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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. You are the man bro!!! Please do update us... now you really made me so so excited... DIY can be so much fun
  2. I think we are looking at plus minus $1600
  3. Nah it will come... look at your Mystery Wrasse... it already turned to reality... next time go "fishing" can ask me along? Wait till my new tank is ready lah
  4. Chevron Gramma? Emm... got such fish meh? Boy, you really have an exquisite taste for fishes Must learn from you already
  5. Wah bro!!! You got your Mystery Wrasse!!! So exciting!
  6. Oh man... you finally did it!!! Wow... 3 weeks of nurturing... keep it up bro
  7. Welcome!!! Oh yeah... skimmate... my fav Yes, the skimmer will take 2 to 3 days to kick-in, the best way is not to touch the skimmer (no tuning)... let it run for 2 days and see how. Pix will definitely give us a better picture of your setup and to share with us your proud setup. Haha... it's kinda upfront for you to mention "please do not recommend me spend $$$"... but if your setup is incomplete... spending money along the way is inevitable This hobby is a "bottomless pithole" unfortunately The rich will have larger pithole... the "not-so-rich" will have a smaller pithole... no one escapes without damage But it's well worth it
  8. Nah... will not start running immediately... I still have so much to finalize... will take this slow and steady. Just received a confirmation from my tank maker... 4 x 2 x 2 main tank with external overflow box... 5ft cabinet with extra large sump... I guess my tank is looking more and more standard
  9. Wow!!! What a huge updatezzzzz!!! That giant Anemone is extremely beautiful bro... very very beautiful How long have you been running your tank now? The reason I ask, doesn't look like a lot of skimmate for 3 days to me
  10. Ok lah... from Vincent's tank don't expect to be cheap lah... but quite a lot of polyps... at least 15 big and small... can't wait to see them open up nicely – I hope my water is dirty enough to keep them happy
  11. Irwana's Tonga shipment last Saturday night... all the Gigas were very horrid looking that night... full brown/beige... the colours only start to show after 3 days. Luckily I picked up a piece in the end... almost wanted to leave already
  12. Yeah very nice... it's actually not that huge lah... currently 4" the most. Colouration not fantastic compared to Maximas/Croceas but I believe this specimen will continue to show more colour once it fully settles down
  13. Nice bro... very professionally put together... that thin layer on top is Rowalith C right? What's your current NO3 level? Must keep track lar
  14. Latest addition... Red Spotted Mushroom... bought from a fellow reefer Still settling down... looks optimistic
  15. My Tridacna Gigas looking much more relaxed now... with mantle finally growing outside its shells... colours finally showing up too
  16. Haha... it's a Bubble Algae Here's a shot of my ever hardworking Algae Blenny
  17. Wah bro... very huge SPS colony there... if you manage to keep them nicely and happily... I think you will set new record... all the Deltec and H&S can do down the chute already Do update us on the SPS colonies... if the do well... perhaps I should be brave enough to try too
  18. Oh I really like the TORCH effect... my Tri-colour Yuma (in resting mode)... ooh a Black Pearl
  19. Yeah a China immitation that costs less than 1/10 of the US version (my dad told me) But the LEDs are really bright... 9 pieces of them embedded inside
  20. Oh... sorry coz I see a lot of microbubbles... so thought it is a protein skimmer...
  21. They love strong lighting... and current flow... a good combination of both will make them extend more All the best...
  22. Really made me hungry now Here's a shot of AM's ATI Bubble Master... 4th day of running (if I can remember correctly).
  23. I'm very curious too... But bro Jun, if you already have a protein skimmer in the sump... is this DIY skimmer really necessary? Don't you think it takes up too much tank space?
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