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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Not extending very much lor... the most I've spotted before is around 1.5"... nothing compared to my other Gonios that can easily extend up to 6" But one thing about Goniopora is... their skeleton seems to grow very slowly leh... which makes it perfect for Nano IMO
  2. Thanks! My dad gave it to me... he bought it from Malaysia... it's an imitation of a US brand
  3. Emm... bro Reefaholic... I'm beginning to see the point... found a pix of a BK operated inside cabinet and it does show dirt on the chamber towards the neck... I think this pix is very clear as there isn't any algae growth on it... So some of those pix might be fabricated/manipulated?
  4. Err bro... my tank has not even been made yet But I have already bought some cleaning crew in advance Will continue to stock (cleaning crew only lah)... getting ready for the big day
  5. How about this... my Turboflotor Percula the day my RBTA went into my Tunze Stream... can you see my RBTA inside the collection cup? And it smell like normal skimmate plus lime juice Every SKIMMATE has its own story
  6. Here's my Green Tentacles Hammer... wow the heads are splitting fast
  7. Oh such a beautiful Reef Hermit It's so pretty... no wonder it costs so much Do you like my new found "night" photography style? I use my LED torchlight to illuminate the subject instead of using flash light... and the effect is so much better Keep discovering...
  8. Where else other than ML Happened to attend a meeting in the West end day today
  9. Yes that will do nicely... you may want to add (matured and cured only) larger pieces of rock into your main tank... then move those small pieces to the sump. Remember, you need caves for fishes to hide and sleep in at night. Can you show us a closer shot of your interesting creation? And you sump tank please... and is there a way you can enlarge you photos? A 600 x 480 pixels will suffice
  10. What's that on the left? Is it a DIY skimmer? Yes, you should add a bit more live rock as they will benefit your simple setup in the long run as being good natural filtration system. No, you can't just go to a LFS and buy the LR off their holding tanks... you must go for matured/cured live rocks... buy from a fellow reefer (must be inside healthy water + circulation)... perhaps adding a larger piece with caves and holes as the base. Stacking small pieces of rocks together to form a mountain is not a good scaping method for numerous reasons. Have fun... this is just the beginning to a long and joyful journey
  11. Bro Jun... dun attempt corals at this high level of temperature... even when it comes to fishes, only limit your selection to fishes from warmer region and shallow waters... deep sea fishes are not suitable and avoid shrimps at all costs
  12. Hehe... actually I am planning to attempt again in my new tank That is if the condition is optimum enough... MI is just way too beautiful and challenging to ignore But must be very very careful when purchasing the specimen... perhaps tag along another reefer for an extra pair of eyes...
  13. Hehe bro... I guess I will have to wait a very long time in order to get my hands on a BK... and if I do... I will definitely clean it frequently... it's such a beauty But one thing I am unclear of is your intention... you posted a few pix of "unrealistic" skimmate and a few "realistic" skimmate... all showing the Bubble King working well... I'm confused actually... perhaps I have not reach to that point of understanding your intention
  14. Fancy a glass? 1 day worth of skimmate using Deltec MCE600
  15. Lovely skimmate from my Deltec MCE600 Hang-on skimmer... 1 day worth of skimmate... 3 footer/heavy stock/mix reef
  16. Hi bros and sis... I've been asked by a bro to start a new thread to pay homage to our lovely SKIMMATE something that we reefers learned to hate (and somehow grown to love) This is NOT a protein skimmer review nor is it a thread to discuss about performance/price/distributor etc. This is a dedicated thread just for SKIMMATE LOVERS to enjoy each other's JUICES Of course it will be helpful to highlight your skimmer model and a details such as: 1) How many days worth of JUICE? 2) How thick/dillute is the JUICE? 3) How horrible it smells? 4) What's your tank capacity and stock level... etc. LET THE JUICES FLOW
  17. Hehe... sorry to say this... it's expected Don't be sad... no MI for you for 1 year
  18. Bro Reefholic I might be wrong... (since I do not own a BK) but the last 2 photos you showed us were placed on the external... meaning in contact with daylight. Could that be the reason for their bodies to look so filthy?
  19. So this is what I'll be getting in 3 weeks time... I don't know about you guys... I love it Hehe... sorry lah... this is gonna be my first tank with a sump mah... so very excited lor Can elaborate more on the freshwater top-up chamber (emm... how come I see my ideas sprouting up in AM's tanks lately ) Can also show the power management area? I want to see how they tackle that issue... in regards of safety
  20. Oh there isn't a FORUM in Thailand? Oh that's quite a pity Well... if you own a Bubble King... you will be exclusive throughout the world... here in Singapore... all over But you will have to pay double for that prestige... Rolex doesn't come cheap dear... I'm not referring to those from Chatuchak Market
  21. Personally... depending from which angle you look at it. They are both good... both reliable... both will do the job well... both tested... but Bubble King has a sense of luxury that comes with the brand... exclusivity is the word... it's distinctive RED is a very nice feature... the thick plexi glass construction... the legendary Red Dragon pump... You gotto to ask yourself in the end... is your tank worth it? Just like what Loreal makes us believe... "Coz I'm Worth it!"... ok I'm talking nonsense today
  22. That's a very good idea... will start one tonight You guys must all contribute hor
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