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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. But that's just a guide for the "advanced" reefing lah... although some of us will tend to follow... don't think it is an absolute must... but getting a slightly overpower skimmer is definitely necessary (regardless of brand... but the chances of less superior brands over-rate their performance are much higher)... For example, Skimmer A claims up to 1000L. Take it as 750L (I think 25% is quite realistic). If you running a 900L and go for Skimmer A... surely not desirable. That's why I will go for a larger skimmer to be on the safe side In a setup, (to me) the most important 3 equipments are: 1) Return Pump 2) Protein Skimmer 3) Lighting These 3 items cannot play-play
  2. Huh you are decomming your main tank? So what will happen next? Frogfish tank doesn't sound very big to me... Your water clean coz all your Cyano and algae consume all the nutrients mah... so your Zoos starve to death lor... hahaha... what kinda theory is that And yes, my tank water only immortals can drink... no (sane) mortals will drink saltwater
  3. Oh... did I calculate it wrongly? Well... say the RD 6.5m3 (producing 6500l/h)... after headloss, say 5500l/h... my total water volume (incl. sump) is around 500 liters. So the water will circulate 11 times from the main tank the the sump back to the main tank within an hour... I heard 10 times is quite standard for a healthy reef (especially those running powerful skimmer in the sump)... some reefers go as high as 20 times the water volume per hour. Do correct me if I am wrong... this is my first setup with sump... still got so much more to learn
  4. I also heard some bros having the same difficulties with Zoos... could it be the lighting? Coz I heard Zoos are pretty sensitive to UV and MH does emit UVs more than T5, for example... or perhaps your water too clean liao
  5. I believe yes if you are willing to spend $3000 on a light fixture, check out SOLARIS, extremely high tech... believe will hit the industry by storm (if the price is lowered significantly) Note: Bulb lifespan of 15 years!!!
  6. So are you expecting to get it soon? If yes... you will be among the first to own the Tunze Nanos... please do a product review... then I can also consider for my new tank
  7. Adjusted the air valve to "2-clock" but still skimming quite wet... almost half a cup in 24 hours... will show you guys the quality of the skimmate later...
  8. Actually that can be quite an interesting test yeah... since your's is an out-sump model... you bring to my new tank lah... then we can test them during the weekend... give me 2 more months to BEEF UP the bioload I must thank AM for allowing me to upgrae to a larger model... initially bought the Twister®M coz I intended to start a 2.5' tank... then suddenly inflate to 4'... better to oversump than undersump right? My new tank + sump is around 500 Liters... so with Bubble Master (rated 3000, oklah say effective 2000)... that is 4 times my tank volume... I'm sure the BM will do a very good job for my tank
  9. Make sure you are aware that these are not controllable... I heard the controllable ones are very costly and will only arrive end of this year (if not next year)
  10. I also read something like that... I guess when the pump doesn't work... then it needs spare part lor... perhaps the electrical parts
  11. Really? Show me lah... then I can ask for that Y-shape PVC for my tank... or a W-shape PVC
  12. Beautiful I moved my Red Rubies to mid level (previously on sad bed, constantly disturbed by my giant Algae Blenny) and the polyps open so huge!!! The largest polyp is just slightly smaller than a 50cents coin!!! Amazing
  13. Bro as requested... you can find it at RD... you can also try the more economical version in powder form
  14. Already given the new colour scheme to my tank maker... all the bros/sis that voted for my tank colour scheme... 1/3 of the total votes go to the all silver tank Yes my tank is now SILVER!!!
  15. Thanks guys... I think 1/3 of the overall vote is clear enough a mandate... although I voted for Colour 4 at the beginning... the more I look at the silver tank... the more I like it... This thread is not officially closed
  16. Ok lah... get the Deltec 851 lah... dun wan to confuse you anymore... but if you decide to change later... maybe can let me know lah... I might start another tank early next year Or maybe we exchange lor... with my ATI BubbleMaster
  17. Hi bro I also get them to do my new tank... can show some pix of their workmanship... at least I know what to expect lah I hope you are happy with their service... if not must let me know hor...
  18. Haha... you are being way too humble... I'm sure the parasites will go away very soon... anyway... Sixline where got exquisite?
  19. Corals looking very healthy... love that very hairy mushy
  20. Guys... I am finalizing the design of my tank with the tank maker tonight... gotto decide on the colour real soon... so have all of you voted? http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...pic=51100&st=15
  21. Wah... NASA satellite... amazing!!! Emm... I will keep a close eye on this product for sure
  22. Yupe I can confirm that... surprisingly I was told Jewel's sting more powerful
  23. Sorry bro... I also dunno... that person that quoted me brought in from Germany... parallel
  24. Very RETRO indeed... yeah agree with a bro... tanks in Singapore are getting more and more look-alike... love your overall concept!!! Show us more pix of your LS... and yes, start planning to upgrade the skimmer
  25. Bro negative... the smallest Bubble King will not support your tank properly as it is under-rated for your tank. You need the next model BK250 which is around Euro 1650 (ouch )... I am NOT looking down on you bro... obviously what you said is true... Bubble King is definitely out of OUR league (for the time being at least). So don't suggest me get one hor... coz I can't afford it yet. It's like... (becoz you like to own a Beemer)... with a family of 6, you die-die go and buy a BMW 3 series... but in fact all you need is a Honda Odyssey to fit all 6 members comfortably... I'm just giving you an example... I've yet to understand fully... still trying to understand it... to embed it into my daily decision makings My suggestion to you, don't move. Your Beckett is doing fine. Unless you start to get high A N N readings... (you know I will suggest this)... wait and see how the ATI Bubble Master works... observe for while first before deciding... there must be a reason the ATI BM is getting such good reviews in Germany and Zeovit.com... looking at your situation... Deltec is not an option anymore (sorry to say that )
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