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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. AP701 is a great skimmer... will surely skim 10 times more than your current skimmer Have you contacted RD for stock? Better call early to avoid disappointment All the best to you bro... and do do a product review on it
  2. Not very natural with the staircase behind leh
  3. Emm... there's only that much the photo editing software can help... but I always make sure the pictures are properly focus and my evenly distributed T5 lighting (without shimmering effect) makes that so much easier
  4. Bad news guys... I am having second thought... everybody keep telling me my sump is too tiny and I will surely regret having a 3ft sump I will redesign the tank... probably wider but have to restrict the amount of water as I don't intend to upgrade my existing equipments... got a feeling this will take a while... perhaps September to realize
  5. Oh man... it's heart breaking to hear that... yeah mishaps like that must be avoided next time... Don't on the light fixture... disaster!!! I will try to dry it, left it out in the sun for a couple of hours, really make sure it is dry up before power up... remove the bulbs too, dry the sockets... oh dear... real sorry bro
  6. Hehe yes... Bang & Olufsen... I'm just trying to point out a few inspirational brands out there... these brands are also emotional... but B&O does have its strength (in design as you mentioned)... perhaps Apple Computer is a better example
  7. I'm using a Sony DSC-N1 (the only camera with a super large LCD). Here's what I usually do: 1) Clean the inner glass with a magnet cleaner (hahaha) 2) Clean the outer glass with proper cloth 3) Try to avoid flash, just normal setting (auto) too lazy to do settings. Macro all the time. 4) Shot at least 3 of the same coral/fish everytime... it's hard to get the right shot, sometimes I take more than 5!!! 5) Download to computer (Apple) and use iPhoto to do minor editing. 6) Crop photos to keep composition in focus, need high mega-pixel to be able to crop drastically 7) Increase Sharpness (my secret weapon) 8) Play a bit with contrast and blah... Done!!! Sounds kinda complicated actually... but I can do it in minutes (if not seconds)
  8. Haven't you heard that if the "short" design is done properly, it can be more effective than most tall bodied skimmers? I can't be too certain (as I do not come across the research personally, but was told by fellow reefers and LFS)... but there was a research done by a university student (in the US) and his research found that taller skimmers doesn't equate to better efficiency (in general). The theory is something like this... if the fine bubbles travel too far up the chamber, they will form back into larger bubbles along the way... hence defeating the purpose of having fine bubbles in the first place. However, some successful brand counter this by installing powerful pumps (some more than 2) that will pump a huge amount of fine bubbles upwards. But by having more than 1 pump... energy consumption can be high. So if the short skimmer is to be designed properly (which I believe the BK is) then the fine bubbles will remain "fine" when they reach the neck of the skimmer hence more effective skimming. Not forgetting, low power consumption and space saving. Please do not take this "tall skimmer" theory and apply to all brands... however, I believe only a few superior brands be able to product tall yet effective skimmers without consuming too much energy. Any experience bro can confirm this? Or it's a total crap used by manufacturers and LFS to sell their short and stubby protein skimmers such as the Bubble King
  9. I know... he really sacrificed lor... wait till you see tonight's update... a disaster (almost)... shall not reveal too much at the moment
  10. Bro there isn't a English version (and don't ask me why ) but you can go to search using G or Y, and use their translation function to translate the entire German site (roughly lah)... Best is still translate the www.riffaquaristikforum.de under ATI sponsor section... over there you can read Oliver Pritzer (ATI's boss) introduce his own product and Q&A
  11. Yupe the pump maintenance may be an issue... let's see how they will find a solution for that...as for pocket pain... haha... you don't call it a product by Royal Xclusive for nothing ok? You don't expect to walk into a Louis Vuitton boutique and come out with some great bargains... but it is good to see products like this... sometimes they inspire... just like Ferrari and B&O
  12. Hey... aiya all my equipment very cheap only lar... give you example: Aquatronica whole set $399 Arctica 1/5hp chiller $299 ATI Powermodul $199 Like that can lor... and all of them made in China one leh... my latest Deltec MCE600 bought from reefer $150 only And the bad news... this year my company loose money... so no profit sharing lor
  13. I just want to add that: For a DIY Denitrator to work properly, you need water circulation within the chamber. It is crucial for the even distribution of nutrients within the chamber, if not, the water discharge (1 to 2 drops per sec) will smell horrible (bad egg smell). A balanced denitrator (with internal water circulation) will minimize the bad egg smell...
  14. Emm... my pH pretty constant for the past 2 to 3 weeks... maybe becoz I underdose... whenever I dose, my tank water only get very minimal cloudiness... not as shown by bro Altantis pix.
  15. Emm... bro Acontia... you are right about the "non resistance/friction" design that ATI's boss Oliver Pritzer mentioned in one of his posts in www.riffaquaristikforum.de. As the Twister is not with me right now, I can only confirm some of your questions at a later stage. Some of your questions are way too technical for me to answer but if I come across any technical information... I will share with you guys One thing for sure, yes cable ties... you can see it in a close up pix of the Thread Wheel I posted last week
  16. Bro Nakazoru... you are being way too humble... we are all the same... 90% of all Singaporeans have the same status btw... working class This is a scaled down version of the legendary BK targetting to working class people like us... so I don't expect the price to be too much more than a Deltec. Oh I heard the pump is actually a scaled-down version of the Red Dragon (so yes, it is a Red Dragon)... but during the scaling-down... some of the "magic" might be gone... but according to sources, this mini-RD was designed based on the same beliefs and philosophy behind the original RD. As usual... the impressive list of cons If I get ever get to run this baby in my sump... I will paint everything RED
  17. Won the bid for bro Fishtalk's unique True Percula... very excited... I will keep it happy and healthy so that I can transfer it over to my new tank... I will find it a nice nice home... oh no... another Anemone?
  18. Last 2 equipments? Haha... that is before you decide to upgrade to a 10 footer to house all your fully-grown Tangs Can I come to your place to look at your new skimmer in action? I think your tank (with its bio-load) is the ideal tank to test any protein skimmers Yeah thanks for reminding me also... gotto start diverting my funds to somewhere else... or else... I will have to sleep alone at night (just me and my tank)
  19. True... I almost forgot... it's still an Angel after all... Will monitor it closely... but the Prata open so huge (bigger than ever)... it doesn't show any sign of distress (yet)
  20. Hi bro Loster, I also based my observation on comments by overseas reefers previously using NW (not necessarily Deltec) switched to the ATI Threadwheel. These comments can be found at both www.riffaquaristikforum.de and www.zeovit.com under ATI sponsor section. And I've also heard of local reefers accidentally broke their needlewheels and looking for replacements (which can be very costly most of the time). Yes the power consumption for this skimmer is exceptionally low... that is the main draw for me... however as observed by both bro Lyz77 and me... the bubbles produced do not seem abundant... perhaps the pump is underpowered, perhaps I installed it incorrectly... will update you guys more tonight
  21. Emm... dun wan to use chemical... just like Western medicine... they cure a problem but at the same time they create another problem Go Natural... just like you
  22. My Bi-colour Prata has been growing steadily reaches to a diameter of at least 6"... it's so pretty... I will definitely transfer this Prata to my new tank... will find it a nice spot My Pygmy Angel (Argi) likes to hang around the Prata
  23. Oh really?!? And Silicate causes algae problem right? Wow... if that's the case... perhaps the $300 is well justified... I originally thought the Live Aragonite is only good for speeding up bacteria cultivation (and no need to wash those sand... very tideous work)
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