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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Agree on the spare part issue... I think BK will not enters the mainstream unless they can find a local distributor that can provide spare parts and services... but I do hope the local distributor will also sell the parts indiscriminately to all BKs (not just those bought from the same distributor) as in the long run... supporting the second hand market is also crucial in maintaining presence (and relevance) in the market. Any idea how BK fares in the "used" market? Emm... I got a feeling you might yet change your mind again on your protein skimmer
  2. Good job bro Acontia... trust me, I've seen the real thing... and yours look very very similar... put it to test Note: If I'm not wrong, ATI holds the worldwide patent to the ThreadWheel design... do be careful if you ever think about going commercial with this baby
  3. Since we are into the skimmer topic (more than ever)... I just want to highlight the energy consumption aspect... as a lot of reefers tend to oversee this when they purchase a protein skimmer: Just as an example: Deltec 1004 • Around $4500 • Consumes 320W (4 Eheim) - excl. feeder pump • Approx. $45.00/month running 24/7 Bubble King 400 • Around $5000 • Consumes 68W (1 Red Dragon) • Approx. $9.50/month running 24/7 The BK 400 costs $1500 more than the Deltec 1004. And based on the energy savings... one could recover the costs in 42 months (based on 2006 energy changes) = 3.5 years. Interesting to know... isn't it
  4. Hehe... the Red Dragon 6,5m3 pump (for return and Reef Flushing System) is already at the tank maker's place... it's actually bulkier and heavier than I thought It's good to provide the tank maker as much equipments as possible so that they can design the sump accordingly Will get official quote from them next week... hopefully no heart attack
  5. You can also make sure the Alkalinity (KH) is the same before pouring in... from my experience a lot of salt mixes give very low KH readings... hence it is healthier to fix the KH in the mixing bucket than in the tank
  6. Reef Central's TOTM... really dwarf my new setup... my 4ft tank is even smaller than his refugium (I think) Look at his lighting plan... so damn impressive http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-08/totm/index.php
  7. Yeah mine too... most probably... it's very hard to achieve thematic unless we are to go for Indo-Pacific theme or Shallow Singapore Reef with loads of Nemos and Anemones
  8. Not good... spotted my Chevron nipping my new Pure White Xenia I am hoping now the Chevy is just curious... already fed him with his favourite pellets
  9. Bro Cherm... I'm sure we all make our decisions based on a series of considerations... I agree with you Customer Service plays a crucial role in building a tank... and trust. Let's not debate which LFS is cheaper here... what's your plan for your new tank? Any ideas yet? I am still figuring out whether to do "Rojak" concept or "thematic" tank setup
  10. Thanks bro Iantoh Yes I will follow your advice That's a major cost saving not only in reducing the no. of FR, will save tremendously on the media itself. Now I can free up some budget other essentials Yeah, I can't wait to see the Bubble Master in action too...
  11. Good night my new Nemo... love the unique patterns on its body
  12. And high temperature also helps parasites/disease to spread quicker
  13. Very impressive SPS tank... please continue to post more nice pix... hehe I am designing a tank now with external overflow box
  14. This is the reason I went to the shipment... Pure White Pumping Xenias Will let it settle down a while before panic Those macros are from my LR (not the specimen) and more Brazilian Wax tomorrow
  15. Yes a review... I will follow it closely... my future depends on you now Coz after all the bad publicity on this product... we really need to test it out once and for all
  16. A jewel from Irwana Tonga shipment... was there with bro Lyz77 and Hammy Introducing... my TRIDACNA GIGAS Photo taken using flash... so doesn't really reflect the true colour yet... will surely post more once it open nice-nice tomorrow It looks very unique actually
  17. Hehe... I might... in 2 months time It depends if I will go for a THEMED tank... Ok... very happy to finally own a True Percula... haha in a Percula 90 tank Emm... they seem to be getting along alright
  18. Great news than... not bad lah for such a long absence... only 1 clam At least that beautiful Naso is getting better Let me know how is Rowaphos can? I am thinking of using Rowaphos for my new setup... trying to avoid diatom bloom at all costs
  19. Yeah I heard from reefers 2 o'clock is the best... but what's the rationale? I still can't seem to figure out why
  20. Hi there Some reefers claimed ATI T5 tubes can last up to 2 years... I'll put a bit of discount there... maybe 1 1/2 years. If operating cost is the main deciding factor, T5 will be the best choice. It saves energy on both the running of the lighting unit and less load to the chiller. You can also play with various lighting effects and colouration with various T5 tubes in the market. But one thing to consider is the absence of the "shimmering effect" only MH can achieve... after running T5 for 3 months... I still miss the shimmers
  21. Pretty hard bro... 1ft tube... perhaps you wanna try MH (if ur tank is in an air con environment during day time i.e. office)... 75W MH perhaps... you need pretty decent lighting to keep Anemone happy... but for your tank volume (1 ft) you have to be extra careful as a dying Anemone can pollute and wipe off everything in your tank within hours. You don't call it Time Bomb for nothing All the best to you bro
  22. Bro Colinsoon... how's things? I hope that "thing" is gone now...
  23. Bro your Mandarin is a male or female? Maybe can mate with my female Spotted Mandarin
  24. Haha... everybody is getting their tanks from AM... no wonder Steve is so busy lah... so hard to get an appointment with him nowadays Can share with us more info before tank arrival? Mine is gonna be smaller than yours, 4x1.5x2
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