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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yupe... No.6 is the clear favourite Probably influenced by the up-and-coming RD Deltec tank in Porsche Silver
  2. Bro Loster Perhaps I have not been in the hobby long enough... but I've came across a few cases where the reefers accidentally broken some pins while dismantling/washing/assembling during their scheduled maintenance... so I take it as Needle Wheel will "break" if handled improperly. And of course, some impellers are better than others... that I can be certain of. Here's something I read previously that suggests to me... Needle Wheel impeller does need replacement even for the superior Deltec brand. Here's an extraction from their website: http://www.deltecaquariumsolutions.com/skimmers.php If anyone has a pinwheel impellor that has become damaged due to them standing on it or to long term wear from grit in the pump then we will provide them with a replacement at a reduced price on an exchange basis. Details are as follows: Exchange price for Aquabee models - £35.00 - (normally £45). Exchange price for Eheim - £55.00 - (normally £75) As for the ATI Thread Wheel... I am not denying the maintenance/replacement part... but the chances of a reefer accidentally damaged/break the "wire mesh" is pretty remote... I got a feeling the impeller will not be affected if a reefer is to accidentally drop the impeller or step on it... unlike Needle Wheel (as suggested by Deltec). Perhaps I didn't make it very clear the last time round... sorry for the confusion
  3. Oh yeah... you are so imaginative... perhaps the "mistress" idea is familiar to you in real life?
  4. Haha... or perhaps those who can afford BK don't have the time/bother to BLOG Another reason is... if you have a BK or a Deltec, I don't think you even need to post at Pasar Malam... your friends will grab it as soon as you show interest in upgrading... just like my MCE600, it was sold even before I decided to decom it Must agree that Deltec commands good price and good position when it comes to second-hand value... just like Mercedes Benz (in certain markets)... and looking at the performance of the MCE600 (baby Deltec)... I will definitely get a giant Deltec for my next next MEGA tank
  5. Bro how do you dose? You flood the tank? Or using a syringe?
  6. Haha... I have yet to been inside one... maybe for my new tank... with my flippers on
  7. Emm... maybe not... AM also selling lah... but easily cost $500 on sand along... most probably go with grade 2 or grade 3 sand... maybe mix with 2 bags of Live Aragonite to speed up bacteria cultivation
  8. Found a few interesting BIOTOPES in one of my reefing books: 1) The Beach Zone 2) A Seagrass Aquarium 3) A Reef Gorge Aquarium 4) A Pizza Anemone Aquarium 5) A Rubble Zone Aquarium 6) A Small Cave Aquarium The Rubble Zone Aquarium seems quite similar to what I want to achieve... according to the author (just extractions): • between the reef flat and the beach • shallow area • coral sand This is an interesting one: • the smaller, loose rocks are often turned over and tossed about by waves and currents (now how can I achieve that?) blah blah blah
  9. And Arcti-Pods™ is iPod's competitor? I feed my LS a series of nice food... so can't really pinpoint for certain but they are all very happy
  10. Hehe... talking about themes... I am now doing some research... I wanna create a true reef with a clear theme as guidance... I am actually looking at creating a Shallow Caribbean Reef for my new tank... and in there... every fishes and corals are from that part of the ocean... no mix-and-match... but LR and sand a bit hard lah... other than that... just have to be patient (cannot buy whatever pleases the eyes) and must pounce once the opportunity comes... What you guys think? SHALLOW CARRIBEAN REEF... you think worth pursuing? But I might have to sell off most (if not all) of my existing LS... mostly Indo-pacific
  11. I know... but things like RD people seldom sell coz they are reusable in future tanks (most of the time)... unless you are talking about giving up on reefing... well perhaps knitting or stamp collecting is more interesting I intend to create a new tank every 2 years... alternating between home and office... so each tank will have a 4 years lifespan which is about there... let me calculate how many years I've got left... emm... actually not a lot of tanks
  12. How's everything bro? Any updates? Heard you gotten a nice romantic pair of 2-spots
  13. Interesting spray bar concept... was it in the original design or add-on at later stage?
  14. Hahaha... the RD 6.5m3 is confirmed and final. Already ordered a piece to replace the loan piece once it arrives... got a feeling it will take a while... this RD can use for a very long time... probably... easily... outlast my passion in this hobby... I hope it has a good resale value ... Imagine... CHEAP SALE: RED DRAGON... in Pasar Malam
  15. If it is stated November on the label, then keep it refrigerated after opening... that will prolong the lifespan by another 3 months (at least)... so dun worry
  16. Emm... the Deltec 1250 maybe a little under-rated for your tank... but do rest assured Deltec is one of the best in its class... I recently bought a MCE600 (hang-on type) from a reefer and I am totally impressed by it... the skimming is fantastic!!! Do drop by my tank thread (Percula 90) and you will see a lot of pictures of skimmates So... yes, it will definitely perform better than your current skimmer
  17. Great! So the stocks are in... do update us the result... thanks!
  18. Very nice... don't spoil them too much
  19. I am still so damn amazed by this baby Deltec... despite its small and compact size Brand's Essence of Chicken... anyone? 24 hours worth of "2-o'clock" skimming
  20. AquaMarin... I get Steve to do the tank for me coz I am very happy with their service the last time when they came to my place to install the ATI Powermodul... and I don't know that many people lah... so very limited choices Yaloh... lighting and (possibly) chiller can come in later... do start posting your cycling period... coz I need to learn how to do proper cycling... my last 2 were cheats... using matured LR and matured tank water
  21. Nope... they go for pellets and Arcti-pod™
  22. Thanks bro AM for the info... caulerpa huh?... ok they will be gone this weekend... those attached to small pieces of rock can be easily tackled... I can pull them off in a separate container... I need to clean them up coz must avoid introducing them into my new tank at all costs
  23. True... have you decided on your lighting? Maybe try not to have it too bright and 10000ºK above to slow down algae growth Will you still use a chiller for your FOWLR setup?
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