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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Just started 2 days ago? Emm... it will take a while then... allow at least 2 weeks to be certain
  2. What about adding T5 to balance (Aquablue Spezial)... a lot of huge tanks use both MH and T5 to achieve even illumination. They complete each other
  3. Roughly when you think the Nitrogen Cycle will complete? Can't wait to see Steve's scaping skill... Most probably I will do mine myself... more personal that way
  4. Haha... suddenly all the talk is so philosophical Bro Acidjazz... time to reveal your new toy (no I'm not referring to your Lambo)
  5. Bro, if you are gonna rescape... I have the following suggestion: 1) Choose the largest pieces for the base 2) Don't just lay the LR flat on the sand bed, play with it, rotate it around... you can also use 2 to 3 pieces to form a steady base (not necessarily stacking one on top of each other). 3) I would strongly suggest you use Epoxy to hold them together. Even apply a bit at the base (glass) to avoid the LR from sliding. If you have not put in the sand, I would suggest you add a piece of egg crate. 4) Create as much cave as possible. Caves must be hollow through the back (meaning not just a dead space to trap detritus). The hollow caves must allow water to flow from the front, go out from the back or vice-versa. Remember, any dead space is DEAD SPACE 5) Be patient, don't rush. It's not easy to achieve a good balance in scaping... but it is a very crucial step as too many of us (including my Percula 90) will end up unhappy with our scaping (due to lack of planning and knowledge) and there's nothing we can do... that's why the constant upgrading (one of the main reasons). Have fun bro... it's not gonna be hard for your tank size... just gotto be patient
  6. It's a CUP CORAL... a very nice addition to a reef tank I think it is very happy at its current position as the polyps can grab some pellets/mysis while feeding... although I expect the polyps to be more extended though
  7. Personally, I'm not too sure about the MINI for a cube tank. The throw will not be complete... what fixture and bulb are you currently using? Do bear in mind the amount of energy the lighting consumes = heat generation = chiller burden
  8. Flame you for what? BT being a monster only suitable for large tanks?!? Hahaha... well you can limit the amount of food lor... don't allow it to grow too fast... mine's a real monster, from 1.5" to 3" within 6 months... the front profile is so scary... totally obese
  9. You mean with some SPS colonies? I might...
  10. Bro did you use epoxy or glue to stick your LR together? If not, you may wanna consider as any dislodging LR can create disaster by breaking the tank glass
  11. Visit my sis Sorta family reunion I need to seriously plan the transition process already... not gonna be easy as I am reusing some of the existing equipments... so gotto coordinate properly
  12. Oh dear... evil cleaner shrimp Any pix to show your latest rock scaping? As for my office tank... delivery this Friday evening. Will take it slow but must decom Percula 90 by 20th September, coz I am going Sydney for more than a week
  13. Ok will post a FTS tomorrow... but nothing new lor... no LFS shopping for a very long time
  14. It depends on the water condition... my Red Rubies grown from 7 polyps to 25 polyps within 3 months But separating them is the hard part
  15. Wow! The Yellow Zoas colony is very rare looking... nice
  16. A rare occurance... Xenia curled up and air bubbles can be seen on the surface I hope nothing serious Will update you guys tomorrow
  17. My Purple Gonio is extending more than ever... got a feeling this specimen is gonna be another "love & hate" affair... extending so much causing problem to other nearby corals
  18. I think it's a Golden Neon Goby... cleaner :-) I've been looking for a specimen for a while now
  19. That's a HUGE clam!!! Is it a Gigas?
  20. I'm using a MCE600 hang-on type. Amazing little piece of equipment
  21. That's an indication that the tank is not ready... refrain from adding more LS for the time being... do a major water tests and 10% water change weekly
  22. I think Bro J's old 4ft tank also used the same table... so probably the table can "tahan" this smaller tank
  23. Once the moonlight is activated, your Stream will run continuously at 30%... no more pulse. You have to activate the night mode & moonlight functions by pressing the top right button twice, till LEDs for both Night Mode and Moon Light are activated.
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