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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yeah... eating Henry's mix My Tridacna Gigas
  2. Oh yeah... forgot I still have a bit left in the freezer... defrosting now
  3. Bro... didn't you know I'm decomming my Percula 90? Siao meh? Another set of Aquatronica...
  4. Yes... should rename it Kissing Tang The little Nemo is very happy and it gets along very well with my larger False Perc. But it doesn't seem to be eating much... rejecting pellets Any idea what else I should try? Even Arcti-Pods also not very excited
  5. Those algae marks on the glass were created by my Chevron Tang's mouth
  6. Can't... even the 5ft might already have problem bringing up 4 levels (via narrow staircases) to my office That's why I separated the chiller cabinet... to save up space and to really separate the hot air from the sump cabinet My Tunze driver boxed (3), Multicontroller 7095, Aquatronica & etc. will be fixed on the overflow compartment cabinet (1 ft wide) With an opening to display the Aquatronica Control Unit
  7. Another day worth of skimmate... this time with more solid skimmate (stuck on the wine glass) Enjoy
  8. Yes they are very good in keeping the sand bed clean and constantly stirring the surface Highly recommended
  9. Just came back from tank maker's shop... everything finalized (except for some equipments)... the tank maker will do a final revision to the design of the sump and will update me this weekend... so I am expecting the tank to be delivered to my office in 2 weeks time Here are some rough specifications: Main tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (2 sided views) with external overflow box Cabinet: 5' with hood and door for overflow compartment Sump tank: Around 4' (design in progress) Colour scheme: Glossy white and brushed aluminium laminate Will update you guys once the sump design is finalized AM agreed to upgrade my ATI Twister®M to ATI Bubble Master... I opt for a larger model coz my tank is getting bigger and bigger (originally 2.5' by 2' by 1.5') The Bubble Master is already on its way... will arrive this coming Monday
  10. Bro what's kunning actually? It's radioactive? Toxic?
  11. Beautiful glass painting... by my Chevron
  12. Bro Lyz77... I have one question. If there are such high proportion of Calcium media inside the chamber and the low pH from the Sulphur beads will dissolve the calcium media right? Then... it is in fact a Calcium Reactor in action Coz it does look like 2-in-1 to me... just that this is not controllable like a CR Which means...
  13. I am running a Denitrator Will transfer over to the new tank
  14. You definitely need some form of KH buffer, be it liquid or powder form. The KH will not rise on its own (if I'm not wrong)... it will only continue to drop.
  15. Well... most parameters are looking good... except KH. Shouldn't be hard to increase, but increase slowly... not exceeding 2dKH per day. As for the Salifert Ammonia test kit... I can't remember if it is to be read from top or side, is there any indication on the instructions sheet?
  16. Hi there Yes, it is good to find out before deciding. Some reefers even claim they changed their ATI tubes every 2 years I've done a bit of study on this: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...pic=48871&st=30 And IMO, 1 year is the most realistic life span. It also depends on what you keep in the end, SPS being the most sensitive to spectrum shift/depletion.
  17. Huh? Where you bought your skimmer from? Marinedepot? This show how inefficient the rest of the world is... do you know that the Singapore Ports (PSA) only mishandled less than 10 containers each year... that is out of 30 million
  18. The water in your red tub is way too clean bro... you know what will be a nice way to test it out... fill it up with NSW. See how much the skimmer can extract out within 2 days Then throw in 20 pieces of Chromis and feed them Henry's Mix lor
  19. Yeah camera tends to capture BLUE more readily as the wavelengths are shorter. Maybe it can be due to the placement of the tubes... you Blue/Actinic is nearest to the front panel right? I love that school of Chromis... they are cheap and nice
  20. Bro, I always see your tank under Blue Light... can you show us a pix of your FTS in Daylight? Can't really see the colour of those beautiful corals clearly lah
  21. I think Atlantic Blue Tang is beautiful in both juvenile and adult forms... will try to look for a nice specimen once my tank is ready
  22. Yalor... definitely a very proper setup... now you need to learn more on how to use those equipments to maintain a nice and SUSTAINABLE reef tank... hehe not gonna be easy... but at least you have the right equipments already... so you are one step closer Let's learn together, shall we? (since my new tank will look pretty similar to yours in a lot of aspects) I love the way your Multicontroller 7095 fitted nicely into the side cabinet, very fitting lor Do you intend to add another Tunze Stream in the future? The reason I (and other bros) mentioned previously about the 6200 is, with a Multicontroller 7095, you can achieve much better current effect using 2 x 6100 or 3 x 6000 instead of a single 6200. If you do not intend to add another Stream, the Single Controller 7091 is in fact good enough, that will save you almost $250 to be spent on other gadgets. I've been experimenting with Streams quite extensively and nothing beats having 2 Streams blowing from left to right, right to left
  23. Do update us closely on the skimmate... as discussed previously, looking at your tank capacity and LS level... more skimmate is actually expected from the Turboflotor
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