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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. You know what? I'll let the LFS introduce to you the Sand Dollars... there's only 1 place to get your cleaning crew... Marine Life (Hong Leong Garden)... talk to Henry Drop by this weekend lah
  2. Bro, not stopping you to spend money lah... but we must learn to keep focus mah... we are the same kind... always the best! But if we don't keep focus, we will end up either in financial crisis or end up buying the wrong equipments (often compromises)... which we will regret and sell within a month if not weeks And yes, looking at your setup... you really need a proper Protein Skimmer... a skimmer that you are proud of... and no compromise this time
  3. I must say that bro Weisheng has a very expensive taste for fishes... must learn from him liao (when I fully recovered)
  4. Yes, the thing is ATI is still testing this new pump... just my observation and speculation only btw... let's not forget the main objective of this Twister®M... that is to provide reefers a decent skimmer with exceptionally low power consumption (11W = S$1.50/month). If they are to replace it with an Eheim, it will distort it's original concept.
  5. Show us a pix of the sponge in your main tank... kinda curious actually Wanna do a review on this product?
  6. So LUCK has always been on your side bro... you are now officially COLIN THE CYNA SAVIOUR
  7. Oh dear... I hope the fighting is just mere curiosity...
  8. Looking at the Lobster... they better install a Deltec in there That's the perfect place to test skimmers
  9. Yeah it does resembles the Bubble King in a lot of areas... it's definitely the Poor Man's BK
  10. It's opening up a bit more today... 6th day today
  11. Wonderful Now anyone care for a sip of VodaVoda
  12. Oh dear... so they are not reef safe
  13. Yes.. poorman's MI that happens to have a much much higher survival rate Good choice bro
  14. Huh? 15% increase? Damn I am planning to upgrade to 4ft 8 tubes dimmable version... haiz... probably gonna reach 4-figure now When will you get your dimmable PM?
  15. The cabinet extension will not come so early lah... let me recover first... I will do it 1 month before I attempt SPS... so will not be so soon. Most probably end of the year. As for my NR... yalor might not need it anymore, but it's such a waste... I've been very lucky to get this unit to work... a lot of reefers restarted their NR many times and still cannot get it to work properly... see how first... anyway dun think can fetch a good price in the Pasar Malam section
  16. Oh yeah... thanks to you lor... I'm really thinking BIG Imagine... 4ft tank + 1ft external overflow + 4ft sump + 4 ft refugium & etc. Does it makes sense to anyone?!? anymore?!?
  17. Well... since when human activities do not impact nature in one way or another... especially controversial when it comes to HOBBY related: For example: 1) Golfing - How many trees have to come down to create a golf resort? Oh those poor animals that lost their habitats... 2) Diving/Snorkling - They leave wastes behind, the boats that take them there pollutes the surrounding, even their anchors damage the reef 3) Travel - They just discovered, air trails left by aircraft turbines (at night especially) contributes significantly to global warming The list will go on and on... So am I guilty of destroying nature? Well that's depending on which angle you looking at it... if building a house by the lake or generating electricity from hydroelectric dam are considered destroying nature... then perhaps I am guilty. I believe our knowledge and passion in this hobby will lead us to somewhere... perhaps preparing ourselves to conservation work and etc. in the future.
  18. Another round of discussion with my tank maker... 1) Final colour scheme: Dark grey (matte) with brushed aluminium doors (lamination, of course) 2) No refugium Not very practical given the small amount of space... kinda agree also lah... a 1' x 1.5' x 1' refugium will not make any difference in the overall system... only create more problem to solve later But I've decided to leave the left portion of the cabinet flexible Once I've recovered from the initial blast, I will extend the cabinet (using the same material, same height and depth) to another 4 feet or so. Then I can have a giant refugium running separately Can also have Q-tank lah... propagation tank lah... all sorts within that extended cabinet What you guys think?
  19. I suppose you referring to JBJ Nano Cube with lid off... well you can explore the following: 1) Aqua Medic Turbostar Flotor (attach pix) A reefer is selling: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=51298 2) Tunze Nano Reefpack I used a Tunze Reefpack 500 before for my Nano Cube 24G and it works wonderfully, I believe the Nano version of it should be pretty impressive also, comes with mechanical filter also... "lagi" best! 3) Deltec MCE600 Probably the best hang-on protein skimmer in the world! I'm currently using it for my 3ft tank. It is costly but it performs flawlessly!!! You can check price and spec at www.reefdepot.com.sg There are several others skimmers also, but I do not have experience with them. Good luck bro!
  20. Huh? Queen E II is here? How come BBC no report
  21. Wah bro... you really DIY king leh!!! Amazing! Flicker nice lah... can simulate glimmering effect better
  22. Emm... this will only be applicable to DIY units I believe... I don't think any other brand would dare to produce this Threadwheel impeller created by ATI But it does make people like Eheim and Aquabee (even Red Dragon) to relook at the Needlewheel technology... if it is as efficient, as cost effective to reproduce. If not, they will probably develop another method to counter pretty soon Any idea how we can come up with an even simpler impeller that will deliver that kinda microbubbles?
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