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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. They are mad... for once I wish they manufacture the unit in China But it is the most advanced lighting fixture ever seen... very very sophisticated
  2. CORRECTION: Can't afford SOLARIS... a 4ft fixture costs $4000
  3. Bro AJ, thanks for the concern, perhaps I am jumping into SPS too early since I am relatively new in the hobby. However, I think this is the right time to start planning for it (not at later stage). Some of the issues highlighted: 1) Yes higher maintenance is expected (I think I'm ready for it) and yes small amount of fishes, that's why I wanna retain my home tank for FOWLR. 2) Yes, I read a lot about Zeovit. I will be using the Polyp Lab System Re-reshâ„¢ (claimed to be similar to Zeovit), since I have almost half left (4 bottles in a set), will continue to use it. 3) Yes a CR will come in as part of the new setup, may not be HUGE, but quite sizable for a 150 Gal setup. 4) I only have 2 x 6000, so will look into upgrading in the future. As both my 6000 were in fact 6100 with stepped down transformer, getting back to 6100 will not cost too much. Perhaps add a 6080. 5) Yes, SPS is more challenging and rewarding... and there's hell a lot to learn... 6) Lighting, will try out the SOLARIS LED lighting, if it is as good as they claim... 100 pieces of high output LEDs can do wonders See... it's not that hard... I've got everything settled... smooth sailing... hahaha but lots of readings, research and help needed from experienced reefers for sure
  4. Yeah u guys have such nice Zoas collection... really put mine to shame Love the Orange ring ones... is your Juvenile King still inside the tank?
  5. Thanks bro for the grand introduction... already checked, for a 4ft fixture... 300W of LEDs (100 pieces x 3W) Running 4 cooling fans... end up consuming about the same power as 6 x 54W T5 And in order to get the best out of the built-in computer programming... the unit gotto run 24 hours a day
  6. Latest update... May consider trying out SOLARIS for this new tank... will do more research on this product as it is very very new in the market... US Technology Most importantly to me... heat emission and power consumption
  7. Well... this little FREDDY also moves things around... guess have to live with it lah... it's quite exp though... $9 a piece I used to keep a Blue-legged too, this guy doesn't look as active/strong as the Blue-legged
  8. Hi bro I previously used 2 x 150W for my 3ft, it looks very bright to me. So shouldn't have any problem with SPS being on top of the reef. However, having 2 MH spread across 4ft length may be a bit more tricky as you may end up having darker zones. Secondly, what chiller are you using? Is it underpower? If yes, then consider properly before overloading your heat emission... then you will have upgrade your chiller... double whammy
  9. Oh I didn't know... now this gives new meaning to the specimen
  10. Were you referring to the banded legs? A bit lost... apparently the morning coffee has not kick-in
  11. Now that I've decided to keep the Percula 90 tank... let's see if I can stretch my existing equipments within the 2 tanks... and anymore damaging shopping list Percula 90 (FOWLR) Return Pump: Aquabee UP1000 Skimmer: AquaMedic Turboflotor Percula w/ PH2500 Filtration System: Tunze Reefpack 500 Auto Top-up: Tunze Osmolator Lighting: To be determined w/ AquaMedic Light Computer Chiller: No FR: Phosban Reactor 150 w/ Sicce Multi 800 Wavemaker: Tunze Stream 6060 Actually it is not too bad... only need to look for a set of (used) 2 x 39W T5 fixture... I think 2 tubes are sufficient as I do not intend to keep any corals... and to control heat emission since I will not run a chiller at home... finally I can enjoy a cool breezy night Maybe add some CPU fans for circulation What you guys think? Got a feeling water will rise to 30ºC during peak... u think inverts can survive the heat?
  12. Great to hear your Turboflotor is serving you well Yes tap water is bad... I gotto stop using tap water also You can try Sand Sifting Star, Gobies, Algae Blennies, Hermit (small only), all sorts of Snails, Sea Urchin... my Tangs clean the sand bed too Nah, your Anemone will not harm your Tangs... just have to worry the Anemone will not hurt itself by moving too near a pump/powerhead
  13. I think bro Lyz77 suggestion is very valid... do look at the overall current flow as it is very crucial... so crucial it can determine success/failure in a system. You have a lot of dead space trapped on your entire back wall (due to small pieces of LR leaning against the wall). This complicates the flow and it will not be an easy task to achieve optimum flow throughout the tank. Besides avoid trapping detritus (and dead fishes), good water circulation is needed to enable your LR to work its best! Dead zones are bad as the bacteria residing within the LR will not be able to get sufficient water turnover and air. The dissolve oxygen within dead zones are significantly lower than the rest of the tank too... A well circulated tank will bring more detritus to the sump, skimmer will be able to skim out more... your entire filtration system will work much more efficiently. If you feel discontent about it, do focus on this issue and find ways to improve the situation. No point keep adding corals. Everytime you change your current flow (by moving or add a Tunze/Seio) you will have to move some corals anyway... so why not do it at the initial stage
  14. Sorry wrong calculation... only $1440/annum... morning coffee has not kick-in yet
  15. Hehe... not only you lah... but your chiller is a real killer Yeah I may consider switching to MH later on... but the general rule of flooding the tank with 3 x 250W MH somehow doesn't appeal to me... power consumption is too high. As mentioned before, utility bill is something I can't hide from my CFO (now my business partners) and must be sensible in handling it. $120/month on electricity is insane (IMO) as it is an ongoing reliability that adds up to $2400/annum I think this issue has been downplayed too much. Also, be mindful of Singapore Power increment of average 12% per year Yes bro Lyz77, a lof of reefers gave up large tanks due to the maintenance costs and energy being a major one. That's where you CFO will keep nagging and nagging Just like our parents nagging about high telephone bills while we were young
  16. You must be joking me... let me calculate: 500W MH (8 hours daily) = $25/month Resun CL650 (650W - 8 hours daily) = $33/month These 2 items will easily increase my office tank power consumption from $60/month to $100/month and that's a lot of $$$ per annum Actually... I am wondering... how many reefers actually calculate their tank power consumption? I got a feeling a lot of reefers don't really care... or afraid to find out the truth
  17. It can be easily calculated... going to be around $55 to $60 a month
  18. Nope... I'm thinking of paying back the company... I think it's fair
  19. Emm... gotto target feed... haiz... that's the reason why I sold my Suns I believe Cup Coral can generate its own food from photosynthesis right? My Shore Goby resting on top of my Goniopora
  20. 12W is very impressive... will save a lot of energy in the long run... you looking for a Deltec also? If you are planning to sell your Tunze later, let me know As for your tuning of the Tunze, just leave it for a few days
  21. What do you use to feed them? My Cup Coral sometimes manage to catch some pellets
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