oh dear... sounds very serious... all the best to you Colin... when was the last time you introduce new fishes?
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